12 years ago
GFDI NY, why are you turning into the biggest piece of shit state ever. Your shitty new "gun control" legislation is so heavy-handed that our own law enforcement officers now use "illegal" weapons.
latest #133
12 years ago
And there are no "exceptions" or exclusions written into the law for law enforcement.
12 years ago
Also not happy that they are making permits "renewable", meaning more ways NY can collect even more money.
12 years ago
Oh and the best part is that every gun owner/permit-holder's personal information is now publicly accessible to any asshole who requests it.
12 years ago
That means everyone's information is there for the taking. Mad at a cop, teacher, someone who made you sad? Now you can find out where they live.
12 years ago
Facebook isn't even THIS bad. jfc.
12 years ago
Seriously. I thought my opinion was going to "stabilize" at "low enough". Now it's sinking even lower. I need to get out of here.
12 years ago
I just want to smack every idiot I see on the news who misuses the term "semi-automatic weapon"
12 years ago
ALMOST EVERY GUN IS SEMI-AUTOMATIC. They have been around since the late 1800s. Semi-automatic =/= machine gun.
12 years ago
Don't talk about something if you don't even understand what you're talking about, media. 8|
12 years ago
Exactly. Semi-auto just means you don't have to stop and reload a single musket ball every damn time. LOL. Still have to pull the trigger to make anything happen though. People watched too much Scarface/Rambo
12 years ago
and don't know shit about firearms. I'm not anywhere near as knowledgeable as my father who's a gunsmith, but jfc, don't drop vocab terms if you're not going to even try to use the correctly. You just sound
12 years ago
like an idiot. And nearly every news station is doing just this.
12 years ago
Not only that, but a ton of them are conflating "assault rifle" with "assault weapon"
12 years ago
Which are, again, two completely different things. Not only that, it's not like there is actually a single consistent definition of an assault weapon either.
12 years ago
(Also, the existing definition is pretty damn ridiculous since it's all about cosmetic/optional features instead of actual function or caliber.)
12 years ago
Put a folding stock and a pistol grip on a perfectly legal rifle and suddenly BAM, it's an assault weapon.
12 years ago
Yea, "military style" rifle. What the fuck does that even mean. I hope the class action suit goes far. Have you read the language of the bill itself? It's so "legalese". In just one part, the word "or" was used
12 years ago
literally every other sentence
12 years ago
They may as well just say everything can be made to be an assault weapon, human appendages included. Better fix this shit by taking appendages away. As stupid and absurd as it sounds, that how heavy-handed and
12 years ago
stupid as it is.
12 years ago
My disdain for this state especially is just... growing exponentially.
12 years ago
Background checks are good. A ban on high-capacity clips is good. But really, when you look at the statistics of gun violence? The VAST majority of it is NOT committed with "assault weapons."
12 years ago
They're focusing on the wrong things. The real problem isn't mass shootings (because statistically, those are INCREDIBLY rare), it's places like Chicago where gun violence is a daily problem, where people
12 years ago
are in danger on a regular basis.
12 years ago
THAT'S what needs the attention.
12 years ago
Pretty much, but it's hard to face those kinds of facts when the you (as in "you, the government") have sent a shitton of guns to Mexico to "track" and I'm sure there are other places we haven't heard about too
12 years ago
The government has had a track record of "arming" groups they thought would be beneficial or whatnot, and in many cases, said weapons are used against Americans. So... yea. Hard to face facts when you do stupid
12 years ago
shit like this time and time again and wonder why it STILL isn't working.
12 years ago
And also they need to actually enforce the existing laws too. They only prosecute a ridiculously small number of the people who try to buy guns and fail the background check.
12 years ago
Yea. That's always been my argument. if they just took care of enforcing what is already in existence and on the books we'd not have as many problems. NY has some of the toughest laws on the books wtf.
12 years ago
If they're not enforcing the laws that are already on the books, why should I believe that the new laws will be any different?
12 years ago
Oh, same with DC.
12 years ago
They also do need to pursue more mental health provisions.
12 years ago
Guns were banned here for years. Didn't do a thing.
12 years ago
They need to remove the stigma from getting help.
12 years ago
Yea, kinda like NYC's bans on shit. YEA REALLY EFFECTIVE LOL
12 years ago
People would just go into Maryland and Virgina to buy guns.
12 years ago
And if you get busted but not badly enough to land in jail, the cops just take you to the MD border anyway
12 years ago
And... most of those guys end up in Baltimore LOLOL
12 years ago
And it's like... do you really think the people who are going to commit crimes give a damn about the laws?
12 years ago
Yes, they will be all sad when they learn that they can't legally obtain a weapon. At which point they go home, wallow in self pity, and self medicate with a tub of Ben & Jerry's topped with cheese doodles.
12 years ago
12 years ago
That's what bad dudes in DC do. Right?!
12 years ago
I actually like the system DC has going now. You have to have a background check, register the gun with the government and do a ballistics test for records, undergo firearms safety training, and get a license.
12 years ago
Guns were illegal here for years, now they're legal but the crime rate HASN'T gone up.
12 years ago
They don't do ballistics testing for records up here but you get a bg check, do a gun safety course, register the gun on your license should you be approved, and then
12 years ago
So clearly, what DC is doing works.
12 years ago
But let's ignore that. Let's go insane and make things ridiculously stringent without even reading what we're signing.
12 years ago
They're just doing what they think the public wants. Guns are typically gunmetal grey or black, those are evil and icky colors, gotta get them out of society or very controlled.
12 years ago
If anything, the new laws will make that one crazy person that much more determined to get a gun illegally.
12 years ago
As far as mental health records too, there is not nearly enough efficient communication between local, state, and federal agencies.
12 years ago
Like you said, people leave the area to make their purchases and bring them back. Not that fucking hard.
12 years ago
Honestly, I think the mental health aspect is really the bigger problem.
12 years ago
It is. But it's an ACLU kind of issue too
12 years ago
And I say this AS someone who has been diagnosed with OCD for more than 15 years.
12 years ago
it's an issue people don't want to touch though.
12 years ago
12 years ago
They don't want to admit that some people have chemical imbalances, some people are seriously fucked up from various environmental and/or biological happenings that change who they are and what they would do.
12 years ago
I think news media caters right into that.
12 years ago
A lot of people seem to think that if you shove things like that under the rug and ignore them, it will make it go away.
12 years ago
But it won't. It just makes it worse for the person with the issues.
12 years ago
Yeas and when does that shit ever work. I tried sweeping student loans under the rug, nope still there~!
12 years ago
The point is not to demonize them, but rather to get them help
12 years ago
I can't imagine people wanting to feel out of control, scared, angry, etc.
12 years ago
Exactly. Trying to deny that you have a mental issue doesn't make it no longer exist.
12 years ago
And for a lot of things, the right combination of therapy and/or meds can mean the person can live a virtually normal life.
12 years ago
12 years ago
There's no reason for them to be suffering.
12 years ago
And sometimes, it's about learning how to create your own, positive coping mechanisms. Finding a productive, not destructive, way to deal with stress and daily life.
12 years ago
They just need access to help.
12 years ago
That too.
12 years ago
Oddly enough, most governments flip head over heels to help a pregnant single mom who made a lot of bad choices but won't help someone who needs counseling etc.
12 years ago
It's pretty stupid.
12 years ago
Someone who perhaps hasn't ever know what it's like to be in control enough to "make their own" decisions. you know?
12 years ago
There's no reason why mental health services shouldn't be as accessible as regular health services.
12 years ago
Yea, like why do they need 50 referrals
12 years ago
They don't and shouldn't
12 years ago
That's part of why people can't get the help they need. They can't check themselves into any of these facilities or access these services without a petition of signatures and shit.
12 years ago
If you sprain your ankle, you can go to urgent care and get treated. It should be the same if you're having a depressive episode.
12 years ago
"Depression" isn't real according to many medical professionals.
12 years ago
They've got a lot of resistence within their own field
12 years ago
Just smile, be happy, go shopping and BLAM you're not depressed anymore, obviously. LOLnoooope doesn't work that way.
12 years ago
Yeah. And I think a lot of the problem with that stems from confusing situational depression with actual clinical depression.
12 years ago
Exactly. They are only just now starting to realize the chemical imbalance and how it plays into legit clinical depression instead of feeling sad because of 1 thing happening.
12 years ago
And that's not to say that situational depression isn't real or legit, just that it's a totally different beast from clinical depression.
12 years ago
Totally. Both happen, but one is something you can't shake without a multi-faceted approach.
12 years ago
It requires a different approach and meds usually aren't helpful for it. What helps most for situational depression is just talk therapy.
12 years ago
So you get people thinking that since talk therapy cured their depression/the depression of someone they know, that's all it takes to fix it.
12 years ago
And that's where you run into the issues.
12 years ago
Yea. Or people who don't understand it because they've never been "depressed" period and are just like "Let's get some froyo! THAT'LL CURE YA!"
12 years ago
I know a few people up here who I am interested in becoming friends with because they just don't understand the dynamics of being human. Nothing bad has ever happened to them, all their family is alive and
12 years ago
well. And basically anything you are feeling down about is "fake" you're doing it for attention obviously.
12 years ago
It's so annoying, but these people do exist.
12 years ago
Yeah, I'll be the first person to admit that I can't really UNDERSTAND depression because I have never dealt with anything beyond being bummed out over something that happened for a couple of weeks.
12 years ago
So like, I understand the concept and all of that, but I don't have the first clue as to what it actually feels like.
12 years ago
Nor do I, thankfully. but to flat out deny that someone can be that bad? That's just foolish.
12 years ago
12 years ago
Related to violence and guns, I don't really know how it would feel to be that pissed off at someone to kill them, but I understand that it happens.
12 years ago
The Sandy Hook shooter executed his mother. That's a lot of rage.
12 years ago
And I can't even stand it when I disappoint my mother!
12 years ago
Yeah, I could never imagine doing anything like that. The only situation in which I could ever invision myself killing someone would be to protect myself or someone else.
12 years ago
Indeed... the Castle Doctrine is luckily untouched by the new laws.
12 years ago
I'd be even more upset if they were now like "You don't have the right to protect yourself or your family in your home. That's illegal!"
12 years ago
If someone were to hurt my little sister... yeah, I would probably go ballistic.
12 years ago
NGL, I'd go all momma bear if someone were attacking my parents or dogs. I don't worry about my bro or his family since he'd have his situation covered.
12 years ago
Haha, oh yeah. I go ridiculously mama bear over little kids, which is funny because I don't even LIKE kids that much.
12 years ago
Nor do I, but damnitall if I'd let someone hurt a child.
12 years ago
Kids, animals, and elderly. Don't fuck with them or I may have to fuck your shit up. Basically.
12 years ago
Yep, same here.
12 years ago
I actually HAVE gone into rage mode on a bunch of kids who were tormenting a dog before.
12 years ago
Good, they needed it
12 years ago
And better that they got a warning at their age - then have it become a permanent charge on their record for animal abuse.
12 years ago
Yeah, my old neighbor would sometimes tie their lab up to the front porch so he could be outside. There was a group of kids who would poke at him with sticks and taunt him on the way home from school so one
12 years ago
day I just went out there and yelled at them.
12 years ago
That's the worst when the animal can't even run away.
12 years ago
Yeah, the poor dog would get so upset because he couldn't either run away OR attack.
12 years ago
He was just stuck.
Alsion was
12 years ago
your neighbor at work when the kids were walking home or something?
12 years ago
cause if so, I'd have been all "A.) Get the fuck off my lawn and B.) Leave my dog alone!"
12 years ago
I don't know where he went, probably at work. The backyard didn't have a good fence back then so he'd leash the dog on the porch sometimes when the weather was nice.
12 years ago
That way the dog could go up on the porch if it started to rain or anything.
12 years ago
Yea. Theoretically makes sense rather than leaving it inside where it might have an accident if it can't get out in time to do its thing.
12 years ago
Yeah. The leash was long enough that the dog could run around over part of the yard, too.
12 years ago
Feh, little shits.
12 years ago
If we want to talk about licenses and permits, I think some people need to prove they can successfully and lovingly raise and take care of a pet before having children.
12 years ago
Yeah, with some of the stories I've heard from my mom and her job in a school... I agree.
12 years ago
Parents are so contradictory. They don't give a shit about their kids, send them to school and expect us to "fix them". But the minute they get a call saying "Your child bit another student's face. Come get
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
That sounds about right.
12 years ago
I kind of wish we had a more European way of educating kids
12 years ago
What with the abitur
12 years ago
I think that would solve a ton of the discipline issues in schools... separating the "college bound" ones from the ones who just want to be done with school and go to work.
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