England is
11 years ago
thrilled to be back to normal. He's out enjoying a cup of tea and a cupcake at his favourite book and coffee shop.
latest #67
Brendan is
11 years ago
walking by but sees him. Not wanting Arthur to think he was now stalking him, he tried to backtrack to avoid being seen but instead he walked back into a passing waiter, causing a crash.
11 years ago
blinks at the sound and looked over raising his brow when he saw who it was. He laughed a bit at the sight and quickly hid it before he slowly got up. "Brendon?"
11 years ago
quickly helps the waiter up with his fallen tray of food, but tries to look surprised when Arthur says his name. He pretends to look around blindly before finally 'seeing' his brother. 'Art'r! Feck, didn't_
11 years ago
even see ye there,' Even the waiter casts him a doubting look.
11 years ago
gave him his own skeptical look as he moved over to him and apologized to the waiter. "Sure ya didn't." He looked him over before he paused to pay his bill.
11 years ago
knows better than to repeatedly deny it, so he too helps clean up the mess he made and then stands uselessly. 'Did I bother ye doing something?'
11 years ago
shakes his head as he thanked the waiter again. "Not at all, just finished up my coffee. Want to head back to my place and talk?"
11 years ago
hides his surprise at the offer, and nods casually. 'Since when could I pass up the opportunity to pester you in the comfort of your own home?' He smiles, motioning for Arthur to lead the way.
11 years ago
smiles a bit and heads for the exit, he was embarrassed at the whole thing but he wasn't really put off. He started towards his place, glad it wasn't that far. "Following me?"
11 years ago
'Ladies first, and all that.' He grins, placing his hands on Arthur's shoulders and giving them a brief squeeze. He is not embarrassed in the slightest concerning the scene or the other people, just that_
11 years ago
Arthur thought of him as a clumsy oaf or a stalker.
11 years ago
huffed and went a bit red at the squeeze. He lead him out of the place and towards his house now. "I'm not a lady."
11 years ago
'You're more like one than I am.' He replies smugly, whistling cheerfully as he admires the amusing shade of red his brother's cheeks were going thanks to him.
11 years ago
looked away from him in a bit of a huff at that as he tucked his hands in his pockets.
11 years ago
'So when did ye change back? I was afraid I'd be stuck with baby Art'r for a while.' He steps up to Arthur's side.
11 years ago
glanced over at him and raised a brow as he tried to hold on to his put off look, it wasn't really working. "The other day... afraid you become a pedofile?"
11 years ago
can't help but blush himself, yet he still chuckles. 'I reserve the right not to answer that question.' He replies. 'Although it was you who started it, don't blame me.'
11 years ago
shrugs as he watched him while he walked. "Fine..." he pulled his keys out and unlocked the door when they got to his front porch.
11 years ago
immediately enters before Arthur, out of habit, to cheerfully take in the familiar sight and smell of the English home.
11 years ago
watched him and sighed a bit as he followed him inside. He closed the door and set his keys aside. "Nothing's changed."
11 years ago
'I know, that's the way I like it.' He grins and throws himself back on Arthur's couch, and hangs his legs over the arm.
11 years ago
he paused to pull his jacket off and hang it up. "Make yourself at home," he said as he went to the kitchen. "Want some tea?"
Brendan has
11 years ago
already kicked off his shoes and is stretching out quite happily by the time he is told to make himself at home. 'Sure. Don't give me a girly cup, by the way.'
11 years ago
stuck his tongue out at him a bit as he made two cups of tea, he came back and handed Ireland a flowery cup.
11 years ago
blinks. 'You know...it's like you think that I won't kick your arse.' He says dryly. He raises a brow but takes a sip. 'I know what I'm getting you for your birthday. Manly tea-ware.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that as he pushed his feet out of the way and sat down next to him. "If you kick my arse I won't fuck you ever."
11 years ago
almost splutters out the tea he was drinking. He coughs as he grins. 'Feckin' hell, Art'r, are you blackmailing me with sex?' He counters, already looking ten times more interested than before.
11 years ago
chuckles softly at that as he sipped his tea calmly looking over at him. "Am I?"
11 years ago
admires his demeanour and laughs. 'Guess you aren't as innocent as I keep thinking. That's evil of you, Art'r.' He leans over. 'Damn evil.'
11 years ago
smiles at him as he drank his tea. "No I am far from innocent Brendon."
11 years ago
pauses, then leans back with his own smile. 'Guess I'll just have to refrain from kicking your arse, then, if I want progress t' be made.'
11 years ago
nods a bit with that as he looked over at him and set his tea down. "I'm not sure if I should be flattered or not."
Brendan gives
11 years ago
him a charming grin, leaning forward to tuck some hair behind Arthur's ear. 'I t'ink the better question should are you ready for a highly flirtatious Irishman to try and get in your neatly pressed pants?'
11 years ago
blinked at that and tried to hide his light flush. He scoffed a bit at that. "You've already tried to do that and last time I was the one that gave you a blow job." He pointed out.
11 years ago
laughs. 'True, very true, but lately I've been holding back because no self-respecting nation goes after another already spoken for. But now you are a free agent again I see no reason why I can't jump right_
11 years ago
back in.' He gracelessly tosses himself closer to Arthur, almost spilling tea.
11 years ago
jumps a bit at the sudden movement, mostly trying to avoid being covered in tea as he gave him a warning look. "You have exactly been around you know and if you spill tea on my neatly pressed pants I will have
11 years ago
you clean them."
11 years ago
glances down at his trousers. 'If it means ye'll be half naked for a while then might be a risk to take...' He laughs, only partly joking, and begins to play with Arthur's hair.
11 years ago
looks mildly embarrassed at this as he glanced over at him. "There are other ways of getting me naked you know, ones that don't involve ruining my clothes."
11 years ago
tilts his head. 'Yeah, but how many of them would actually be fun?' He gives Arthur's ear a tiny nibble. 'Would you like me to undress you myself? I can do that.'
11 years ago
blushes a bit now, unable to hide it as he shifted a bit closer to him. "W-Well depends on how my clothes come off..."
11 years ago
tucks an arms around Arthur's waist and nuzzles into his neck some more. 'Oh, I'd be a gentleman of course. At first. Keeping you secure and steady but finally whipping things off so I could have you faster.'_
Brendan is
11 years ago
already tugging at Arthur's shirt buttons.
11 years ago
carefully takes his tea cup from him and sets it aside. He moved to climb onto his lap, straddling it and resting his arms on Brendan's shoulders. "Eager much?"
11 years ago
looks like both Christmas and his birthday has come at once and places his hands on Arthur's hips to keep him close. 'Of course I'm eager. I've been waiting for a feckin' long time.' He shifts a little and_
11 years ago
catches the other's lips in a quick, stealth-like kiss.
11 years ago
laughed a bit at the look as he kissed him back, one of his hands sliding into hair. He broke the kiss after a moment, pressing down into his lap. "You should have said something sooner you bloody idgit."
11 years ago
's eyes shut tightly for a moment as he enjoys the feeling of Arthur pressing down. He undoes his shirt buttons and begins leaving a trail of kisses along his collarbone. 'Better late than never, right?' _
11 years ago
uses his other hand on Arthur's hip to slide down and grope his arse.
11 years ago
tilted his head a bit for the kisses, face red now as he curled his fingers in his brother's hair, the grope made him gasp a bit. "J-Jerk..." he shifted a bit in his lap, his trousers slowly getting more
11 years ago
Brendan is
11 years ago
having a similar issue in his own trousers but the more than welcoming push from Arthur's body at least makes it pleasurable as well. He shoves off his shirt and starts undoing Arthur's fly. 'You're so mean_
11 years ago
to me, Art'r.' He purrs, 'here I am trying to help you.'
11 years ago
reluctantly let go of him to help slid his shirt off. He kissed him again to quiet him as he started to help pull off the Irish man's shirt in return, rolling his hips against his again. "I don't normally sleep
11 years ago
with someone on the first date."
11 years ago
growls into him as he rolls back. He bites on Arthur's lip in a possessive manner and rubs his thighs and stomach roughly. 'Well...technically this isn't the first date. We've been together lots of times._
11 years ago
Would you make an exception for me? Or do I need to work harder?'
11 years ago
moaned softly at that as he pulled his shirt off. "Technically... maybe... if you hurry the fuck up."
11 years ago
smirks. 'Yes sir.' He flips them over, pinning Arthur to the couch and squirms out of his own jeans. Free from all but his boxers, he finds Arthur's mouth again and kisses him deeply as he tries to push off_
11 years ago
the remainder of the Englishman's clothes.
11 years ago
gasped a bit at that, falling against couch as he kissed him back, his hands going back into his hair as he lifted his hips so he could get his trousers off. He deepened the kiss, moaning as he pulled him
11 years ago
Brendan feels
11 years ago
amazing and tingly sensations as Arthur's grip loosens and tightens and each tug brings them even closer. He climbs on top of him, enjoying the restrictiveness of their underwear pressed against each other_
11 years ago
for a few long moments before at last deciding he was done with teasing. He shuffles so he can blindly whip off their underwear and immediately pins himself against him for their first skin-to-skin contact.
11 years ago
((PP? :-P ))
11 years ago
((Sure I'll start it xD ))
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