William is
11 years ago
perhaps a little too drunk, and is trying to makes now angels on one of his sandy beaches. The sun is still high in the sky and the weather is typical of summer, making the action rather out of_
latest #134
11 years ago
11 years ago
came to visit him when he spotted him on the beach. He stared for a long moment before he realized the younger nation was trying to make snow angels. He refused to believe that was one of his former colonies...
11 years ago
Isn't doing it himself, he's with several kids his own age. It's rather evident why they're all being idiots when William accepts a bottle of beer, quickly downing it after encouragement from his peers
11 years ago
continued to watch from a safe distance, he frowned a bit at the beer before sighing. Well at least he could accept William wasn't an idiot all the time.
11 years ago
Finishes the can before crushing it. He's a bit too drunk to realise he has an audience yet, soon getting picked up by one of his bigger friends before they run off and dump him in the ocean. They're just being
11 years ago
11 years ago
laughs a bit as he continued to watch, he hadn't really seen the other act like this before. He moved to take a seat on a near by bench, feeling a bit like a creep for watching.
11 years ago
Makes it back to the surface, despite his current state and drags his friend in with him. He waits for the male to get out before splashing him, starting a rather enthusiastic water fight that the red of his_
11 years ago
*rest of his friends join in with eventually. Halfway through he's tackled by the guy who started it all and pulled into a kiss made awkward by gasping for breath. He therefore doesn't see the second dunking_
11 years ago
11 years ago
had been enjoying just watching the other have fun, when he saw him pulled into a kiss though he looked away. He really hadn't expected that... he rubbed at the back of his head lightly before he got up to
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leave. He didn't want to interrupt the other when he seemed to be enjoying himself.
11 years ago
Quickly resurfaces, hitting the guy on the shoulder. He spots the tell tale mop of hair skulking off, shouting rather loudly. 'What are you doing here Arthur?' He's climbing out of the water, pushing his hair_
11 years ago
Back as he goes over.
11 years ago
stops and looks over at him, tucking his hands in his pockets. "Hmm... I came to say hi. Figured I don't visit you as often as I maybe should... I didn't want to interrupt though, you looked like you were
11 years ago
having fun."
11 years ago
Looks back, before smiling. 'I am, but it's not every day you come to visit.' He hugs the older nation, despite the drips of water running down his torso and dripping from his hair. 'Stay!'
11 years ago
blinks at the hug and hugs him back gingerly, he could feel the water on the other nation getting his own clothes wet. "You're clearly plastered..."
11 years ago
Squeezes the nation, laughing at the statement. 'Nah, you just haven't had enough to drink!'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a bit and tries to get out of his hold. "I think I'm alright William. I can just sit and watch."
11 years ago
Lets go, frowning as he grabs his wrist. 'I have some spare trunks if you're worried about your clothes.' It seemed he wasn't wanting to take no for an answer.
11 years ago
sighed and glanced at the hand around his wrist, he should have known the Aussie would get like this. "F-Fine, but I am not going in the water..."
11 years ago
Grins brightly, using the grip on his wrist to pull him towards the groups stuff. He pulls out trunks, a simple blue pair and points towards the loo. He of course had every intention to pull Arthur into the_
11 years ago
11 years ago
took them and glanced over at the loo before he reluctantly went to go changing, taking his time to make sure his clothes were folded neatly and wouldn't get ruined.
William is
11 years ago
waiting by the groups stuff for England, throwing back an alco-pop as he waits for the older nation. His friends were still at the water fight, quite used to the Australian wondering off to talk to old_
11 years ago
11 years ago
came back with his clothes folded neatly and set them down. He wasn't that old... He brushed himself off, feeling awkward in the shorts. He hadn't worn shorts in a long while.
11 years ago
Looks the other up and down, keeping any comments about how pale the older nation was to himself. When the older nation is close enough he tries to pick him up, cackling.
England thinks
11 years ago
he's smart to keep them to himself. He protested though as soon as the other picked him up and he tried to get out of his hold. "William!"
11 years ago
Only laughs in response, making his way to the water. 'We should get some youth in you, old man.' His friends are cheering him on, cheering.
11 years ago
glares a bit at him as he gave up on the struggle. "I am not an old man!"
William is
11 years ago
soon waist deep in water, unceremoniously dumping Arthur in the water. 'Yes, you are~' he chimes.
11 years ago
flailed a bit when he was dumped in the water and when he got up to the surface he splashed the Australian. "I am not."
11 years ago
Laughs, splashing him back with a grin. 'You totes are mate!' He turns to one of his friends, 'Isn't this bloke old?' They hesitate before nodding.
11 years ago
glares after the Australian and as soon as his back is to him he grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him down under the water.
11 years ago
Gasps as he's dragged down, arms flailing. He twists in England's hold to face the older nation, reaching to grab him.
11 years ago
let go of his ankle and tried to get out of his reach as quickly as he could.
11 years ago
Misses him, barely. He resurfaces with a grin, eyes bright in amusement. 'Sneaky git!'
11 years ago
returned the grin as he swam back from him a bit more. "You called me old." He pointed out and moved to splash him again.
11 years ago
Grins as he swims after the other, reaching for one of his legs. 'You brought me up to tell the truth.'
11 years ago
tried to get away from him but he wasn't very successful in it. "I don't look old you cheeky git."
11 years ago
Grabs his ankle, pulling him close until the other's pressed up against him. 'Just because you look young doesn't mean you weren't here before Christ.'
11 years ago
blinks at being pulled close and stares at him for a moment, not bothering to try and get away. "And I was raising more hell than you are now."
William is
11 years ago
surprised there isn't more protest, letting go when he doesn't get the reaction he wants. 'I doubt that. You're too proper.'
11 years ago
put respectable distance between them when he's let go. "You can ask Gregory, but I did grow up when baths were not a normal thing."
11 years ago
Rolls his eyes, 'I think you we're the first person to give me a bath.' He did Sam a lot though. Their small trip down memory lane is interrupted by Australia getting dunked by the guy from earlier, who's all_
11 years ago
Grins. 'G'day mate! How do you know Will-oo?'
11 years ago
blinks a bit at the Aussie suddenly being dunked. The question made him raise a brow as he looked up at the man. "Ah... I raised him... in a sense."
11 years ago
Surfaces to the side of the man, watc
11 years ago
Watching as he frowns. 'Ah, he's that English cousin I was telling ya about. Alway used to come over here and act like my dad.' He laughs, patting the bigger man's back. He hopes that's enough to explain the_
11 years ago
Slight age difference and Arthur's comment. 'Arthur, this is Jono, and Jono... This is Arthur. He's not half bad for a pom.' Jono ruffles the Aussies hair, looking between the two. 'So yer family?'
11 years ago
sighed a bit at that comment and nodded, he looked over at the Australian for a second. He wasn't sure how to answer that question. He supposed technically they were family.
11 years ago
Eyes sparkle with amusement as he clues into the line of the questioning of the human. He's jealous. 'We're kissing cousins~' he chimes, looking to England for validation.
England is
11 years ago
a bit shocked for a moment before he rolled his eyes at William and nodded. "That's one way of putting it, yes if you're going to be blunt about it William."
11 years ago
Grins up at Jono, who made be a little red due to getting caught. 'I'm an Aussie, we're always blunt.' Jono looks between the two before trying to excuse himself, mainly just embarrassed. Him and Will had a_
11 years ago
Similar thing going on to the two nations. Casual.
11 years ago
glanced after Jono before he looked at William. "I'm going to take a wild guess and assume he's another friend with benefits." He smiled a bit at that, he wasn't all that surprised by it and if he were his
11 years ago
younger self he'd encourage it.
11 years ago
Laughs,'Yeah... He gets a bit jealous though...' He shrugs, 'I think he was expecting to get lucky tonight.'
11 years ago
glanced over at the small group and laughed. "Well I wont get in the way if that's what you wanted to do tonight."
11 years ago
Glances over at the tap
11 years ago
Glances over at the taller male, running a hand through his hair. 'Might not sleep with anyone...' He says with a shrug, splashing England. 'Is that what you came for?'
11 years ago
blinked at the splash before he moved to splash him back. "No that's not what I came for. I came because I don't visit you often enough."
11 years ago
Splashes him again, 'Like I'll believe that.' He starts to swim backwards, 'If I'd known all I had to do was fuck people to have 'em visit I_
11 years ago
Have started sooner.'
11 years ago
Would have started sooner.'*
11 years ago
sighed a bit as he swam after him grabbing for his foot. "That's really why I came. I didn't come just to fuck you William." He frowned a bit as he said it.
11 years ago
Shrugs, 'If you say so...' He doesn't really believe him, but... He could humour the nation.
11 years ago
stopped trying to go after him and nodded a bit, he could tell he didn't really believe him. He headed for the shore with that. "I'll leave you to your friends than."
11 years ago
Sighs, not about to chase after the older nation if he was in a huff. He joins his friends and slips into the banter rather quickly, taking one of the beers when he's handed them.
11 years ago
didn't want him to think he was here for that kind of reason. He grabbed his clothes and went to change back into them, when he was done he left the shorts near William's stuff and he pulled the Christmas card
11 years ago
he'd brought with him out of his pocket and set it near them. He had a gift for him back his hotel room, he just figured he'd find the kid first before he brought the thing to him.
11 years ago
Doesn't pay him much mind as the groups activities die down, mumblings of Christmas shopping and other engagements dragging them away. It's Jono who waves the card in front of Will. He opens it to see what it_
11 years ago
11 years ago
had just written the typical Merry Christmas greetings followed by a long message detailing his regrets on how he'd dealt with passed situations and mostly on how he'd treated the other nation. He was horrible
11 years ago
at the whole opening up to others but he made an honest attempt at it in the card.
11 years ago
Puts away the card when he realises the contents, not wanting people to read it over his shoulder. He would probably call the nation when he had privacy, to see if he was still about and thank him for the card.
11 years ago
planned to stay in the room he'd gotten for the night before he flew back in the morning. He hadn't really planned on the meeting go well in the first place. He was pretty good at messing things up lately.
William thinks
11 years ago
walking away from things all the time doesn't help. He calls him that evening, sounding a little rough.
11 years ago
didn't want to make things worse. He answered the phone just as he was about to turn out his lights to go to bed. "William... are you alright?"
11 years ago
|'Hungover...' He rubs his face, sitting on the couch. 'Thanks for the card.'
11 years ago
sat down in an arm chair and nodded a bit, "I have a gift for you as well. I just didn't bring it to the beach. I'll drop it off in the morning before I head home."
11 years ago
Sighs. 'I hope you got all your former colonies presents. Don't wanna be choosing favourites,' he teases.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that. "I did... you're just the only one I had time to deliver it to personally."
11 years ago
Laughs, almost hearing that eye roll. 'What did you get the others?'
11 years ago
closed his eyes as he leaned back in the chair. "I don't really remember..." He really was a horrible parental figure.
11 years ago
Rolls his eyes at that. 'What about me? What did ya get me?'
11 years ago
frowned at the question. "If I told you it wouldn't me much a gift." He shifted to try and get comfortable.
11 years ago
Hums, 'Then how about a hint?'
11 years ago
shakes his head lightly. "No hints, I'll see you in the morning WIlliam. Do try and sleep and get rid of that hangover."
11 years ago
Scoffs, 'Yes old man.'
11 years ago
Hangs up.
11 years ago
hung up as well frowning at the phone before he got up and went to bed himself.
11 years ago
Takes Arthur's advice, sleeping in. He had the phone by his bed if England had any trouble finding histories in the morning.
11 years ago
woke up early enough and he may have gotten slightly lost on his way to the Aussie's house but he found it. He knocked on the door, balancing the gift in his other hand.
William is
11 years ago
somewhat up, opening the door in his boxers with a cup of coffee in hand. 'Morning...'
11 years ago
nods a bit at him, pointedly not looking at him. "Good morning."
11 years ago
Steps aside to let him in, 'The kettle just boiled if you wanna cuppy?'
11 years ago
smiled a bit as he stepped around him and nodded. "Sure a cuppa sounds good."
11 years ago
Downs his cup of coffee, picking up a hoodie on the way to the kitchen. He has the air con on full blast so it may be a little chilly. 'Do you wanna make our own?'
11 years ago
followed him into the kitchen and set the gift down and nodded. "Sure, I'll make it while you open your gift."
11 years ago
Blink, 'You don't want me to wait till Christmas?!?' He picks up the present to shake it, curious as to what it might be.'
11 years ago
stared at him when he started to shake it. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He'd gotten him the new iPod with a life proof case. He was told that's what all the kids wanted now.
11 years ago
Shakes his head, 'No! I want to.' He quickly opens it, eyes brightening. 'Wow, you've actually pulled through this year huh?' He wonders what colour it is, 'Did everyone get one?'
11 years ago
nods a bit, "the rest of them got the nano thing..." he shrugs. He'd just gotten him the white one. The case is black and is apparently water proof and drop proof and just about every other kind of proof.
11 years ago
Blinks, grinning a big. 'So I get special treatment, huh?' He looks the device over, grinning when he notices that it's waterproof. 'Might have to try this by taking it surfing it with me.' It's a joke.
11 years ago
set about making himself a cup of tea. "I've treated you the worst... I'm trying to make up for it." He shrugged a bit. "I was told you can take that thing scuba diving with that case on it if you wanted."
11 years ago
Grins, 'Seriously?!? That's brill!' He starts to put the iPod on charge, grinning. 'You can be thoughtful if you try... Should I go fetch your present?
11 years ago
looked over at him and blinked a bit. "I know you like to do sports so I figured I might as well make sure it'll survive you."
11 years ago
Laughs, 'That's true.' He gives him a manly half hug before going to fetch the old man's present. It's badly wrapped, as always. 'There you go.'
11 years ago
hugged him back awkwardly before he sat down with his tea. He took the gift from him and smiled a bit. "Still need to work on your wrapping skills."
11 years ago
Rolls his eyes. 'It's covered, that's what counts.'
11 years ago
sighs a bit and sets it aside he would wait till Christmas to open it. "Well thank you William."
11 years ago
Makes himself a tea before sitting opposite him. 'You know... You still owe me a blow job.' He cheekily grins.
11 years ago
blinks over at him with that. "I thought you didn't want me to be here for that reason."
11 years ago
Replies, 'Never said that. You're putting words in my mouth!'
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a bit as he sipped his tea. "If you make dinner I'll give you a blow job." He smirked over at him with that.
11 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, not quite moving yet. 'Last time we fucked you said if I moved you'd give me a blow job. You're owe me one.'
11 years ago
huffed a bit at that and nodded. "Fine."
11 years ago
grins triumphantly, sipping his own cup of tea. ''I'll order in when you're done... wait, does that mean you're staying?'
11 years ago
held his cup in his hands as he watched him. "Do you want me to leave?"
11 years ago
smiles, 'The more the merrier. You can help me set up the barbeque and stuff.. my mates are coming here for Christmas dinner.'
11 years ago
took a few more sips of the tea as he smiled a bit. "As long as you don't mind. So when am I paying you this owed blow job?"
11 years ago
Hums, 'Now is as good a time as any?'
11 years ago
raised a brow at that but got up and moved over to him, he leaned down and kissed him lightly. "Gladly then."
11 years ago
Flushes at the kiss, not quite expecting that. 'Lets see what you've got.'
11 years ago
slid a hand down the front of shirt as he leaned over him still, dipping it between his legs. "Is that a challenge?"
11 years ago
Shifts to open his legs for the other, grinning widely. 'What else would it be?'
11 years ago
moved to kneel between his legs as he looked up at him, "you're still a cheeky brat." He commented as he worked on getting his pants undone.
11 years ago
Finishes his tea, lifting his hips to help England move them down far enough. 'Would you have me any other way?'
11 years ago
got his pants down and smirked a bit at the question. "No I don't think I would."
11 years ago
Slides a hand into Arthur's hair, smiling. 'Just not wanting a half hearted one.' ((can you pp? I'm on my pad...! ))
11 years ago
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