11 years ago
(400BC) climbed up the tree, grabbing at the branches and pulling himself up to a good spot to hide. He was determined to avoid his chores and hiding from his brother was really just a big game to him.
latest #70
11 years ago
had an awful frown on his face as he tries to find the younger nation. 'Oi! Come do your work you cheeky shit!'
England is
11 years ago
watching him from his hiding spot and trying not to laugh a bit at the frown his brother was sporting.
11 years ago
looks up when he hears leaves rustling, frowning up at his younger brother with his hands on his hips. 'I hope you're enjoying yourself now cause you willnae be in a minute you little git.'
11 years ago
grins down at him as he shifted to climb up higher. "You will 'ave to come get me." He was enjoying this.
11 years ago
rolls up his sleeves, intending just to do that. 'Don't cry when I catch you, this time.
11 years ago
blinks at him as he watched him, he was clinging to his branch now, quite comfortable. "I wont cause you wont be able to get me."
Scotland is
11 years ago
slowly making his way towards the younger nation, 'That's what you say every time.'
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out at him as he moved to climb as high as he could.
11 years ago
starts to get a bit nervous as the branches creak under his weight. He's not about to give up though, hand soon closing around England's ankle and tugging him down.
11 years ago
yelped at that as he tried to hold onto his branch. He frowned down at his brother as he refused to let go.
11 years ago
tugs harder, straddling his own branch for balance. 'You're gonna have to let go eventually, ya know.'
11 years ago
really didn't want to let go of his branch now as he tried to wrap his arms around it.
11 years ago
groans when his arms get around the branch, tugging harder. 'Fucking come on Artie. You need to do yer effin' share you little bastard.'
11 years ago
looked down at him and huffed. "I don't wanna do it right now."
11 years ago
scowls, 'If ye dinnae do it right now the animals will come to our camp again. So bloody dae it you stubborn wee bairn.'
11 years ago
reluctantly let go of the branch and fell down on top of Gregory. "Fine!"
11 years ago
makes a small sound of annoyance when the smaller nation lands on him. 'When did you get so feckin' heavy?'
11 years ago
looks up at him with a glare as he stayed where he was. "I'm not heavy!"
11 years ago
adjusts his hold on the younger nation, ruffling his hair. 'Oh aye? So that's not podge around your middle, huh?'
11 years ago
frowned up at him and pouted a bit at that. "No it's not!" He squirmed as his hair is ruffled.
11 years ago
sighs, rolling his eyes in amusement. 'You're big enough to climb down yourself, right?'
11 years ago
stared a bit at him and moved to get down. "I climbed up here on my own."
Scotland is
11 years ago
glad he's moving on his own. He didn't want to have to carry him down.
11 years ago
isn't a baby. He climbed down the tree and soon as he was on the ground he took off away from their small home.
11 years ago
swears under his breath as he watches the younger nation run off, scrambling down after him to their home.
11 years ago
ran passed the home and out to the fields. He didn't really want to do the chores just yet.
11 years ago
groans when he finds that England had run away. He simply ignores the other this time though, using reverse psychology as he does his own chores.
11 years ago
went to go play with the fair folk. He found them gathered in a small clearing and it wasn't long before he'd convinced them to help him with his chores.
11 years ago
just wants them done. He doesn't really mind how he does so.
11 years ago
came back to the house when he was done and he went to find Gregory, he is completely covered in mud now.
11 years ago
may or may not be mucking about with a brownie, waiting for the smaller nation. All the younger nations work - which was really not much at all - was still left undone.
11 years ago
had done all his work, he was sure of it. When he found Gregory he ran over to trap him in a hug, headless of how much mud he was covered in.
11 years ago
makes a small noise of annoyance, flailing when he gets covered in mud. 'W-what are you doing you little eejit?' he asks, although he's reluctantly returning the hug, pushing back his hair.
11 years ago
frowns at being called that as he clung to him a bit. "I finished..." he let go of him and quietly apologized for the mud. He may have forgotten a chore or two though.
11 years ago
pulls him back into the hug, ruffling his hair. 'I knew you'd do it,' he says, pulling back enough to give him a bright grin. 'You just took a while to get around to it, huh?'
11 years ago
pouts a bit as he looked up at him and nodded. "I had to go see my friends..." he wouldn't not do his chores, he didn't want to disappoint his older brother.
11 years ago
hums, 'Next time you can just invite them here. Or ask 'em to come hang out while you do your chores, huh? And! If you just did 'em from the start you could play with them longer, no?'
11 years ago
shakes his head a bit as he looked away. "Tomorrow I'll do my chores earlier, I promise!"
11 years ago
smiles a bit at that, 'Good. Cause I don't like having to tell you off, you know?'
11 years ago
gave him a bit of a disbelieving look as he let go of him. "I thought you liked doing that."
11 years ago
shakes his head, 'Nah. I dinnae wanna turn grey early. I do enjoy winding you up though.' He pulls England in for a hug, starting to tickle him.
11 years ago
immediately tried to squirm away from the tickling, laughing as he tried to get free. He was never really that successful at it though.
11 years ago
nuzzles the side of his face as he continues to tickle his little brother. ~Say Mercy!~
England is
11 years ago
practically squealing with laughter as he tried to get away. "M-mercy!"
11 years ago
presses a kiss to his face before stopping. 'Good, but now we both have to have a bath, huh?'
11 years ago
smiled up at him as he tried to catch his breath. The idea of bath made him pout a bit. He didn't like baths... "Do we have to?"
11 years ago
nods, 'Aye. We dae. We're both a state' ((Funny thing is, they didn't really bathe in Scotland until the vikings came over xD'' ))
11 years ago
huffed a bit but nodded as he cuddled into his brother a bit more. ((Yeah, I don't think they really bathed properly till much much much later.))
11 years ago
ruffles his hair, waiting for the other to stand before he drags him over to a close by stream.
11 years ago
got up and followed him, holding his hand tightly. "Can I try cooking tonight?"
11 years ago
shudders involuntarily. 'How about we both do it, eh?'
11 years ago
blinks up at him at that, trying for his cutest pleading look. "Why can't I?"
11 years ago
doesn't look at him, not wanting to deal with cramps again. 'Because it's dangerous to do it yerself.'
11 years ago
tugs on his hand as he tried to get him to look. "Buut I wont learn if I don't try?"
11 years ago
turns to look at him, frowning a bit. He bites back the mean words, opting for a compromise. 'You can do dessert.'
11 years ago
stares at him a bit but nods slowly looking away when he noticed Gregory's frown. He let go of his hand and continued on to the stream. He felt like he shouldn't have bugged him that much about it.
Scotland thinks
11 years ago
the kid should really be used to it by now. He sighs when he lets go of his hand, picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder. 'Fine, ye can cook.'
11 years ago
made to protest when he is grabbed and thrown over his shoulder, his fingers curled in his brother's clothes tightly. "No, I'll just make dessert." He'd already accepted the Gregory didn't want him to cook.
11 years ago
Hums, 'Nah! Your making it. I can't be arse.' He starts to wade into the stream, holding him up above the water now. 'It'll be you paying me back for not doing a couple of chores.'
11 years ago
squirms as he tried to get out of his hold. The stream would be cold... And he wasn't to good at swimming yet. "I did do all my chores!"
11 years ago
Holds him under his arms as he dips him in. 'No you didn't,' he says, making sure to keep England's head above water. 'You forgot to brow away the scraps from breakfast.'
11 years ago
struggled to get out of the water when he was dunked, yelping a bit at the cold. "I-I'm sorry."
11 years ago
Made sure to keep his head above water, half heatedly cleaning the boy despite the struggling. 'So that's why you have to make tea tonight!'
11 years ago
huffed up at him as he reached for his shirt and clung to it. "Fine I'll make tea."
11 years ago
Grins, 'Good, cause I love it when you cook dinner.'
11 years ago
stared up at him, he thought Gregory didn't like when he cooked.
Scotland is
11 years ago
lying, for his little brothers sake. He climbs out of the water to deposit him on the bank, going to clean himself. 'What are ya gonna drink?'
11 years ago
shuffled to a grassy spot on the bank and started to ring his clothes out a bit. "What can I drink?"
11 years ago
Shrugs. 'Your bath water,' he jokes. 'And what are you gonna cook?'
11 years ago
shivered a bit, "can I cook stew?"
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