11 years ago
glances out his window cautiously. There had been a strange woman following him around and it was creeping him out.
latest #83
11 years ago
blinks as she passed by his window and slowly raised her brow. " Island?' Well from her spot it looked like Thora...
11 years ago
Oh great, now there was another woman stalking him... He ducks to hide under the window frame.
11 years ago
((You did not see that mis fire....))
11 years ago
shook her head before knocking on the front door. She just wanted to make sure her eyes weren't seeing things.
11 years ago
ignores the knock and slides carefully to the window next to the door, pulling the curtains shut.
11 years ago
frowns before knocking again. " Island? Are you in there?" Well, seeing her mood wasn't the greatest, she could just leave or kick the door down. She was leaning towards the first.
11 years ago
keeps hiding. Mr. Puffin wanders around the house and freezes when he spots Dorthe. "Yo, broad. I've not seen you 'round these parts." Ari sighs and facepalms when he hears the bird.
11 years ago
blinks, unsure what was speaking to her. " Have you seen someone name Thora? She kind of looks like the Iceland from here."
11 years ago
Mr. Puffin tilts his head and clicks his beak at her. "I'm down her, toots. And Iceland? He always looks like a girl."
11 years ago
looked down from the doorway. She was going to asked how a bird opened the door for her but nods. " So she's here?"
11 years ago
Mr. Puffin was outside the whole time, Ari had gotten annoyed listening to him. "Yeah, 'she's' here." The puffin laughs. "Make him let me in, I'm freezing my tail feathers off out here!"
11 years ago
guessed that would make sense on how the door was still shut. " I see." She just knocked again, " Hej, Thora, you left your bird outside."
11 years ago
doesn't like being called a girl or by a girl's name! Mr. Puffin laughs. "His name's Ari." He scratches at the door with a claw. "Come on, kid, this broad's gonna move on if you don't get a move on." He-
11 years ago
chuckles at his own bad joke. Ari rolls his eyes before standing up and straightening out his clothes before opening the door just wide enough to let the bird in.
11 years ago
blinks realizing her mistake and nods faintly after. " Do you mind contacting me if Thora shows up around here in the future?"
11 years ago
pokes his head around the edge of the door and frowns. "I don't know who that is..." Mr. Puffin rushes in but keeps an eye on Dorthe.
11 years ago
smiles, " That's fine then. Sorry for troubling you." She guessed she should worry more about other things.
11 years ago
Mr. Puffin nudges Ari and he stumbles forward, hitting his head on the open door. "Geez.. Stupid kid, complaining about being lonely and a broad shows up and you let her go?" Ari sputters and tries to sush him.
11 years ago
raised a brow as the blinks at the noise. " Is something wrong?"
11 years ago
shakes his head, now holding Mr. Puffin in one arm, holding his beak closed with his other hand. "Ah.. nothing... Sorry about him..."
11 years ago
nodded lightly in response afterwards. " Alright then. Tak for you're time." She turned to leaving, back to being on her way to a meeting.
11 years ago
lets go of Mr. Puffin's beak and the puffin wolf whistles after her.
11 years ago
turns her hand slightly as she stopped. " Did you say something?"
11 years ago
turns bright red and shakes his head. "N-no!" Mr. Puffin flaps his wings and squawks before replying. "Hey, sweet thing, are you a volcano? Cause you're getting me all puffed up!" The bird laughs as Ari-
11 years ago
struggle to try to get his beak closed again.
11 years ago
combs a hand through her own hair clearly confused. " Are you sure about that?"
11 years ago
frowns and finally shoves the flailing bird under his jacket. "I-I'm sorry about him, he has bad manners..."
11 years ago
smiles before going back to see the bird. " I'm sure he's just happy to have you for an owner."
11 years ago
tries to hide the bird. "N-no, I don't think that's it..." Mr. Puffin starts curing up a muffled storm.
11 years ago
tilted her head slightly, " Hm? Then is it not feeling well?"
11 years ago
......wonders if she even realizes the bird was trying to hit on her... Mr. Puffin cackles from under the jacket before biting Ari, making the other flail and drop him.
11 years ago
didn't even the read the situation. She just reached down and picked up the bird to hand it back to him.
11 years ago
Mr. Puffin flails in her hands and tries to get to her chest. Ari dives to try to grab the puffin and ends up grabbing Dorthe's chest on accident. "And kiddo's finally made it to second base! About damn time."
11 years ago
stared at him before straightening him up, " You okay there?" She didn't really hear what the puffin said and thought more so about the other's well being.
11 years ago
.......shoves the bird out the door before slamming it shut and curling up in a ball. Mr. Puffin ruffles his feathers. "Don't mind him, kid just needs to get laid and then he'll man up."
11 years ago
raised a brow as she picked up the bird before knocking on the door. " I don't think it's that..." She frowned, not understanding what was going on.
11 years ago
stays curled up. Yup, it was official. He was never opening his door ever again... Mr. Puffin nuzzles into her chest...
11 years ago
didn't pay much attention to the bird as she knocked on the door again. " Hej, did you hurt yourself or something?"
11 years ago
doesn't know why she won't leave... It was like she was... No. No, this was terrible even for a nightmare. He didn't know if he'd be able to face Denmark after dreaming about what he'd be like as a girl! The-
11 years ago
puffin stays close to her chest. "Yo, Iceland! I'm not your wingman, if you don't make a move now, I will."
11 years ago
just thought it wasn't nice for him to leave his pet outside. She thought he had tripped or something earlier. " Island? He's the twin of my soster then." She finally came to that conclusion after awhile.
11 years ago
left Mr. Puffin outside a lot... It was better than dealing with his loud mouth. The bird fluffs his feathers proudly. "Fine, she's all mine then. Don't come crying to me later about not getting laid." Ari-
11 years ago
groans. "Go away... It's bad enough I have to deal with you when I'm awake..."
11 years ago
looks down at the bird and then at the door. " If you want some time alone, your puffin can stay with me for a while. If you need my number you can ask Soren for it."
11 years ago
Mr. Puffin laughs. "See? That's how you get a gal to take you home!" Ari twitches and opens the door. "Give me the bird...."
11 years ago
nods and hands it to him after. " Are you going to be okay?"
11 years ago
nods. "It's just a dream... A bad dream."
11 years ago
frowns, " Is there anything I can do to help?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, I just need to wake up."
11 years ago
blinks, " Would you like some coffee then?" She wasn't sure where she was going to get some however.
11 years ago
"No, I need to literally wake up."
11 years ago
raises a brow, " What do you mean?"
11 years ago
"This is all a bad dream."
11 years ago
furrows her brows, " Are you sick or something?"
11 years ago
pauses. "That might be it. I might be running a fever."
11 years ago
looked thoroughly confused, " Are you going to see a doctor then?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I'm not a kid, I can take care of myself..."
11 years ago
shrugs, thinking she should leave. " Well if anything happens in the case where you need help, don't be afraid to contact someone at the very least."
11 years ago
turns away from the door, grumbling. "Fine, Soren..."
11 years ago
blinks at that, " He's still in Copenhagen if you're looking for him."
11 years ago
..."Then who are you?" Mr. Puffin cackles, enjoying the scene.
11 years ago
tilts her head, " Dorthe. His counterpart so to say."
11 years ago
frowns. "I don't know what you are talking about..."
11 years ago
smiles faintly, " In a nutshell, a bunch of nations that are opposite in gender to the ones here got stuck here. We're still nations and Soren is my twin."
11 years ago
.......nods slowly, pretending he understood.
11 years ago
sighs, " They're real breasts if you think I'm Danmark crossdressing."
11 years ago
certainly wasn't expecting to hear anything about her breasts! He turns bright red and sputters. "I-I didn't think they were fake! I-I mean, I-I don't care..."
11 years ago
certainly seemed amused by his reaction. " Then what was that about calling me Soren?"
11 years ago
"That had nothing to do with your... with your chest..."
11 years ago
smiles a bit more, glad to see that he seemed healthy. " Well in that case, your reaction tells me you're fine."
11 years ago
huffs. "Are you done bugging me?" He wanted to stop talking about her chest...
11 years ago
pats him on the head, " Well, you were the one drawing my attention back here in the first place." He reminded her a lot of Thora.
11 years ago
instantly reaches up to straighten out his hair. "You're supposed to leave when people shut the door on you."
11 years ago
nods, " Nej, I generally kick down the door when I'm in good spirits." She stated out of pure honesty.
11 years ago
...sighs. Whatever she was, she was certainly related to Soren...
11 years ago
nods lightly after, " Anyway, if you are feeling sick, you can call me too."
11 years ago
"I'm not feeling sick..."
11 years ago
raised a brow, " Then I believe you're cured of whatever ailment or sickness or dream you were talking to yourself about earlier."
11 years ago
decides not to tell her she was what made him think he was sick. "Fine, whatever."
11 years ago
smiles, " Well, I'm going to leave then. Tak, for the chat."
11 years ago
watches her, just in case she doesn't leave.
11 years ago
went off on her so call merry way. She had a meeting and more paperwork to do.
11 years ago
...shuts the door and narrows his eyes at Mr. Puffin. "This is all your fault..."
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