11 years ago
slept soundly and missed work. When he did wake up he felt weird, mint bunny was perched on the edge of the bed staring at him.
latest #81
11 years ago
sneaks into his house, sitting on the other's chest as he pokes the old man, huffing. Not easy waking a soul up when you're a kid. "Hey! Bastard!"
11 years ago
(Oh I edited it)
11 years ago
(hold on, then.)
Gabriel has
11 years ago
managed to sneak into the other's room, mostly to rub it in his face that.. honestly, a kid?! "Hey, bast--" he cuts himself, staring oddly at him from the window.
11 years ago
blinked a bit as he struggled to get out from under his own blankets. He frowned a bit as he stared at Gabriel, rather glad he had the windows locked.
11 years ago
taps the window rather angrily. C'mon, what is getting into a room after you're past the garden... He points to the other's mirror tho, baring his teeth.
11 years ago
had no idea what he was doing as he shuffled to get out of bed and fell out. That... hadn't happened before. It was when he realized his PJs were to big for him that he realized the potion had worked on him as
11 years ago
11 years ago
laughs loudly at the other, falling from the window as he does so.
11 years ago
(arthie's a kid too?)
11 years ago
11 years ago
got out of the to large bottoms and tried not to trip over the long shirt as he went to find some clothes that would fit him.
11 years ago
sticks his tongue pointedly at him from the window once he crawls up again, soon sliding down to the floor a second time.
11 years ago
ignored him as he went to find some clothes, he knew he had his old old clothes in the attic... but he didn't think he could reach.
11 years ago
just runs and tries to get in from the front door anyway, still decided to demand the other a cure. He eventually finds a way in through the kitchen's window, running to meet the other.
England is
11 years ago
staring up at his attic door glaring a bit and muttering to his mint bunny about something.
11 years ago
blinks, seeing the creature for what he figures is the first time in his life. "What the hell is that thing flying there?" he shouts, walking over to where the other was.
11 years ago
frowned over at him. He looked at mint bunny before looking back at him. "Flying Mint Bunny...."
11 years ago
blinks, watching the creature with fascination. "So, does your magic also got me high, because... it's never been there. Y'know, I thought it was just shit from your head."
11 years ago
glared at him before he smacked him rather childishly, the bunny seemed rather displeased as well. "No he's always been real, you're just to stupid normally to notice him."
11 years ago
whines and rubs his cheek, pouting heavily. "I'm not stupid... Meanie." he whines more, huffing. "Not my fault you believe in weird shit."
11 years ago
turned away from him and reached out to grab the bunny pulling it into a hug.
11 years ago
just stares at the hug, his pout growing as he feels very left out now.
England was
11 years ago
dutifully ignoring him now as he spoke with the bunny in an old form of gaelic.
11 years ago
can vaguely get some sentences from what he used to talk to with Ireland. He can't grasp anything coherent tho, so he just hisses and stomps in his place.
11 years ago
looks over at him and glares, "why are you even here?"
11 years ago
crosses his arms. "To demand an antidote, so I can be a man again!"
11 years ago
laughs a bit at that, holding his bunny close. "There isn't an antidote."
11 years ago
blinks, then frowns. "What?!" he huffs, looking down at them both. "I... I can't stay like this!"
11 years ago
shrugs, "not my fuckin' problem." He knew it would wear off soon enough and if he could get to his basement he could make himself an antidote.
11 years ago
blinks then jumps on him, tugging his hair and yelling.
11 years ago
screamed at that and tried to get away from him.
11 years ago
- "I want my old body back!" he shouts, childishly slapping the other as he screams.
11 years ago
tried to punch him as he pulled at his hair in return. "To fuckin' bad!"
11 years ago
tugs at his eyebrows. "Your fault! I hope you just... Augh! I hate you, Inglaterra!" he whines, getting desperate now.
England is
11 years ago
on the verge of tears now as he yanked on the other's hair and scratched him. "I hate you to you ass hole!"
11 years ago
slaps him and crawls off, bawling into tears as he curls into a corner. "You sadistic fuck, you turned me into a child! How am I supposed to.. t-to... AAAAHHHH!"
England is
11 years ago
crawling away and sniffling as he tried not to cry as well but that proved futile as he hugged his knees tight and burst into tears.
11 years ago
just turns to face the wall in a silly attempt to hide his tears, sobbing weakly, and covering his face that is soon very red, eyes puffy.
England is
11 years ago
really fuckin' embarrassed over this whole thing, why was it so hard to hide his emotions like this?
11 years ago
didn't know why he was here considering the man had turned him to a kid but he had to thank the man for a few things...such as a lesson learned that he had completely forgotten as an adult. He knocks on the
11 years ago
11 years ago
pouts and wipes his eyes, sobbing weakly still. "I'm.. not crying..." he bawls, then jumps a bit at the door and moves closer to Arthur, half hugging him. "Is that.. Scotland?"
England is
11 years ago
still crying, when the other moved closer to him he roughly shoved him away, sniffling as he scowled. "I-I d-don't bloody well know." He shoved at him again, not wanting him near him.
11 years ago
could hear crying through the door and child-like crying. He quirks a brow trying the door and finding it unlocked. He opens it and steps in to find two kids crying. "Gott...you guys too?"
11 years ago
glares at him, and when he's shoved away at the hug he cries more, not even noticing Ludwig. "Assbutt!" he shouts back, voice hoarse.
11 years ago
hardly notices the German as he shoved him again and yanked his hair. "Wanker!" He was not amused in the least.
11 years ago
frowns and kneels grabbing both kids by their arms and pulling them apart. "Alright, this is enough." He say sternly and in a voice that leaves no room for argument.
11 years ago
moves to kick Arthur, baring his teeth at him. "No, I want his head now!" He tries shoving Ludwig aside, just to jump at Arthur's throat again. "He poisoned me!"
England is
11 years ago
trying to get out of the German's hold so he can go for Gabriel's neck in return. "You're the one who fuckin' cheated on me with his brother!" he shouted, he wasn't all that cowed by Germany right now.
11 years ago
's eye twitches as he stands up lifting them both of the ground and keeping them arms part away. "ENOUGH!" He barks. "It wears off! Just calm down and lets discuss this like adults."
11 years ago
jumps at the shout, struggling still. He crosses his arms and mouths a 'suck my dick' at Arthur, sticking his tongue next.
11 years ago
sneered at him, still fighting against the German's hold. "Like fuckin' hell I'm doing that." He flipped him off in a rather un-child like mannor.
11 years ago
could honestly stand like this forever if necessary. He shakes Arthur and then shakes Gabriel to be fair. "You two honestly have no choice in the matter. You'll have to calm down."
11 years ago
huffs. "Then have him turn me back!" He points at Arthur, glaring intently.
11 years ago
glared back at him, "I can't turn you back you git!" He looked at Ludwig and glared at him as well. "We're not fuckin' adults if you haven't noticed."
11 years ago
's brow quirks up. "Oh, but you two are. I don't care what you look like physically this is no reason to act like what you look. Act your ages." He lectures.
11 years ago
groans. "I am! Not my fault that bastard gave me a fucked up fish.. Good thing you had it coming too." He huffs, grinning after.
11 years ago
struggled a bit more at that and tried to kick out at Germany. "Wankers, both of you." He could just make himself an antidote if he could just get to the bloody basement.
11 years ago
sits them both down on chairs, him sitting between them and not once letting go of either of them so they couldn't do anything drastic. He was getting a headache. "Nein, neither of you are. Calm down now."
11 years ago
crosses his arm, but eventually goes quiet, pouting a bit.
England is
11 years ago
sitting quietly now ans still glaring at both of them.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
this is a vast improvement. "Sehr gut. Now, I want just one of you to speak. Gabriel, you can go first but no screaming at each other. Calmly tell Arthur what is bothering you about your new predicament."
11 years ago
looked up at Ludwig and glared before he tried to get out of the chair again. "Fuck that, it's not like I can do anything about it."
11 years ago
sighs, taking a deep breath. "I want to know how is this a punishment for cheating on him... Ad where's the antidote to... to this!" he hisses, pointing down. "I have kids a-and that...I..." he pouts.
11 years ago
pushes England back in his chair and glances over at Gabriel pleased with his cooperation. "Arthur. Answer him and do it politely."
11 years ago
glares at Ludwig, he wasn't about to take orders from someone, let alone the German. "Why the hell should I answer him?"
11 years ago
frowns, mein gott...Arthur was more insufferable as a child. "Because you turned him into a child. That's why."
11 years ago
watches them warily, waiting for Arthur's answer.
11 years ago
isn't going to answer that. He shook his head as he folded his arms over his chest. "So? I could have done much much worse to him."
11 years ago
sighs. "Gabriel...is there anything else you want to say to him?" He has to bite back a few remarks of his own but he'd be the adult. He could do that.
11 years ago
blinks, relaxing a bit. "No." He stares at Arthur, hands curling into fists again. "It's no use talking anyway."
England is
11 years ago
very intently not looking at either of them now, he didn't need to explain anything to Gabriel.
11 years ago
nods. "I'll release you both but I don't want any fighting. Can you two at least accomplish that?"
11 years ago
nods reluctantly, still staring at Arthur. "How long till the effect goes away?"
11 years ago
shrugs as he moved to get off the chair. He wasn't going to answer that question either.
11 years ago
doesn't say anything merely keeps an eye on both of them.
11 years ago
sighs and sits on the floor, pouting heavily.
11 years ago
got down and went to go back to trying to get to down to his basement.
11 years ago
glances at Gabriel. "I guess that's that."
11 years ago
nods, sulking a bit as he starts to walk off.
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