Ellie has
11 years ago
After many weeks (months even) of serious contemplation, I have made the decision to leave SL.
latest #13
Ellie says
11 years ago
My RL has not been good this past year. Now, SL is compounding the feelings I have in RL and making things a lot worse. I cannot handle it anymore. I can’t pull the plug in RL, but I can in SL.
Ellie says
11 years ago
Some of you may take me leaving like this as a slap in the face, but it’s not about you.
Ellie says
11 years ago
I don’t see most of you anymore anyway since I’ve left the trivia circle (and most in that cliquey little mess would be glad to see me leave).
Ellie says
11 years ago
Thank you for your support and kindness.
11 years ago
I'm sorry to hear of your plans, but RL always needs to come first. I wish you the best of luck. If you ever come back, you will have at least one person glad to see you return. (cozy)
Just Del.
11 years ago
You will be terribly, terribly missed, Ellie. I hope nothing but the very best for you. I am so happy we became friends and hope that this is more see-you-later than goodbye. XOXO (cozy)
Sal says
11 years ago
You will be missed, Ellie. I know how you feel, and I hope that things get better. Like Lette said, I'd be happy to see you back someday. (cozy)
Hilda says
11 years ago
Well I'm very sad to see you go Ellie. It's been a pleasure getting to know you. I hope you can make your RL what you want of it. Good luck.
11 years ago
hugs and I hope it straightens out for you.
11 years ago
best of luck to you!
11 years ago
Sorry to hear it, Ellie. Lots of luck
Thurina hopes
11 years ago
RL gets better, don't forget about us though. We're here if you need (cozy)
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