Romano is
11 years ago
making himself an espresso. He feels like he needs the pick me up for some reason.
latest #36
William thinks
11 years ago
he should share the wealth and make him one too~
11 years ago
side eyes him a little, but starts to make the other a cup as well. He hasn't seen the other in a very long time, he supposes he can try to be nice....
William thinks
11 years ago
he should be nice~ He had come all the way from Australia for the Italian's coffee. 'How have you been, Romano?'
11 years ago
sneezes twice. But he's not sick! "Fine. Just feeling a little shitty." He finishes up the espresso, sliding the small cup over to William. "Yourself?" He'll be nice, because the other was forced to endure_
11 years ago
_that eyebrows bastard for so long.
11 years ago
frowns in concern, lifting a hand to the nation's brow to test his temperature. 'Fine... although you're looking less than stellar.'
11 years ago
bats his hand away. "I'm fine. Maybe I just need longer siestas or something...." He takes his espresso like a shot, hoping it'll wake him up a little.
11 years ago
hums. He was sure the nation was a bit toasty. It wasn't a full blown fever but... 'You sure you should be drinking that while you're coming down with something.'
11 years ago
throws back his own too.
11 years ago
huffs softly. "I'm not coming down with anything, I'm not sick." His body was just being...shitty. That's all. "Do you want pasta or anything?" Shitty bodies were no excuse for being a bad host.
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'Why don't you just go have a rest and I'll let myself out?' Although he doubted the nation would sleep well with all that caffeine. 'Or atleast take a seat and we can chat or watch a film or_
11 years ago
Romano gives
11 years ago
him a look. "Look. I'm not sick..." Not that he would listen. "But if you would rather watch a movie, that's fine too..."
11 years ago
wouldn't listen. 'Alright. Just point me in the direction of your blankets though, cause it's effing freezing.' He would of course one upon the Italian too.
11 years ago
doesn't think it's that cold. "Second floor, third door on your right." The linen closet was filled with them. "I'm going to go fetch some wine." Wine always made him feel better.
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow at that, moving to the hall to start up the stairs. 'Sick people shouldn't drink,' he tuts teasingly before going to fetch several blankets. It was the middle of the winter here! It was_
11 years ago
freezing compared to home.
11 years ago
[I think plurk ate the first half of that response D: ]
11 years ago
((Try refreshing? It's been playing up. :c ))
11 years ago
goes to fetch the wine anyways. "Then good thing I'm not sick..." He sneezes again, which frustrates him a little more. But he carries the bottle, and two glasses back to the living room.
11 years ago
[got it~]
11 years ago
smirks when he hears the sneeze, quickly making his way back down with a couple of blankets and entering what he presumes is the livingroom. 'What movies have you got?'
11 years ago
may have grabbed a box of tissues as well >>;; "I don't know...decades worth. Feliciano just buys them all the time, whatever you want to watch, I'm sure its there..." Well...between Italian, Spanish, and _
11 years ago
_American movies...
11 years ago
eyes up the tissues, placing some of the blankets on the couch before he unfolds one and covers the other with it... also covering his head by accident. 'How about the Godfather?' He wasn't really sure what the
11 years ago
italian liked...
11 years ago
flails a little, before managing to push off the blankets, glaring at the other for a moment. "Si...we have that." Huff. Getting up, he slips in the DVD, before settling back in the pile of blankets, holding_
11 years ago
_out a wine glass for the other.
11 years ago
laughs at the flailing, sitting himself down beside the other. He accepts the glass easily, grinning. 'How gracious.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, grumbling under his breath a little. He starts the movie as he takes a sip of wine.
11 years ago
Sips his own wine, pulling one of the blankets over to cover himself. 'So... Is this actually what it was like or did America get it wrong?'
11 years ago
snorts "America...has his own ideas. They are not necessarily the right ideas."
11 years ago
[I've actually never seen the Godfather ;; ]
11 years ago
[... Nor have I xD ]
11 years ago
Nods, 'Sounds like America...' He had witnessed the pain that was the film Australia after all. 'I bet you get a lot of tourists though.'
11 years ago
hums softly. "Feliciano gets lots of tourists. I get them too, but not as much..." Even less since the mafia has been...acting up lately >>;;
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