12 years ago
Voice test on D_M for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit ;D
latest #112
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Dark Secret: I have actually been tempted to RP Mickey because of...well, Epic Mickey.
12 years ago
omg 8D
12 years ago
12 years ago
brother /reach
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Like I am with any of my characters.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
EM just made me so full of Disney Feels.
12 years ago
You could always just keep him to memes and whatnot at first! But I think you'd probably be awesome at it :<
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
i probably would.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
But I'd have to like, binge on Disney shorts.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I see nothing wrong with this.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
....maybe some Mickey and the Three Musketeers.
12 years ago
Pff no there is nothing wrong at all with that heck
12 years ago
that's pretty much a normal night for me >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
....I'd have to dig out the old VHS tapes.
12 years ago
I live in Orlando so I can't throw a rock without hitting something Mickey Mouse anyway akdfjgh
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
lolololol true
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
The thing that makes me shy from mickey is that his personality is kind of....barely there.
12 years ago
I think he's just a solidly good guy. It's not so much that he has no personality, but more that he just... hasn't got a lot of flaws.
12 years ago
But over-optimism can be a flaw depending on the situation :-P
12 years ago
Nooo smiley
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
No, that's very true!
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
And I'm probably going to include Epic Mickey bits too because well...I made him good there anyway.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
...well, actually more of an in between.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
leaning towards good.
12 years ago
He's definitely not perfect in Epic Mickey >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Nope >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
He's still generally good intentioned, just still mischeivious.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I liked that middleground.
12 years ago
I imagine it would be a really unique challenge to play him
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
It would, that's why I'm sort of scared and intrigued at the same time. His speech pattern's at least easy to remember since I was practically raised on Disney as a kid >>
12 years ago
Ahaha yeah ;; I think I can call up Wayne Allwine's voice in my head at any given moment
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I know I can. I don't even play him yet, but I already heard him voice a reply to your Oswald post XD
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
...Yeah, severely tempted now. Gotta think of a name and everything. If he remains gameless, there's always the musebox 8D
12 years ago
I definitely would love to thread with you on d_m if nothing else >>;
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Yes >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
...after I finish this game I will get to making a journal name
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Then go hunting for Epic Mickey screencaps for icons
12 years ago
Yeah it was a nightmare finding anything workable for Os
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I can imagine D:
12 years ago
I wanted to cap the digicomics but I couldn't get them in a viable format to do that :/
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Aww :c
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
What do you mean a viable format?
12 years ago
I could only get them on my iPad for some reason ;;
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Aw :c If I knew where to get them for free I could try to screencap em?
12 years ago
Iiiii don't know where to get them free either ):
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago does beloved_mouse sound for a journal name? >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
12 years ago
I'm so proud of myself ;D AND EXCITED!!
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
8D My icons aren't the best but I AM GOING TO GIVE THIS A TRY
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I'll start another game of Epic Mickey for a short speech-pattern review, at least XD Then tomorrow will be all of the shorta.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
ahahaha, someone else beat me to the reply. Oh well, I'll do my best tomorrow
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Although most of mine will be voice testing too XD
12 years ago
I'm back around now so anytime you want to tag, feel free--but no rush x3
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I'm working on one! I just finished watching Mickey and the Three Musketeers C:
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Tagged! Hope it's okay. Mickey, you are too nice for your own good sometimes.
12 years ago
Hooray! :-D
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I've actually grown tiny bits of headcanon while playing Epic Mickey, and it hurts so good with cute
12 years ago
Oh do tell??
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Like, Mickey was actually kind of freaked out when he first went to Mickeyjunk Mountain.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Because even with all the stuff he's been through, there's just something about a mound of dirty, broken merchandise with your face staring back at you that's just unnerving. I fell to my death so many times
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
when I first went there, so I chalked it up to that as lulz.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I also think he's aware of his jerkassery in his early days and love of mischief, but the latter he keeps up because well, it's fun. 8D Like, I think I'm going to sort of take from the different eras instead of
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
just playing Mickey from one.
12 years ago
I think that's a great idea and I'm +1ing your headcanon :-P
12 years ago
12 years ago
Your Mickey voice is great omg
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Thanks! =D I just imagine him playing cheerleader for his jaded brother at times and it's so adorable.
12 years ago
Ahhh I agree adkfjgh
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Oswald would be a grumpy gus and Mickey his jolly mirror. (I need more Mickey icons khsfkjdgh not nearly enough.)
12 years ago
99% of my oswald icons are of him going like 8(
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
and I have a feeling the rest of my mickey's are gonna be like 8-)
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
...8 )
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
[lousy emotes]
12 years ago
what is that smiley
12 years ago
I have one Oswald one that's like 8D!!! and the rest are like my life sucks
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Well, it has been a hard knock life for him.
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
and I have no idea.
12 years ago
Poor rabbit. >>
12 years ago
I'm going to visit his bro's empire tonight :|
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
XD looool
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I'm going to be playing Epic Mickey and watching cutscenes for more icons.
12 years ago
I should get back to EM2
12 years ago
I was near the end, but I had it from Gamefly and I wanted to get Ni No Kuni instead >>;
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
XD I should be doing other canon reviews, buuuuut this is fun [had to go out for a bit, but I'm back now]
12 years ago
Probably an incredible contrast to playing Kristoph >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Good god, is it ever I was surprised with myself when i got the itchy need to play Mickey Mouse of all characters
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I've been playing tricksy creepers for so long that a simple, friendly character felt like it'd be something I'd never manage.
12 years ago
I have a similar situation with Oswald--been playing the optimistic dork types for so long it's odd playing a downer >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Lol, seems like we have the reverse situations XD
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
I figure cartoon characters have some awareness of story tropes, especially ones they've acted out themselves. >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
And Mickey's played just about...everything.
12 years ago
Yeah, and I imagine Mickey would especially
12 years ago
He's been at this for a long time >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Yeah. He's pretty savvy at cause and effect, especially since he loved causing all kinds of the latter >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago I just imagining some meta-land where Mickey encounters TV tropes and actually remembers some of those applying to his 'toons. "Ha-hah! I've done that before."
12 years ago
LOL oh that's amusing >>
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Iknorite >>
12 years ago
I gotta run now--I'll tagback later!
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
Jolly Manticore
12 years ago
See ya <3
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