Trane says
12 years ago
Just a quick question nixxx what are your thoughts on teaching children advanced pickpocketing techniques? And in Littlerose's case, acquiring?
latest #35
Trane says
12 years ago
This is merely for future reference and in no way refers to a present situation. I swear. By the moon and the stars in the sky.
★ Zita ★ says
12 years ago
give me that drawing the kids made now
Trane says
12 years ago
It's my badge!
Christopher says
12 years ago
blinks You can pickpocket too?!
Christopher says
12 years ago
★ Zita ★ says
12 years ago
no it is not. STOP
Trane says
12 years ago
valerious_d: It's actually just a hobby. I also enjoy basket making and kicking ass at poker.
12 years ago
Trane says
12 years ago
nixxx: Swear to Christ it is just a question. And I know the answer now. Thank you. 8D;
Christopher says
12 years ago
I don't know how to play poker. :-(
Christopher says
12 years ago
I can play Black Jack though
Christopher says
12 years ago
Trane says
12 years ago
valerious_d As it happens I am excellent at cards and am always looking to impart knowledge 8D
★ Zita ★ says
12 years ago
^ excellent at cheating fixed
Christopher says
12 years ago
....tilts Mommy said you seem to be very good at making illusions with your hands then.
12 years ago
valerious_d your mommy is right. You know what they say about guys with large hands? Good at illusions. With hands. True story.
★ Zita ★ says
12 years ago
ohhhhhhhkay coltraned you need to go to bed now also like right now
Christopher says
12 years ago
...I don't know why she's laughing right now. Anyway, I'll take your word for it.
12 years ago
ziquita: Is Molo there yet? I mean. is Molo there yet sorry I forgot I should be more discreet about that with a little houseguest here
Christopher says
12 years ago
You're so cool. :-D
12 years ago
valerious_d: 8Db Seriously. My hands are quite large.
Christopher says
12 years ago
I think I saw them once. Or someone who looked like you. I think you can carry my pet dog. Well, you're heartless right? He eats hearts. :-D
Christopher says
12 years ago
You can hold my dog with just one hand.
Christopher says
12 years ago
And then you can hold another dog with another
Ellie says
12 years ago
........It's either because it's 1:32 am or you're just really sleepy Christopher.
Trane says
12 years ago
valerious_d: Actually I am heartless and I have no shame and I believe these are my best qualities. I like dogs. Can they attack on command?
Trane says
12 years ago
Also are they more accurately described as "cute" or "hate filled and bloodmouthed"? I am cool with either answer fyi. Just curious.
Christopher says
12 years ago
I've never tried to see if they could. I just have one so far.Um, I think he's cute. He just..keeps eating this heart
★ Zita ★ says
12 years ago
coltraned were you not off to sleep yet
Trane says
12 years ago
valerious_d Excellent. I kind of like the idea of having a hand free while the other has a cute dog. Like.. I can still play ping pong with one hand. Awesome, right? I think so.
Christopher says
12 years ago
Sounds neat :-D Well if the dog isn't going to run after the ping pong ball
Trane says
12 years ago
Not if my ping pong opponent is a much larger and more frightening dog. That's just suicide. :-D
Christopher says
12 years ago've played ping pong with a dog?
Trane says
12 years ago
...literally? Well, no. But like... I did sit next to a guy wearing a dog costume on a plane once.
Trane says
12 years ago
Not really sure why I brought that up. ANYWAY...yeah.
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