~Em is
12 years ago
feeling depressed. Don't want attention, just wanna vent. I'm so tired of having to ask everyone to do the simplest things for me
latest #11
12 years ago
and feeling sick and sore everytime I'm out of bed for longer than an hour. On top of this having to worry about money. They showed me my wound today and it's the biggest ugliest thing I've ever seen
12 years ago
it takes up the entirety of my back, one big long bloody snake. I'm not going to be comfortable wearing a 2 piece for another 4 years.
12 years ago
They don't even know if this is the last surgery yet, they're just hoping that there isn't anything else.
12 years ago
I know it sounds stupid to be upset because, well would I rather have cancer or be ugly? I just can't help but feel depressed about it. I know I shouldnt and it's selfish but I want to be beautiful.
AriusChambers says
12 years ago
^ THIS ^ I agree :-D
Ashurey says
12 years ago
this ^.
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