Mardi Cat
11 years ago
woke up to no power this morning. :-o Reported the outage, quickly bathed the kids, and got them ready for school. JUST as I shut the door to put them on the bus, the power comes back on. (unsure)
latest #9
Marshall thinks
11 years ago
it was watching you. (ninja)
11 years ago
Wee says
11 years ago
how rude!
11 years ago
11 years ago
hey, at least without power I bet the kids weren't complaining about wanting to stay home
Mardi Cat says
11 years ago
actually, had to keep getting after them for wanting to play with kerosene lantern and candles. Battery lantern no work anymore. (unsure)
Marshall says
11 years ago
You have a lantern? Lucky! Back in our day we had to rub the sleeves of our wool nightgowns to get a static spark to see our way to the toilet. Which was half a mile away.
11 years ago
sachikitten: Lucky! You had nightgowns? Our potato sacks didn't make sparks.
Mardi Cat
11 years ago
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