11 years ago
Think I'm "aging out" of the anime con cosplay scene. I seriously feel utter disgust toward most of the new cosplayers because they are so impatient, needy, whiny, and entitled. Get over yourselves!
latest #28
11 years ago
...I thought cosplayers had always been like this fff
11 years ago
I'm more bothered by the spectators than the cosplayer community. They're getting extremely nasty and nitpicky these days
☼ ᴠɪʟ
11 years ago
the best and easiest thing to do is to not go to the forums or wherever they concregate
☼ ᴠɪʟ
11 years ago
hang with us cool cats instead
11 years ago
honestly? I only find the more entitled, whiny ones from the younger people. Still in their early teens that think are hot stuff
11 years ago
most thankfully grow out of that if they continue the hobby
☼ ᴠɪʟ
11 years ago
the ones who make all-pleather saber coats
11 years ago
Well, considering my birthday is around Katsu time and my age at that point, I think I'm just disgusted with teenagers and people older than that who should know better.
11 years ago
I don't go on forums much anymore because it's too much like what I deal with at work.
11 years ago
I think I'm tired of helping cosplayers and am to the point where their failures and fuckups are very entertaining to me.
11 years ago
Probably a terrible attitude for an educator to hold, but whatevs. I do my best to help my students.
☼ ᴠɪʟ
11 years ago
☼ ᴠɪʟ
11 years ago
i look at them and think oh my god was i one of you once
11 years ago
It's like that one gif of older naruto and younger naruto talking...
mourning dove
11 years ago
They should learn through their mistakes. Most teens don't get that. Hell most people my age don't even understand it.
11 years ago
Issokay Alison
11 years ago
I've been leaving the crowd very slowly for the past two years.
11 years ago
At this point I'm only sticking around for Unkie and everyone else I see at cons that I would otherwise not see.
11 years ago
It's not necessarily a bad thing, though.
11 years ago
I mean... phasing out and stuff
11 years ago
Indeed. I know I'm sort of slowing down and making fewer and fewer new things per year. I basically only go to cons to hang out too. I think Ren Faires and CostumeCon may be more my flavorings.
11 years ago
Damn kids causin' a ruckus!
11 years ago
The weird thing about teens now and thinking back to when I was in my teens, I was nothing like these kids today. My parents would've beaten me multiple times for being so bold, rude, and bratty. I trolled my
11 years ago
parents for a while and did shit I knew was going to annoy them, but it was never disrespectful or mean-spirited. You know, typical teen stuff like listening to music your parents hate, wearing a few stupid
11 years ago
shirts your parents hate. Not getting a haircut, playing electric guitar and keyboard with an amp that's worth far more than the guitar and joining a garage band... silly shit like that.
11 years ago
I guess I just am not used to the disrespect and "diva" behavior since I was never a part of that. It's so unbecoming.
11 years ago
Indeed. :|a
11 years ago
It's weird though, there are some cons I would hate to give up but there again, it's because they're singular events where friends from all over flock to. When else can I see these people?!
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