England is
11 years ago
looking for Gregory. Being a kid again had forced him to look at things differently. He felt like he had something he needed to say to his brother.
latest #61
Scotland wonders
11 years ago
what he wants. He thought England ha already made his feelings clear.
England has
11 years ago
been thinking a lot. He hasn't really been able to do much else.
Scotland thinks
11 years ago
he should have taken the opportunity to enjoy being a kid. He's in his house just now, wondering how long these ears would last.
11 years ago
had managed to sweet talk a cab driver into giving him a lift. He knocked on his door, unable to reach the handle to just let himself in.
11 years ago
answers the door, a hat on his head and tail tucked away. He was least expecting England at his door, 'Tea?' he asks, stepping aside to let him in.
11 years ago
quietly stepped inside and nodded at the offer of tea. "I wanted to talk." Something he didn't do often. He was still wearing old clothes that didn't fit him quite right so he stumbled a bit.
11 years ago
sighs, 'I wish you would have let someone take you shopping.' He picks the nation up, depositing on the couch. 'What's wrong?'
11 years ago
shakes his head lightly. "I'm managing... And... I wanted to confess some things I guess." He curled his legs up under himself on the couch.
11 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'Confess what?'
11 years ago
looked down at his hands as he tried to figure out how to word it. "I don't think I've ever told you how much I looked up to you when I was little or how much I really remember. You were... And still are a
11 years ago
great brother. I'm the one that's shit. If it weren't for you... I don't know what I would have become and about your independance... I would give it to you if I could but at the same time I'm afraid you really
11 years ago
wouldn't have anything to do with me if I did."
11 years ago
Stares at him. That's a lot to take in in such a sort amount of time. 'Right... Lets go through this one by one.' He holds one finger, 'If I was a braw brother you'd be better adjusted than this.' He includes_
11 years ago
A second in his grasp, 'You're not shite.' He would pause there, not wanting to do an information dump. He wasn't sure how much the little mind could take.
11 years ago
frowns at that as he stared up at him, he felt like he was being talk to like he was a kid... well he supposed he was. He looked down at his hands again as he shook his head. "I'm not that horribly adjusted."
11 years ago
Can argue that, as can many others. 'You need to start giving people a chance Arthur.'
11 years ago
nods a bit still looking at his hands as if they were the most fascinating things in the room. "Every time I do it goes wrong."
11 years ago
urges him over, prepared to take him under his arm and baby him a bit. 'I'm sure that's not the case... you've just not found the right nation yet.'
11 years ago
doesn't think that's the case, he's pretty done trying. He shift to lean into him a bit, hesitating over the action. "What I said about not trusting you... I didn't mean that."
11 years ago
pulls him into his lap, pushing back his hair and tilting his hair back to look him in the eye. 'You could have fooled me,' he chastises light heartedly.
11 years ago
huffed a bit at that as he tried not to meet his gaze, but he didn't really have much choice. "I'm not very good at the whole touchy feely thing... I know that... And I don't think I can change that."
11 years ago
hums, mouth tilted down as he considers that. 'Maybe you just haven't found the right person yet... You know, it doesn't feel like work when it's the right person.'
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he moved to hug him awkwardly. "I doubt there is a right person for me... and I'm fine with that. And... I'm happy for you. I know I haven't said that either. I am though."
11 years ago
rubs his back as he allows the hug, smiling a bit. 'Thanks... and never say never.'
11 years ago
would like to see his little brother happy
11 years ago
closed his eyes a bit, comfortable like this. It really did remind him of when he was younger. "I promise I'll be civil around Francis."
11 years ago
smiles a bit, amused. 'That would certainly help.'
11 years ago
glanced up at him as he sighed. "You are a good brother."
11 years ago
grins, 'Good. Cause you've only got a few to pick from and one's always on benders while the other shags sheeps. I'd hope I was alright in comparison.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that, "we don't talk about the one that shags sheep and Brendan isn't much of a brother." He pointed out.
11 years ago
laughs, 'Wales is alright.... and aye, you two have that sexual tension on, right?'
11 years ago
frowned at the thought, "I don't really want to talk about that."
11 years ago
sighs. It's fond however, 'Alright.' Really, their little family was a shambles.
England is
11 years ago
trying to be better about everything. He shifted a bit in his lap. "I really am thinking he's over that by now."
11 years ago
isn't so sure, but only time would tell. 'I'm guessing you don't return the feelings then?'
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he thought about it. "I don't know... I do but I don't think it would work."
11 years ago
hums, picking him up and holding him in the air. 'If you don't think it will work from the beginning then it won't.'
11 years ago
startled at suddenly being picked up. He frowns a bit down at him as he folded his arms over his chest. "So I should think it will work then?"
11 years ago
nods, 'Yeah.'
11 years ago
stares at him for a long moment. "Do you think it would work?"
11 years ago
smiles up at him genuinely, 'Why do you think me and France work, huh?'
11 years ago
frowns a bit as he tried to find a comfortable of being held like this. "I don't know. The same reason Francis and I never worked." He pointed out. "You two know each other really well."
11 years ago
sits him back on his lap. 'And you and Declan know eachother well.'
11 years ago
shrugs as he settled in his lap. "Lately I don't think I know him at all."
11 years ago
hums, 'Just give him a chance, next time you see him.'
11 years ago
nods as he shifted to hug him again awkwardly. "I will."
11 years ago
ruffles his hair, 'You're cute as a kid.'
11 years ago
sighs not about to admit he was enjoying this.
11 years ago
laughs at the sigh, 'How about we make hot chocolate and bake, huh?'
11 years ago
glances up at him at the suggestion. "Thought you didn't like when I bake."
11 years ago
shrugs, 'Call it nostalgia.'
11 years ago
nods a bit, "I remember."
11 years ago
picks him up as he stands, 'I think I have ingredients for basic fairy cakes, if you're up for that?'
11 years ago
brights a bit at that, he hadn't made those in ages. "Yes! Please."
11 years ago
laughs, settling the nation on his hip as he walks through. He deposits him on the breakfast bar, pulling out ingredients Francis had left behind and taking out a mixer. 'Francis also filled my freezer full of_
11 years ago
meals, if you want one while they cool?'
11 years ago
held his shirt till he sat him down and he had to let go. He blinked up at him smiling. "Ah... sure."
11 years ago
nods, 'I'll pop them in the microwave later then.' He reaches for a small cookbook, flicking through till he finds fairy cakes. 'Here we go.' He places the book down, 'I'll do the butter if you do the flour.'
11 years ago
nods a bit as he moved to grab the flour. He carefully measured it out.
Scotland is
11 years ago
a bit more hapdash with the butter, measuring it with the packs guidelines. He pops the butter in the microwave to soften it.'
11 years ago
finished with the flour and pushed it towards him humming happily.
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