I was thinking about staying a night in Limerick, then I read about it, one person said...
latest #22
"I walked through every town in Ireland, I ran through Limerick."
i think that's where the evil leprechauns are
they dont have addresses in ireland, makes finding shit pretty fucking interesting, good thing I didnt buy a GPS
everyone's too busy drinking to bother with silly things like an address
it's down the cobblestone street, just past the haunted castle
I hope Eddie Murphy doesn't jump out and scare me.
It was a terribly oblique reference to the Haunted Mansion movie. -1/10 for me - doh!
i was somehow combining Haunted Mansion with picking up a tranny... definitely worth more than a negative one score... how about 6/10?
I didn't know she had a peniz officer - honest!
What lost you? The penis officer?
I could never get above penis corporal.
I was a conscientous objector in the peen war.
Sean Connery: I've got to ask you about the Penis Mightier. Alex Trebek: What? No. No, no, that is The Pen is Mightier.
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