對沒有時間煮飯的媽媽們,看來又是一個好選擇 ”歐香楊媽媽私房菜”
latest #27
Hi All, This was the owner of 歐香Cafe. She closed the restaurant previously and she had been doing the home delivery for a while.
Now her husband drove the food truck to the front of Irvine Healthy Clinic (China garden plaza between Walnt and Jeffrey) between 5:00 pm-6:00 pm.
If you haven't picked up after 6:00 pm, her husband will put inside of Irvine Healthy Clinic. Or you can go to her house to pick up in Tustin Ranch.
Please see the information below. Thanks! ”歐香楊媽媽私房菜”
2/5 Tuesday 干煎金昌 豬肉滷白菜 時菜 蕃茄豆腐蛋花湯
2/6 Wednesday 京醬肉絲 香菇素肉燥 時菜 黃瓜甜不辣湯
2/7 Thursday 香菇蒸雞 涼伴素雞 時菜 酸辣湯
2/8 Friday 台式米糕 台式炒米粉 肉圓x3 綜合湯
Please choose any day(s) you would like to order, and email me back by 2/03/2013(Sunday). We will also accept order(s) if you let us know one day ahead.
If you have any questions please call Yang Ma Ma at 714-734-9309.
e-mail address:
[email protected]
Thx for sharing!
沒有 是同學媽媽說的 她說份量不小 一家四口可以吃到第二餐 可是沒訂過 不知如何耶
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