WretchedDollie shares
12 years ago
It's BB!
latest #9
12 years ago
Oh, Baby Bunny is all grown up!
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
She is so cute and still very much plays the part of the "baby". I see her trying to get Mama Bunnie to take care of her. She's not as open to being cuddled as Mama, but she does let me pet the side of her face
WretchedDollie says
12 years ago
on occasion, and it always has to be on her terms. She has noooo problem pushing my hand away when she's annoyed.
WretchedDollie shares
12 years ago
It's Mama-Bun!
WretchedDollie shares
12 years ago
Mama bun is a huuuuge fluffball. She's so tiny under all that hair. I can pretty much do anything to her and she's ok or tolerates it. I've had to give her a bath a few times and she's let me use the
WretchedDollie shares
12 years ago
blow dryer on her, LOL. Such a ham. She really, really likes the head scratching and will even let me touch her neck, which bunnies don't usually do.
WretchedDollie shares
12 years ago
When I scratch her head she does the little "tooth grinding" which means that she likes it. Miss Eleanor, you should have seen her scarf down the basil I gave her today
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