I've got like three different halves of applications written :/
I hate writing personality sections
I understand the point but
Also I'm kind of looking for a lighter game to app a different muse into?? Not a lot of light ones out there
yeah, personality sections are eeevil aha
yeah people tend to like more serious depressing stuff
Not good for Disney characters >>
I'm sure there's something hiding somewhere thoughc:
Personality sections are the worst. That's what I'm stuck on for Kristoph at the moment XD
I have a hard time wording them >>
Especially when it involves writing the character as some kind of 'nice' when you already know otherwise. >>
I just always am like "HE'S PHOENIX, THAT EXPLAINS IT :|"
Where as I just want to say "KRISTOPH LIES THROUGH THAT PRETTY FACE OF HIS." And an assortment of other things
None of which would work in an app.
Yeah XD It'd be more fun to write if I could...
Man, I got a million of 'em
Phoenix is just a complete dork who would throw himself off a bridge for anybody, the end...
Yeeaaaah....In a way, that's a good thing.
He's the sweetest thing it kills my heart.
He has a lot of love to dole out
to all his bros and brosis...es
I don't even know for sure what game to send him to at this point argh
I'm probably only going to app to Para because public rp anxiety. >>
gdi i have to drop out of para when a kristoph arrives
becos kristoph is my favorite aa character of all time practically
i'll probably end up stalking you and yes.
when I get to Para, I will make a plurk, just broadcasting how sorry I am for all the horrible things that he's going to do to those poor people.
and a-aww, that'll be kinda neat...
I wish I'd had a chance to play there with you ):
You said you might come back someday, and yeah :C
I mostly RP on AIM. Public stuff gives me the willies so that's why it's taking me forever to app.
No like. Ugh KRISTOPH. <333
That was essentially my reaction to him while watching the game.
I can't wait to see him terrorize everyone
I'm going to have a Klavier apping with me, but that is in no way going to staunch the awful.
But, but
Cuttlefishery: we can always RP and stuff on museboxes. I happen to have one c: We just gotta...figure out what to play XD;
I don't really do "on the fly" very well anymore...
udhffgkfdjgnnn and a Klavier! aaaaaa
this is when I want to cry, ema muse no get out
The Klavier player is actually the one who enabled me into D_M
which then tempted me into Para.
I really want to do what we were discussing--Kristoph and Phoenix chatting immediately post-disbarrment
i do too. I've been sort of wondering how that would play out ever since it came up.
All the faked-sympathy ever.
No no Macey you can come chat too
I wasn't trying to run anyone out :<
Yes, the more the merrier ^__^
I need to get this personality section done but auugh later.
I already got the loss and such sort of figured out
for the greatest irony of deliciousness...