"Excuse me sir." He very calmly approaches Dino, a very broad smile upon his face.
flips him off and walks away "I don't have time for stupid shits like you."
follows him very awkwardly. "A-ah! I- just uuh." He stops in the middle of the street and huffs. "Excuse me! Come back here right now!"
keeps walking, catch him if ya can shithead.
huffs. "I know your mother!"
((thats suposed to be a threat))
yells back "My mum died when I was six."
stops. He did not have time for such rude people. Just the thought-!
Bumps into Dino. "Watch where you're going!" he snarls at the other.
ignores him, growling out obscenities, "Fuck you, I ain't got time for yer shit, y err r lucky I got somewhere t'be."
Punches him in the face. "You're lucky I'm angry bitch!" (QAQ sorry!)
(lolololololololol you're so innocent you can't even, omg I love you....)
's head snaps with the punch before he looked back up a killer grin on his face, "I'm gonna make ya regret that...", he dpoke slowly, popping his knuckles loudly.
Snickers. "Let's dance Barney." (Purple dinosaur if you don't know him.)
grins, taking a shot at the ghost, "S'at all you got snuffleupagus?" (bigbirdsimaginaryfriend.)
(it's a elephant thing, just go with it.)
(ok) Growls. He charges at Dino again with a kick to the stmach.
dodges easily, tripping the other man. he grins