Askfd damnit, I'm not making any progress in my usxuk secret santa gift! And it's really stupid really - I guess many people like to get prompts that aren't too specific and very detailed and stuff so that they
can pretty much decide themselves what to do with them, but I'm rather terrified of prompts that are like only a few words long 'cause I don't trust my own judgement in these things and I'm just thinking "but
if they don't think this is at all what they wanted?!" and stress about that, even though I love the prompt "both being big dorks" I LOVE IT but I'm just so afraid that they somehow have a totally different
idea of what being dorks means and I'll end up drawing something that they think is boring or akjfsldk THIS SHOULDN'T BE THIS HARD WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME aaa damnit. Okay, end of rant, sorry 8'D;;.
(though I totally understand your concerns. Mine's not even that vague a prompt and I'm still fussing that the angle I take on it might not be what they wanted)