axonvet dice
11 years ago
latest #37
axonvet dice
11 years ago
看不懂啊 QQ (這時候要搖晃kkc)
miaoski dice
11 years ago
miaoski dice
11 years ago
MOS dice
11 years ago
英文=京片子 美語=台灣國語 這樣? XD
axonvet dice
11 years ago
如果有人看過Law and Order的UK 版本廣告, 就知道我在說什麼了 QQ
axonvet dice
11 years ago
axonvet dice
11 years ago
而且這裡只有列出名詞和形容詞,我翻到的歌詞是片語 = =
axonvet dice
11 years ago
11 years ago
呃,不知道耶... 一半的字我日常有在用。另一半聽都沒聽過... XD
axonvet dice
11 years ago
axonvet dice
11 years ago
I’ve heard the things they said to me, I’ve bogged meself in stuff
axonvet dice
11 years ago
好吧, 這句沒有前後文不好猜...下一句
axonvet dice
11 years ago
I'll drag me hook, I'll just unfront, I'm heading for the door
miaoski dice
11 years ago
MOS dice
11 years ago 用這個查看看?
axonvet dice
11 years ago
MOS: 我翻完了 XD
axonvet dice
11 years ago
miaoski: 每個字都認識吧, 哈哈~
axonvet dice
11 years ago
MOS: 這個字典真妙啊...好多髒字,難道是英國人做的...Orz
MOS dice
11 years ago
不知耶~之前翻暴雪藍帖也是用一堆莫名其妙的字 很多都類似我們的流行語啦~口語或縮寫之類 不在文化內根本很難懂 上網找資料時意外發現這個站 對於翻一些怪用法還滿有幫助的 XD
axonvet dice
11 years ago
axonvet dice
11 years ago
等等...為什麼旁邊出現了三國美女如雲的廣告...= =
miaoski dice
11 years ago
axonvet: 沒有! unfront 我不認識啊....
miaoski dice
11 years ago
axonvet: 那個廣告是看妳的 IP 決定的。妳在台灣的 IP 所以發台灣的廣告給妳看...
axonvet dice
11 years ago
miaoski: 是的, 但是他讓貂蟬小姐穿比基尼Bra啊...(眼神死)
axonvet dice
11 years ago
miaoski: kkc說他認為front是某個意思, 你會猜是什麼?
axonvet dice
11 years ago
axonvet dice
11 years ago
Song of a Drifter
I’ve cut me load and that’s me song, it’s time I hit the track
I’ve been round here for far too long and now I’m headin’ back
axonvet dice
11 years ago
I’m splittin’ from this worn out scene, I’m packin’ up me gear
I’m takin’ off for pastures green, I’m snatchin’ it from here.
axonvet dice
11 years ago
I’ve heard the things they said to me, I’ve bogged meself in stuff
I’ve took responsibility and now I’ve had enough
axonvet dice
11 years ago
I'll drag me hook, I'll just unfront, I'm heading for the door
I'm casting off, I'll pole me punt, I'm not here any more
axonvet dice
11 years ago
So good luck, mate, I’m movin’ on, I’ll leave the place to you
And if they ask you where I’ve gone, just tell them I shot through.
And if we meet some other place, no stranger will you be
axonvet dice
11 years ago
I’ll remember name and face, you’ve all been good to me
I’ll greet you like a brother, I’ll make you laugh somehow
And then one day I’ll drift away just like I’m doin’ now.
MOS dice
11 years ago
front=前 (google翻譯說的) unfront=不前 (我亂猜的) XD 以前翻藍帖也常常這樣亂猜字 XDDD
axonvet dice
11 years ago
kkc認為,front在這裡是偽裝的意思 (不知道為什麼他會這樣認為,屠龍小說經常這樣用嗎 = = )
MOS dice
11 years ago
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