your task is to make a jet out of the materials found on the island and draw a heart in the sky.
this task isn't so bad ^^ (judging by the other ones...)
where they should look for the parts...
That the jungle part of the island will be a starter
go look around in the bushes.
found a small scrap of metal~ "Yuni, how big do you think the jet's gonna be?"
Big enough for the two of us I suppose.
make some sort of shelter... Just incase we're here for days. Which we probably are.
if we also have to find all the pieces of the machinery on the jet...
they could make something out of leafs and branchs like in the movies
go and start design the jet... "Yuni, how do you think we'll be able to draw a heart in the sky?"
Maybe the smoke from the engine?
this is gonna be harder then expected... And he can't use illusions...
finds a few pieces of broken bark from a tree.
getting kind of hungry... He forgot to bring ramen...
hungry as well what is there to eat here?
there must be berries of some sort somewhere.
Walks back with black berries in her hands. "I found a whole bush of them."
glad~ "That's great. Lets make a basket for them, then find some water to wash them~"
go search for a stream or lake~
go look around the trees for fallen branches.
found a lake and decides to go fishing.
finds more branchs and finds some vines they can use as rope.