11 years ago
why is my timeline showing as empty????? Anybody knows?
Paco Pooley
11 years ago
hm - first plurk is kinda borked because they fill in a new function - but could it be that you only show "my plurks" instead of "all plurks"? (unsure)
11 years ago
yeah, that's what I mean - when O look at "my plurks" there is NOTHING (except this one) - sorry, I should have been clearer - does Plurk deletes your plurks if your karma falls under a certain level?
I see lots of plurks on your timeline - guess it's just plurk acting up
11 years ago
yeah, it is, I see them now - oh good, I was worried there! Thank you! :-)
Paco Pooley
11 years ago
LOL - well we are used to lag and bugs in SL - guss we shopuld become used to the same thing in plurk also