England is
11 years ago
trying to hide from Francis and well just about everyone. He went to his old hiding spot from when he really had been a kid.
latest #94
11 years ago
Had heard about England. News travels quickly in such a small community as Europe. He stands at the foot of the tree, tail swishing and ears down as he watches his younger brother. 'I don't think I can climb _
11 years ago
That anymore.'
11 years ago
had climbed the tree and was nestled into the branches. He frowned a bit at the familiar voice. "That's the point now isn't it?"
11 years ago
's tail twitches, 'You'd think you would have matured by now.'
11 years ago
rolled his eyes at that as he pulled his knees up to his chest. "And you'd think you would have learned to leave me alone by now." He really wasn't in a good mood.
11 years ago
can wait here all day. He was able to do it when he was younger and he has much more patience now. 'Shouldn't we get you more modern clothes? I can see your junk from here.'
11 years ago
ignored that as he shifted on the branch to climb up higher. He could sit in a tree all day if he wanted. He wasn't about to come down for anyone least of all Gregory.
11 years ago
leans against the tree, wishing he had fags. He's pretty sure he took up the habit as a way to channel his anger. His tail is jerking angrily now.
England was
11 years ago
trying to figure out how he could get down from the tree and away from Gregory. He shivered a bit as he pulled the over sized jacket he was wearing tighter around himself.
11 years ago
Would wait for him as long as he needed. Someone needed to look after the brat, and why not him? He was experienced at it afterall.
11 years ago
wasn't about to let him look after him. The last thing he wanted was to put up with Gregory and Francis at the same time. He made up his mind as he shifted and slowly climbed down the tree, making sure to land
11 years ago
on the other side away from the other nation before he took off, or tried too, he didn't really make it very far before he tripped over the too long coat.
11 years ago
hears him, his cat ears a lot better at picking up the small movements. He's quick to run after him, almost tripping over the tyke when he falls. He's quick to kneel at his side. 'Are you okay?'
11 years ago
glowers mostly at his own clumsiness and stupidity. He struggled to sit up a bit, ignoring his skinned knees. "What do you care?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, scooping him up into his arms. 'I care, doesn't matter why.' He pauses to think before heading in the direction of the stream nearby.
11 years ago
protests when he's picked up, he struggles to get out of his hold, frowning. "Can you put me down?!"
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'Your knees will just bleed worse if you walk.' He remembers this stream... it's where he used to make England bathe... He smiles at the memory, 'Do you mind this place?'
11 years ago
didn't want to be treated like a kid, even if he looked like one. He remembered the stream, though he would never say as much. "Why should I? It's a stream."
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'It's nothing.' He kneels by the stream, scooping up some water to wash his knees with.
11 years ago
didn't try to protest it as he let him wash his knees, he clung to his shirt much like he used to.
11 years ago
pats them clean with the edge of his shirt before heaving him back up as he stands. 'Do you wanna order in some fish and chips?'
11 years ago
looked embarrassed at that and tightened his hold. "No..." he still didn't want to be treated like a child.
11 years ago
hums. 'It's that or Haggis...'
11 years ago
glared up at him with that, "I don't want anything."
11 years ago
glared back down at him, 'Well I'm hungry and I am going to order in. I was just seeing what you would like but if you're going to be a brat about it...'
11 years ago
looked away from him as he let go of his shirt to fold his arms over his chest. "I can look after myself."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, 'You're not very good at humouring people, are you?'
11 years ago
shakes his head, "not my specialty. I don't do touchy feely."
11 years ago
hums, 'Nor do I. But I can still humour people.' He adjusts his hold on the kid, 'Why don't I take up the guest room for the night and make sure you don't starve?'
11 years ago
looked away from him as he held onto his shirt again when he adjusted his hold. "Even if I say no I doubt you'll listen."
11 years ago
nods, 'I'm a stubborn git.'
11 years ago
knew that already.
Scotland thinks
11 years ago
that's it sorted then.
11 years ago
shifted a bit in his hold. "You can stay in the guest room."
11 years ago
smiles, 'Thanks... so... did you just feel the need to join in on the fun?' He's already headed in the direction of Francis' house.
11 years ago
huffs and shakes his head, he frowned at the direction they were going. "No. I fucked up, where the hell are we going?"
11 years ago
blinks before changing direction, 'Shit... I dunno where I was going.' He was on autopilot it seemed. ((I meant to say England's house. ))
11 years ago
looks away from him as he curled his fingers in his older brother's shirt. He didn't mean to be so... rude.
11 years ago
rubs his back, an old habit from their childhood. 'Do you want to make dessert?'
11 years ago
blinked a bit and looked up at him, he wondered if Gregory was enjoying this. "I thought you were still mad at me."
11 years ago
adjusts his hold on him, 'Iam, but you can't really do anything about it just now and I'm expecting to change back soon...'
11 years ago
looked away again as he tightened his hold oh him a bit. "There is no antidote if that's what you were hoping for?"
11 years ago
shrugs, 'Nah... just have a feeling it won't last forever... and I'm rather enjoying Francis as a girl.' He grins, his expression rather pleased.
11 years ago
pretended to gag at that in a childish manner. "Didn't do it for your enjoyment."
11 years ago
laughs, 'I guess that backfired on you then, huh?' He quickens his pace once they're out of the forest, heading towards Francis' house.
11 years ago
shrugs a bit. "No. Didn't backfire at all."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, looking amused. 'You've changed a lot. You're bitter now.'
11 years ago
*England's house
11 years ago
frowned as he looked up at him. "What do you mean by that?"
Scotland is
11 years ago
glad when they're on England's street, making his way to the house. 'It's not so obvious in your normal body... but, like this, it makes me wonder where I went wrong. You're bitter now.'
11 years ago
tried not to look at him with that as he looked down at the ground. "So what if I am?"
11 years ago
stops infront of England's door. He'll need his keys, 'It's sad.'
11 years ago
shuffled through his pocket and pulled it out handing them to him. "Fuck you."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, unlocking the door. 'You would have never have said that when you were this size.'
11 years ago
bit his lower lip lightly at that as he thought about that. "Yes well I've never really been able to trust anyone."
11 years ago
hums, 'You used to trust me.'
11 years ago
shakes his head as he looked away. "Used to, don't anymore."
11 years ago
puts him down once they're in the house. 'You've made that perfectly clear.'
11 years ago
smoothed out the over sized jacket as he looked away from him. "Glad we have that understanding then."
11 years ago
uses his mobile phone to order in Fish and Chips, going to put the kettle on. 'Are you drinking tea like this?'
11 years ago
nods as he followed him to the kitchen, trying not to trip over his jacket. "Why wouldn't I?"
11 years ago
shrugs, 'Caffeine isn't good for chilren.
11 years ago
frowned up at him as he watched him. "I'm not really a child."
11 years ago
looks at him, 'But you are in a child's body.'
11 years ago
glared a bit, "you're enjoying this way to much."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. 'Yeah. I'm enjoying my cute image of you being ruined.'
11 years ago
looked away from him, he suddenly felt tears coming to his eyes.
11 years ago
doesn't quite notice at first, already turned towards the kettle. 'Do you want sugar?'
11 years ago
rubbed at his eyes fervently before he quietly left the kitchen, not answering him.
11 years ago
turns when he doesn't get a reply, ears twitching. He picks up the small sniffs, soon following after the nation and picking him up under his arms. 'I didn't mean to make you cry.'
England is
11 years ago
really trying not to cry now, really really trying as he stopped himself from protesting being picked up. He didn't really trust himself to say anything now.
11 years ago
hushes him, bouncing the tyke as he smooths down his hair. 'I'm sorry... so don't cry, eh?'
11 years ago
tried to glare at him through his teary eyes. "J-Just put me down."
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'It's a big brother's job to cheer up his little bro.'
11 years ago
tried to push him away now as he shook his head. "You don't comfort."
11 years ago
sits them on the couch, rubbing his back. 'What do you call this?'
11 years ago
tried to shuffle away from him with a frown. "Something you've never done before."
11 years ago
lets go of him, sighing. 'You seem to forget me bringing you up as a kid, when I was barely a teen. I wasn't the best, but I fucking tried.' He swears softly, 'You know what. Fuck this. I'll just wait outside_
11 years ago
leave your portion on the effing doorstep.' He gets up, tail swishing violently as he makes his way to the door.
11 years ago
took a few moments at that as he tried to make sense of it. He shifted a bit before he got up, stumbling off the couch as he went after him. He reached out and grabbed his tail. "Please... I'm sorry..."
11 years ago
tenses when his tail is grabbed, fur standing up on end and ears down. He hisses, stopping in his step. 'What?'
11 years ago
instantly let go of his tail, regretting that. "I'm... I'm sorry." He almost choked on the words.
11 years ago
can't tell if he's choking cause he's saying sorry or he's upset. 'What for? There's a shed load of shit you have to apologise for.'
England is
11 years ago
crying and trying to make sense of why he's crying. It was so much harder to control things like this. "I-I don't know."
11 years ago
sighs, still agitated if his tail is anything to go by. He picks up the other though, shushing him. 'Okay, okay...let's go make you a cuppa, okay?'
11 years ago
shakes his head again even more as he rubbed at his eyes. "Why are you still being nice to me?"
11 years ago
hums, 'Maybe cause you're a wee'in at the moment.'
11 years ago
frowns at him and stares, "I don't want you to treat me like a kid. I know you don't like me, I'd rather you treat me as such."
11 years ago
ruffles his hair, 'You don't make it easy to like you.'
11 years ago
tried to swat the hand away from his hair as he looked away from him. "Maybe because it's easier."
11 years ago
isn't gonna be sympathetic. ''I think you're just lying to yourself.'
11 years ago
shakes his head, "no. It's easier to make people dislike me than it is make them like me."
11 years ago
hums, 'I dunno. People like me fine.'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that as he looked away from him. "Yeah well I am not you."
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