11 years ago
had managed to get to Francis' place, he spent a good hour trying to figure out how to say what he needed to say before he knocked on the door.
latest #62
Francis is
11 years ago
lounging around on his couch, stealing a smoke while Gregory wasn't around. She couldn't help it, old habits die hard. She's surprised though when the doorbell rings, quick to butt
11 years ago
her cigarette and stash it away before answering the door. "....Arthur?" she asks, surprised to see the little tyke at her door.
11 years ago
smiled a bit up at her when the door opened, it was a sort of awkward smile. "Hi Francis... I... um..." He shifted a bit, his hands going to the hem of his jacket. He still hadn't gotten fitting clothes. "If
11 years ago
you hurt my brother... I will make sure you pay for it." He looked up at her determined now, "but I think you two are well suited and I am happy for you."
11 years ago
blinks down at him, leaning against the door frame at the quick admittance. "...should I be suspecting you of something here?" she asks, perhaps a little confused. This would have been the last thing she
11 years ago
expected to see on her doorstep.
11 years ago
sighs a bit and shakes his head. "No.. nothing. I'm not... am I really that awful?" he shook his head again to stop the thought. "No I really am happy for you two, I should have said so earlier." He was
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genuinely happy for them, he just didn't know how to voice what he really felt most of the time. "And... I apologize for shooting you... though I maintain that you did deserve it in that moment."
11 years ago
hums, hesitating a moment before stepping aside to let him in. "I didn't say you were awful, but showing up to my door to tell me that Gregory and I are a good couple is
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certinaly not what I would have expected," she shrugs. "...so you're telling me you're sorry but not really, then," she hums.
11 years ago
nods a bit, "I didn't say you did." He carefully stepped inside and paused as he looked down at the ground again. "Yes... You did deserve it, but I deserved what you said to me so I suppose it's even."
11 years ago
leads him to the kitchen, figuring she needed a glass of wine for whatever this conversation would be. "Ah, well..... that's true. I can't really deny it," she admits. "But why are you here then?"
11 years ago
quietly followed her to the kitchen, not sure what else to say now. "Because... I need to apologize for things I've done... how I've been? I am horrible at this stuff and you know that."
11 years ago
hums, pouring herself a glass before pausing. "...are you allowed to have wine right now?" She laughs a bit at that, shaking her head. "I know, you're perfectly wretched when it comes to emotions. I appreciate
11 years ago
the thought though. Does this mean you're going to try and be nicer in the future?" she asks, pondering the possibilities of that.
11 years ago
gave her a pointed look at the question about the wine. He hadn't tried to drink since he changed... "Yes... that's what I hope to try for. being like this... has made me thinking over things."
11 years ago
hums, pouring a glass for him anyways. "You don't have to finish it if you don't want," she shrugs. "Well, here's to hoping you stick to it," she laughs, offering a toast. "Wait... is this just so you can
11 years ago
change back...?"
11 years ago
looks at the glass of wine and moved to take a sip of the wine. "No... this isn't... this isn't just so I can turn back. I really don't care about that anymore."
11 years ago
blinks at that, taking a seat at the table and inviting him to join. "You're adorable as a child, so it's not all bad," she laughs softly. "Oh speaking of which, do you happen to kniw when I'll change back...?"
11 years ago
frowns at that question and shrugs. "I don't know... might have something to do with a certain number of... orgasms or something."
11 years ago
pauses at that, before bursting in laughter. "Really Arthur, you have spells like that??"
11 years ago
shrugs as he sipped the wine. "I have a lot of spells, I guess that's something you do not know about me."
11 years ago
laughs still, shaking her head. "I guess you truly should be the ambassador of sex then," she hums.
11 years ago
frowns now and shakes his head. "Now you are being rude." He pushed the glass of wine away and slipped off the seat.
11 years ago
smiles at his huffiness, setting her own glass of wine down in favour of scooping him and seating the boy on her lap. "Aww calm down, how can you expect that after telling me I have to have sex to change back."
11 years ago
squirmed a bit at being picked up and put in her lap. He frowned as he looked up at her. "I didn't make that the structure of the spell."
11 years ago
giggles aoftly at that, patting his head. "But you still used it sweetie~"
11 years ago
looked away from her in a huff, he was starting to feel a bit sick.
11 years ago
cuddles him closer at the huff, kissing the top of his head. "Oh calm down I'm just teasing you. With facts, mind you, but still.."
11 years ago
closed his eyes as he wished his stomach would settle, he wasn't really listening to Francis now.
11 years ago
laughs still, trying to get him to look at her again. "Hey come on, don't ignore big brother... well, sister.. like this, it's mean~~"
11 years ago
really thought Francis should put him down now but before he could voice the thought the spell wore off and he changed back to his normal age.
11 years ago
makes the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash in surprise as suddenly there's a full grown adult on her lap instead, upsetting the balance and sending them both toppling over backwards to the floor
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with a crash.
11 years ago
yelped at the sudden fall and ended up trying to brace himself, his hands out on either side of Francis' head as he tried to keep himself off of her.
11 years ago
cries out in pain and surprise as they land, peeking an eye out once they've settled. "....w-well then," she responds, looking up at him.
11 years ago
went completely red when he realized their perdiciment. He scrambled to get off of her he cover himself.
11 years ago
blinks... then laughs as she catches an eyeful of him. "...good to know that clothes don't change back with you," she grins, trying to daintily pick herself up.
11 years ago
glared a bit at her as he managed to use the small clothes he had been wearing to cover the important parts. "Can I please borrow some clothes?" He wasn't even going to try to come back with that as he held a
11 years ago
free hand out to help her up.
11 years ago
giggles as she takes his hand and stands, brushing her dress off and rubbing the back of her head. "Ah... can I dress you in something fun?" she grins.
11 years ago
frowns at the question, staring at her as he tried not to look to embarrassed. "I-I just need clothes..."
11 years ago
hums happily, taking his hand to lead him upstairs while trying to think what she could put him in.
11 years ago
followed her up reluctantly, he just wanted to cover himself up and head home to put his own clothes on.
11 years ago
leads him to her closet, digging through it and humming in thought. "I could just give you that lovely nurse outfit I visited you in before..." she grins.
11 years ago
frowns as he stood in the doorway to her bedroom. "Don't you dare Francis."
11 years ago
's grin widens at that, pulling it out of the closet. "Are you sure~? I bet your neighbours would love it~~"
11 years ago
glares at her now, "I would much soon walk home naked."
11 years ago
giggles at the glare, putting the outfit back and continuing to rmmage. "Oh, I know. I have the perfect shirt!" she grins, pulling out the 'London is too Mainstream' shirt she had gotten for Christmas, as well
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as a pair of booty shorts for him.
11 years ago
frowned darkly at the outfit, he was not.... "You don't have anything else? You're being bloody cruel."
11 years ago
grins. "Take it or leave it hun, this is my offer~" she answers. "Take it as the way I can believe your apology is sincere," she grins.
11 years ago
goes red at that before taking the clothes and turning away from her to put them on, cursing a bit under his breath.
11 years ago
grins happily as he takes the offered clothes, eyeing his rear and giving it a good slap before pulling away to let him get changed in peace.
11 years ago
yelped at the slap and glanced over at her with a frown.
11 years ago
whistles innocently, trying very hard not to laugh.
11 years ago
glared as he finished getting dressed.
11 years ago
grins... he was too fun to tease.
11 years ago
ignored that as he headed for the front door now.
11 years ago
pulls out her phone, taking pictures as he goes. "Safe trip home hun~"
11 years ago
scowled as he walked, ignoring that even more.
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