11 years ago
canon review for amber for animus or start on hamuko's app for adstrings... ? hmm
latest #24
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
you already know my answer
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
and hey, there's an interesting event starting in January on Ads~
11 years ago
ah ok! I'll skim it!
11 years ago
since i already have a hamuko app written it probably won't take me that long to churn one out with more details/canon for adstrings \ o /
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
I have to warn you, though, my Ryoji's been on Ads for over a year by now, and he might be... a bit different from the one you're used to knowing from the game xD
11 years ago
does he still hit on girls ?
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
moreso that he lost his memories of femMC along the way. but that's also something that's bound to be interesting~
11 years ago
ahh ok! I think you told me that he didn't have memories for feMC already \ o /
11 years ago
so im prepared for that ~
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
uh... well... he still does that on occasion (BECAUSE IT'S JUST IN HIS GENES) but he definitely chilled with it more since he started crushing on this certain someone... xd
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
which will probably also be all kinds of interesting once femMc appears... because whoops
11 years ago
11 years ago
i'm dead and what is this
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
df;g;d;g;dzg xD pretty much
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
well, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't start to develop feeling for someone else if he kept his memories of her :c
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
but at this point he has no idea what he and the femMC even were, other than she was 'important to him' and that he has to thank her for who he is now
11 years ago
this is like the ending of kingdom hearts man
11 years ago
"Thank Namine" who what
11 years ago
?!?!?!?!?!? hoo dat
11 years ago
kingdom personas
✿ Nayru
11 years ago
zdf;g;dzfg;;fg;z xDD so true
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