filia wants
15 years ago
to quit coffee
latest #47
studyboy says
15 years ago
for a baby healthy, yeah, you must quit of coffee.
Sifra says
15 years ago
wakkak for baby
Sifra says
15 years ago
pinkparis thinks
15 years ago
we are too addicted n cannot let go from it :-))
bygone says
15 years ago
filia says
15 years ago
coffee makes teeth look ugly.. I paid a lot for the whitening tooth tough, n they're still look yellowish
bygone says
15 years ago
aw.. you shouldnt do that too often. it's damaging ur teeth way too quick. you'll be toothless before you knew it :'-(
studyboy says
15 years ago
coffee is natural medicine when you stress or headache, coffee has aroma to bring you relax sensation, coffee is great for wake up you
pinkparis thinks
15 years ago
i will keep drinking it then (drinking)
henokh says
15 years ago
zzz. I've more head ache when I consumed coffee. :-(
henokh says
15 years ago
for relaxing : I agree.. :-))
pinkparis says
15 years ago
duh, jadi pengen Hazelnut Coffee Latte (mmm)
studyboy says
15 years ago
headache problem is you have thought too much world problem/ life problem. Blank your mind, and feel the aroma of Coffee, and drink it.
studyboy says
15 years ago
Hazelnut Coffee Latte, yeah that is my favorite too. Please try that coffee at Bengawan Solo Coffee.
pinkparis says
15 years ago
not quite like Bengawan Solo, the coffee is too light, hehehe. my fave is the Starbuck's
bygone says
15 years ago
*blanking the mind* :-&
bygone says
15 years ago
starbuck's all da wayy... i like gloria jean's too tho.. tp yg di TA da tutup :-(
pinkparis says
15 years ago
but actually i love Coffee Bean than Starbuck's, u can find Gloria Jean's in Semanggi Plaza ;-)
studyboy says
15 years ago
repot amat, beli aja la kopi bubuk di pasar atau di supermarket trus aduk sendiri.... di rumah :-P
studyboy says
15 years ago
I called it HOME Coffee Latte, wuihihihihi
pinkparis says
15 years ago
hehehe, klo itu dah tiap hari, Good Day sachet beli di sebelah (LOL)
bygone says
15 years ago
coffee bean range nya kurang... enakan sbuxx *tetep*
pinkparis says
15 years ago
bygone : :-P maksa mode on
pinkparis says
15 years ago
but i agree if it's related to the range, starbuck's got many kind of syrup.
bygone says
15 years ago
iya masa hr gini masih nga ada minuman green tea :-P
pinkparis says
15 years ago
:-& aneh ah yg green tea
henokh says
15 years ago
jd kangen mint frapuccinno nya buck.. :-(
inne_in says
15 years ago
coffee bean...
filia says
15 years ago
arifin: really? try this.. go to sleep with a dozen of Rotiboys.. let me know if u puke olredi ^^
filia says
15 years ago
my fav Starbuck coffee Latte
filia says
15 years ago
plain no flavors added
inne_in says
15 years ago
fil, kayaknya arifin bakal makan deh, gak jadi bobok
inne_in says
15 years ago
coffee bean kayaknya lebih berasa kopinya
studyboy says
15 years ago
pantesan dari tadi gw bersin nulu ... ada yang ngomongin gw to hihihihi gpp de yg penting yg ngomongin gw ini 2 cw cantik (K) salam cium
inne_in says
15 years ago
filia says
15 years ago
kalo si arifin dah bilang cantik2 biasanya diikuti dgn berbagai tuntutan yg merugikan. Next time dia bilang 'cantik' kita jitak aja rame2
studyboy says
15 years ago
cium rame rame dong (K)
studyboy says
15 years ago
ini topiknya kopi bisa jadi ke topik ciuman hihihihi seru seru
filia says
15 years ago
yantooooo wakilin
inne_in says
15 years ago
inne_in says
15 years ago
fil, don't vommit yah.... wkwkwkwk... untung g gak disono
pinkparis says
15 years ago
(lmao) *baca filia minta diwakilin yanto*
studyboy says
15 years ago
(annoyed) kok jadi gak happy ending si ni topik
filia says
15 years ago
eh jgn sembarangan ya.. biar homo juga si Yanto pilih2 tau.. kalo ga dibayar biasa ga mau cipok
studyboy says
15 years ago
ud aa gw out ud melenceng ke topik Homo skrg ....
bygone says
15 years ago
die bitches!!!!
filia says
15 years ago
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