Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Hello, future-me. This is your for the day, from past-you.
latest #23
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
(Unlike most of the cast of HS, past-me and future-me get along fairly well, though we often don't listen to each other.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
So anyway, here we go. Jotting this down from my phone before I turn in for the night.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Job applications. Duh. Priority #1 until I am employed again.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Call driving center about arranging a test, so I can finally get a license. (Find out if car is required or provided.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Fanfic writing. Work on the next chapter of Greenfire, brainstorm for some of those one-shots.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
(Today I saw an artist I'm familiar with comment that she planned on checking Greenfire out. I flailed a little.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Clean the kitchen and load the dishwasher. I got a start on that yesterday, but I want to finish it up.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Run some laundry. Also open up the shelving substitute thing we bought and hang it in the closet.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Walk over to Target and buy three thank you cards. Maternal grandparents, paternal grandma, and maternal uncle+aunt all sent something
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
nice for Christmas. Also a frame for a new photo. (Check the size of said photo before leaving.)
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Send Mom and Dad the photo of our Christmas tree. Also the photo of Zade (our cat) enjoying the super soft bath mats they gifted us with.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Clean my desk! I spend far too long looking for things on it. In fact, clean the general area around it, too.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* Take the trash and recycling out. Don't forget the boxes our gifts came in. Might take a couple trips, but I could use the exercise.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
* It'd be nice if I could get a bit of drawing practice done.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Okay, that's all I can think of. It's probably too much to get done in one day anyway, but if I can make non-zero progress, I'll be happy.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Night, all. o/
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
OH ONE MORE THING. * Start changing my username over on various sites. I'm pretty sure this one is the one I want.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
That means I'll be getting a new Plurk account! I'll leave this one alive for posterity forever, obviously.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
I think it's a good thing, actually; I've slacked on plurking since I froze my karma. Don't relish the thought of the climb back up, though.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
Oh yeah, and there was another thing. * Work on my Aather app.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
They e-mailed me yesterday to let me know I have until the 31st to send revisions. Which is super generous considering apps were weeks ago,
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
and I think that's really cool. Gonna stick to my plan of doing the revisions and then asking them to queue my app when I send them.
Spark (MOVED)
11 years ago
I'm still a mess when it comes to RP focus (I have weeks-old drop and dear_mun tags to do), and I'm not sure when that will finally change.
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