erajwsu is
11 years ago
exploring for the first time. Wish me luck!
latest #9
11 years ago
Erik, given you particular background, I might suggest Google Sites instead.
carlyn226 says
11 years ago
Good Luck!!!
erajwsu says
11 years ago
mkbwsu: Thank you, Dr. Barbour for that suggestion. I have already pretty much completed the weebly one, but I will take some time over the next few days to explore Google Sites. I am excited!
11 years ago
Yeah, for the professional profile I was talking about in EER8700, Google Sites is a bit better. The nice thing is if you have both (say as you can direct all of the pages to your Google
11 years ago
Sites page. So you get and to further brand yourself.
adelsteind says
11 years ago
I use Weebly with the kiddies in class and for my union. Ease of use is perfect for students, while the PRO mode ($40/year or so) gives the union password protected areas. Great stuff.
erajwsu says
11 years ago
adelsteind: oh wow, that sounds like it pretty much pays for itself after a few uses. Does your school district pick up the tab for the pro account, by any chance? I am just curious.
adelsteind says
11 years ago
No...for the kids we strictly go with the free mode. It's fairly robust for no cost! The union splurges and pays me back for the advanced controls. :-)
erajwsu says
11 years ago
adelsteind: Not bad not bad! :-)
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