WretchedDollie asks
12 years ago
if there is a way to get group notices from announcements that come when you are not online? I can't ever seem to open them without going to the group and looking them up from past notices. It's irksome.
latest #19
Onyx Pu-239
12 years ago
If I recall correctly, there is a setting in preferances to have all those notices dumped to your email.
12 years ago
mine rarely come through these days and i have mine set to email them to me.
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
it's not reading the notices that is the problem, it's the attached notecards, etc.
12 years ago
no way to get the attached notes sent to email, though doesn't it seem like a no brainer to be able to read and see note cards and textures in email?
12 years ago
i've never been able to read attached notes without logging in and i'm not sure that it's possible.
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
right, Miss Serra. You would think the attachments would show up in email as an attachment. Maybe SL 2.0, LOL
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
Maddy, I can read the notecards in world. The problem I have is that the notices that arrive when I am no online that have attachments will not allow me to click on the notecards and receive them to inventory
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
or open. I have to manually go to the group and open them from there. It's fekking lame. I wonder how many people this happens to on a regular basis and whether this has anything to do with lost sales
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
since people are basically kind of lazy about it, myself included.
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
It seems like the only ones I can open directly are the ones that arrive when I am online and willing to open right then and there. I wonder if there is a Jira for this. Anyone know?
12 years ago
what drives me insane is when I get an email saying someone sent me a notecard and I have to sit through 5 more hours of work till I can read it.
12 years ago
ah ok. yeah, sometimes i have this problem too and i am not sure why! or i will click it and it will take 5-10 minutes before it decides to actually open or save it.
Nevermore says
12 years ago
there also seems to be some sort of timeout for the attachments.. like I'll be online but afk. I come back and the older notices that popped up wont let me save. I basically have to do the same thing you did..
Nevermore says
12 years ago
Open them up from each individual group. Very frustrating.
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
Aye, synjari, exactly what I mean! I wonder how many times people have lost sales for that very reason. I am beginning to think the only way to deliver update info not is to do the subscriber thingy.
Nevermore says
12 years ago
honestly I get more hits that way anyways.. not everyone has spots for group slot. Been leaving group for VIP gifts so those are folks who would likely check their notices anyways.
Nevermore says
12 years ago
The other thing I do is try to wait til 'prime time' to release a notice so that less people are offline.
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
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