Heracles wishes
11 years ago
it would hurry up and be warm again. Cold breezes didn't sit right with him.
latest #130
Turkey is
11 years ago
having fairly decent weather himself, minus some of the rain.
11 years ago
sits on an empty beach wearing long thick slacks and a hoodie over a couple of shirts and is still cold. Seems he doesn't have Turkey's thick skin...
11 years ago
had maybe come looking for him. Though he was wearing an over sized coat himself now.
Heracles is
11 years ago
the only one foolish enough to be near a sandy beach on a windy evening so when he sees the other nation in the distance he is curious to know why he's come here of all places. He waves a gloved hand to_
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show his presence, then goes back to huddling away from the breeze.
11 years ago
spotted him and headed over to him, hands tucked in the pockets of the coat. When he got close enough he paused. "You have a thing for beaches apparently."
11 years ago
tucks the lower half of his face into his hoodie. 'I guess I was hoping the memory of sun, sea and sand would be enough. But it isn't.' He sighs. 'Serves me right for coming to the coast.'
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he moved to take a seat next to him. "Goes to show you are foolish." He looked over at him and laughed a bit. "You look foolish to."
11 years ago
shoves him half-heartedly whilst watching the waves. 'Let's not forget you are also here, Maskface. I'm not the only fool.' He pauses, looking down at himself suddenly self-conscious about looking foolish.
11 years ago
laughed at the shove and straightened himself as he looked out at the water for a bit. "I came looking for a foolish Greek... I suppose that does make me foolish."
11 years ago
'No such thing as a 'foolish Greek',' He replies almost immediately. 'And yeah...it does.' His hidden smile is evident in his tone. 'What you needing me for, anyhow?'
11 years ago
almost burst out laughing again at that statement and the immediateness of it. "I'm looking at a foolish Greek right now who is clearly cold." He grinned a bit as he looked away again. "And I was bored."
11 years ago
turns to look at him, obviously just as amused. 'I knew it. You're a sadist. You're taking pleasure in my discomfort instead of helping.' He flicks sand onto Turkey's shoes. 'Nothing more dangerous than_
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a bored Turk.'
11 years ago
smiles even more at that and nods as he moved to wrap an arm around the Greek's shoulders. "And a bored Greek just sleeps. I could warm you up if you wanted."
11 years ago
can't argue with his first statement. Initially he flinches, half expecting Turkey to be getting revenge over how he left him last time, but the prospect of warmth helped him overcome it. Acting like he wasn't_
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interested, he still shuffles closer and lets out a 'Mmh' of thanks. 'I guess since you did think to wear a coat...'
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didn't comment on that, not minding the additional warmth of sitting closer to him. "One of us has to be the smart one."
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smiles. 'No. The smart one would have been the one to suggest we leave and go get a hot drink or something.' He shakes his head, laughing. 'I'm afraid we're both a little foolish in that aspect. Idiot.'
11 years ago
laughed as he held onto him lightly. "Or maybe I wanted to sit here like this and enjoy not fighting with you for once."
11 years ago
, encouraged by Turkey's light grip, shifts closer and huddles into him whilst maintaining a carefree, disinterested expression. He hums to himself. 'Where's the fun in that?' He jokes, inwardly agreeing the_
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peaceful meeting was quite enjoyable.
11 years ago
grinned and laughed as he moved to pull away. "Well then how about some hot food then and maybe a good fight."
11 years ago
looks positively horrified to suddenly lose the body heat, but he then schools his expression and nods. 'Sounds promising. If we damage anything in the process, you're paying for it.'
11 years ago
reached out to help him up once he was standing. He smiled at that, "since you cannot afford it, sure."
11 years ago
takes his hand and then pushes him down the path. 'Low blow.' He mutters, ears going a little red. 'But yeah.' He digs his hands in his pockets and walks past Turkey with a purposeful stride.
11 years ago
rolled his eyes as he waited for him to lead the way before he followed him. "Sorry I'll treat to dinner, how about that?"
11 years ago
lets a small smile show on the corner of his mouth. 'Only if I get to order the most expensive meal on the menu.' He doubts he actually would but he figured he'd at least use it as an empty threat. 'And I get_
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to eat off your plate if I want to.' He knew he was in no position to be making demands but Turkey was probably the only nation who humoured him.
11 years ago
raised a brow behind his mask at that and pretended to think about it as he followed. "Do I get sex after this dinner then? If I'm buying the most expensive mean and letting you eat off my plate." He was joking
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of course.
11 years ago
pauses in his stride, the words surprising him even though they had said similar jokes in the past. He continues walking once he decides what to say. 'You know fine well I am no prude. Sex is always on the_
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table. You'll only get the whole thing if the food is exquisite.'
11 years ago
caught up to him and laughed a bit as he walked next to him. "Oh good, then I'll let you pick the place and hope you pick one with exquisite food."
11 years ago
stole a sideways glance at him, smirking. He finally chose to enter a Greek-styled restaurant which also served some Turkish dishes. He decided to overact the gentleman routine and pulled out a seat for Turkey.
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frowned when he pulled the chair out and he laughed a bit as sat down and thanked him. He was a bit surprised that he had picked a place that served some Turkish food as well.
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didn't want the potential fight they could have to be centred around Turkey's complaints at the lack of Turkish food, so he deliberately chose the place for that reason. He smiles at Turkey's laugh as he sits_
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down opposite him. 'Are you laughing at my impeccable manners?' He acts insulted.
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watched him in disbelief as he settled into his own seat. "Manners? You? Never thought I would see the day."
11 years ago
hands him the menu and scans down the options, all the while saying in a dignified tone 'You know, many nations would say I am a very gracious and polite individual. The only shocking thing about it is that_
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I spent so much time with you yet still developed such impressive social skills.' He smirks at him over the top of the menu.
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takes it and laughs a bit at his display of dignity. He read over the menu trying to decided what to get. "Yes that is quite the shock considering you spent most of it being a little brat."
11 years ago
'Well, I had to learn something from you...' He decides to order pita gyro, seeing as Turkey was paying, and takes off a few layers of clothes before leaning back to relax.
11 years ago
pulled off his own coat before order he tried and true, the chicken kebab. "You wound me."
Heracles is
11 years ago
amused by his order and pours them some drinks. 'It takes more than a few words from me to wound you.' He states teasingly. 'But thanks for the encouragement nonetheless.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes and laughs as he leaned back in his seat. "You're welcome." He was in a pretty good mood lately.
11 years ago
could tell. Rarely could he tease him so much without some form of retaliation. He sips at his drink and tries to ignore the rumbling in his stomach. Fortunately the waiter is quick with their food. His smile_
11 years ago
11 years ago
thanked the waiter when their food was brought out. He made polite conversation with her for a bit before returning his attention to Heracles. Just because he wasn't going anything now didn't mean he wasn't
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going to later.
11 years ago
arches his brow at the polite conversation. After she walks off he says 'If she gives you her number, I swear I will give up all hope of humanity.' He takes a forkful of his food.
11 years ago
took a bite of food and smiled over at him. "Oh I am sure I will get her number."
11 years ago
sits, unsure why such a statement bothered him. He points his fork at him. 'She's obviously Greek, I think she'd reject you. I bet you can't get her number before the end of this meal.' He smirks.
11 years ago
raised a brow as he took another bite of food. "Oh I shall prove you wrong than. I'll have her number and a date by the end of this meal."
11 years ago
issues a silent plea that the girl never returns, but annoyingly she seems to be everywhere. He decides to try and distract Turkey. 'Speaking of meals, you assured me I could eat off your plate if I wanted.'_
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holds up his fork. 'Hand it over.'
Turkey was
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watching her closely, he pushed his plate close to him and smiled. "Go ahead Heracles. I am a man of my word."
Heracles is
11 years ago
visibly irritated at not having the Turk's attention. He casts a quick glare at the girl and then tries to eat quickly. The sooner the meal was over the better. Why did he make this stupid bet?
11 years ago
noticed his irritation and it only made him grin a bit as the waitress finally came over to give him the bill. He thanked her sweetly but didn't ask for her number.
11 years ago
had been frowning quite severely at the girl as she approached, but as she moved off his confused stare moves to Turkey. They have almost finished their food - why didn't he ask when the opportunity arose?_
11 years ago
looks suspiciously at him as if to ask 'What are you playing at?'
11 years ago
looked over at him as he paid for the bill and finished the food on his plate. "I'm not playing at anything... though I was enjoying your jealousy."
11 years ago
looks affronted and can't form words for a moment. Finally he stutters out 'I was not jealous. I just...we had a bet, I wanted to win.' He eats the last of his own food, trying to stop his face heating up.
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didn't believe that one bit but he nodded and gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Well you win."
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pauses, only now thinking the same. Still embarrassed, he straightens up in his chair and gives a firm nod. 'True. I did win.' He takes a moment to consider what exactly he won seeing as Turkey basically_
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implied he hadn't been trying to begin with.
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got up when everything was paid and settled. He smiled and grabbed his coat, pulling it on. "So what would you like for wining?"
11 years ago
isn't sure what to say. He stands, shoving on his hoodie and gloves. 'I haven't decided yet...' Deep in thought, he steps out onto the street again. 'In a way I suppose I owe you for dinner...But there is_
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something I suppose.' He smirks and turns to him. 'I want to know how you would have gotten her number. Try your moves on me, see if I fall for it.'
11 years ago
stares at him with the question and raises a brow as he followed after him. "Oh you want me to flirt with you? You know that requires some attraction right?" He was joking, he wouldn't mind flirting with the
11 years ago
Greek one bit.
Heracles gives
11 years ago
him a short glare at his jibe. 'C'mon, just pretend I'm that girl. I've just brought you the bill. What do you say to get her attention?' He would have hated to see the Turk actually go through with his_
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part of the bet but he was admittedly curious to know how the mysterious Turkey got his prey into his bed.
11 years ago
laughs a bit at the glare, leaning closer he wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Well I was going to be completely honest with her and tell her exactly what I would have treated her too. A lovely evening,
11 years ago
good wine and the best dinner ever."
11 years ago
glances at his arm and then rolls his eyes, trying to look unimpressed. 'She was an attractive girl, Sadiq, she probably gets lines like that a hundred times a day. She'd have turned you down flat.'
11 years ago
gave him a curious look as he moved to whisper in his ear. "Well now I would have also told her everything in detail, all about every single way I would have pleasured her."
11 years ago
's disinterested expression falters a little at that, and he leans in to the whisper. 'I think that could have led to a sexual harassment accusation, but...I guess it could have also grabbed her attention...' _
Heracles is
11 years ago
glad Turkey didn't try it on with the girl - he doubted he could have listened to such things yet not be involved. He nods, figuring he's heard enough and walks ahead, face flushed.
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let him go, watching him walk ahead of him before he moved to catch up a bit. "Hmm... would it work on you?"
11 years ago
scoffs as he glances back at Turkey. 'I think not. I've heard all the lines before as well. I've used them.'
11 years ago
looked a bit hurt at that but quickly tried to hide it as he shrugged and stopped walking. "Well then I suppose I should let you go."
Heracles has
11 years ago
an idea and turns to the Turk. 'Perhaps...although maybe you would like to see how I would appeal to someone I was interested in?' He smiles and winks.
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watches him as he stopped himself from turning away. "Oh? Are you going to pick someone up then?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. 'Oh, no. A Greek does not simply 'pick someone up'. We romanticize, then seduce. Like this,' He takes Turkey's hand and clasps it to his chest, and gently
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strokes his chin. 'Your eyes...like a ravenous wolf yet with the beauty of a thousand suns. If only those eyes could only ever be looking at me I would die gloriously happy in your arms.'
Turkey was
11 years ago
completely caught off guard by that as he watched him, his attention shifted to their hands and he frowned slightly before he snickered and started laughing a bit. "O-oh Heracles I'm sorry but I can't take you
11 years ago
seriously like this."
11 years ago
frowns, dropping his hand and places his own hands on his hips. 'And people wonder why it was Sn
11 years ago
sighs a bit at that before he shrugs a bit. "Sorry but Greece, you hardly need to sway me to sleep with you. Granted I am proud of your poetry skills."
11 years ago
((Sorry! I was using my phone earlier and it cut off half of my message and then promptly lost signal! Grr, sorry again!))
11 years ago
((Oh no worries. My phone does that all the time.))
11 years ago
perks up noticeably. 'Oh?' He gives a small smile. 'Well that is good to know that I have that in my favour.' He nudges him playfully. 'I believe you are already in love with me, Sadiq.'
11 years ago
raised a brow at that and laughed a bit as he moved closer to him. "Are you saying I'm in love with you? Because last I recall we fought more than anything else."
11 years ago
stands up tall, amused at how this is going. 'Well, of course! You know what they say: there's a thin line between love and hate. I think we make the habit of dancing along that line.'
11 years ago
pulls back and rolls his eyes, tucking his hands in the pockets of his coat. "Maybe we should stay on that line and not cross it. You know I've got a great thing worked out with Germany, it's great sex." He
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couldn't help but watch him for his reaction.
11 years ago
can't help but retract like a child who's balloon animal has just burst. He wonders what Germany has that he hasn't, but refuses to voice his insecurities or jealousy. He shrugs and continues walking. 'Sounds_
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like you've got it all figured out, then.' He says breezily.
11 years ago
watches him carefully before catching up to him again and catching his wrist. "Hmm... apparently not completely figured out. Will you stop walking away?"
11 years ago
takes a stubbornly long time to finally bring himself to face him. 'Germany is a strong, determined and very attractive individual. What's not to figure out about that? And fine, I'll stop walking away if you_
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stop treating me like an idiotic child.' Despite his words, his motions to shake off Turkey's grip are slightly childish.
11 years ago
frowned a bit at that but pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around him firmly so he couldn't go any where. "Germany... we're just friends, with benefits, but nothing else and I am not treating you like a
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child. If you want me to treat you more like an adult though you should probably act like one."
11 years ago
places his hand on Turkey's shoulder, giving him a little shake. 'You say you have a great thing worked out with him with great sex,' Envy is definitely slipping into his tone now. 'So why waste a good thing?_
11 years ago
And in case it has slipped your notice, Turkey, I am acting like an adult because I am walking away.' It's the closest he's come to admitting he isn't happy.
11 years ago
let go of him and glared a bit before shaking his head. He was really trying to keep a cool head right now. "Greece... Heracles. I said that to see how you'd take it and quite honestly between this and your
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reaction back in the restaurant with the woman I'm beginning to think you are jealous." He wouldn't go after him again if he did decide to walk away. "Ludwig and I talked about having an actual relationship,
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but you know I told him I couldn't commit to that. Because He's not what I want." He suddenly felt like he'd said more than enough with that.
11 years ago
folds his arms and tuts at each statement Turkey makes as if it is all circumstantial evidence. He pauses, though, when he hears about the relationship with Germany. He bites his lip, wondering if it is a_
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good idea to ask. 'So...what is it you want if not someone like Germany? You know...it isn't shameful to not be ready for a relationship.'
11 years ago
took in a deep breath and glared at him before he turned away and moved to head towards his house. He wasn't even going to answer that.
11 years ago
follows, not sure what he said wrong. 'Now look who's walking away.' He huffs, finally catching up. 'You know, I hate that you're so cryptic. I hate that since our ceasefire I don't know how to be with you._
11 years ago
The least you can do is let me say one last thing!' He's getting fired up, figuring he has nothing to lose by being a little honest.
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stopped in his tracks and frowned at him as he looked over at him, clearly not impressed. "What is it you want to say Greece? Because you haven't been very clear with me either."
11 years ago
's face is heating up but more out of frustration than anything. 'Then allow me to be the only one to be clear. Yes, I was jealous when you made eyes at that girl in the restaurant. And yes! I was also jealous_
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after hearing just how great sex is with the almighty Germany when all I can think about is 'why him over me?'' He huffs, catching up on air. 'But none of that matters because those are my own personal_
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issues and if you think I deal with them like a child then I suppose it's for the best you have so much more going on.' By now he looks angry and his fists are balled up. If Turkey makes even one crack, he'll_
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hit him.
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had stood paitently listening the entire time. He'd slowly softened a bit as he watched him and when the Greek finished he moved to pull him close and kiss him without any warning.
11 years ago
"I guess that makes an ass hole then for not realizing that sooner." He let him go and frowned.
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straightens up like a board and continues to stare at him with a gaze as wide as his typically tired eyes allow. The angry flush on his cheeks change to a more bashful shade. He isn't sure what to say, but_
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finally murmurs 'Actually, I feel like an ass for not realising sooner that simply throwing a temper tantrum would earn me a kiss. I've been holding back for so long, if I only knew.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that as he ran his fingers through his hair and shrugged. "I kind of enjoy getting you all riled up. Rather suits you."
11 years ago
'I was not riled up, I was merely irked. However I'm more disappointed in your kiss.' He gives a small smirk. 'If you call that a kiss.' He steps forward and takes back some of his masculinity by meeting his_
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lips with his own, tilting his head to the side to give a deep if slightly rough and needy kiss before pulling back. He looks quite proud of himself.
Turkey was
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admittedly caught off guard by that. He gladly kissed him back though, taking control of it before he pulled back. He blinks a bit and licks his lips as he looked him over. "Are you saying I can't kiss now?"
11 years ago
hums, giving a non-committal shrug. 'It was better than the one before, but you clearly aren't on par with my skills.' He finishes smugly, knowing a little lie like that would at least rile Turkey up just a_
11 years ago
little bit.
11 years ago
huffed at that and grabbed his wrist. "If you're expecting me to get worked up over that I wont rise to the bait. How about you come back to my place for some coffee and baklava."
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