11 years ago
(1914) had heard word from some of his spies about what had been going within France's borders. His first thought was that he was going to kill the French man when he did find him if he wasn't already dead and
latest #124
11 years ago
his second thought was that he was going to make the German suffer without giving him the mercy of killing him. He'd arranged for several men to push an invasion into the German troops holding France.
11 years ago
had predicted an attack from Arthur but he hadn't predicted one this early and this quick. The man had either lost his mind or was sure he was going to win. He had his men holding the British back as he tried
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to figure better strategies of pushing them back and out completely and maybe a pre-emptive attach inside of Britain to get a foothold within the shorter man's border.
11 years ago
had been waring against France for longer than the German had been old enough to wank. He knew every method the German's could use to defend the French boarders and then some. He was far more prepared for this
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than the German was.
Francis was
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very much still alive, though by now he looked downright fragile and was suffering as a country under Germany's rule. He stayed at Ludwig's side, watching as he commanded the troops to fight back the English.
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had been taught by his brother, a nation who has trained nations around the world how to comand an army, he wasn't going to be deterred no matter the length of fighting the British and French have been fighting
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for. He would not lose France...not now.
England was
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not about to let him keep him. He was more angry than he had been in years and when he got angry he only got more determined. This whole war had slowly put him in a bad mood, well worse than normal anyway.
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felt like he should be protesting this battle somehow... but really he had become solely focused and fiercely loyal to Germany.He merely pointed out things that would be helpful to Ludwig whenever he was asked.
Ludwig is
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glad for Francis help, there were certain factors he would have overlooked if the man hadn't been there to point them out. But now, with this surprise attack strategy there was no way Arthur could win this
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11 years ago
wasn't concerned with winning so much as he was with giving the German a solid thrashing. He wanted to make sure Francis wasn't dead and if he wasn't he was planning to hurt him just as much as he was going to
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hurt Germany.
11 years ago
had barely gotten any sleep the night before having to deal with continuous attacks by the English while explaining their new strategy to the other higher officers. When he had returned to his tent he had
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wasted time grabbing Francis and dragging him, even if the man was willing, on a quick walk of the perimeters to see how bad they had been pushed back. It was much to late to run into the Englishman anyway so
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he wasn't at all worried.
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wasn't about to waste time sleeping, his men were taking the chance to regroup and collect supplies. He was out for a walk of his own, pacing more than he was walking to enjoy the scenery.
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gasps as he's yank up and pulled along, doing his best to keep up with the angry German. He's quiet as he's shown,though resolving to help as much as he can against the terrible English army.
11 years ago
had been studying a certain area of the battlefield unaware of the Englishman's promenade. He glances over his shoulder at Francis beckoning him closer. "When you see this what does it make you think of?" He
Ludwig asks
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his voice heavy with the uncertainty of the battle.
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(( you can make something up. It doesn't have to be accurate. ))
11 years ago
steps closer when beckoned, looking out over the area wearily. The battle being on his land had caused him to feel worn and wounded as well. "It reminds me of.... he hesitates, trying to think something through
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the fog of lost memories. "....like being caught in the middle of the storm, knowing more is to come."
11 years ago
((im not sure what we were refferring to outside of a calm battlefield so feel free to correct me if I've missed the mark completely))
11 years ago
stopped when he heard voices and out of instinct he dropped down low enough that he'd be out of sight. He listened carefully and picked out Francis' voice, it only made him frown though. He didn't sound right.
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frowns, not exactly what he had been asking but Francis was known, ever seen the White room, to say very strange things. He merely nods before getting up. "Thank you Francis. That was...enlightening." He had to
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find the right word to finish that sentence.
11 years ago
probably sounded different because he was trying to learn German, and it was affecting the tone of his English as well- not to mention the way he was consistently exhausted and weak. "I'm sorry... it does
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make me think of something, but I can't quite recall..." he admits shamefully.
11 years ago
watched and listened to the two, the way Francis spoke with the German only made him angrier. He'd come out here to cool his temper, but that wasn't exactly happening.
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makes his way to him and pulls him into his arms petting his hair gently. "Don't strain yourself too much. If you can't remember that's fine." He says planting a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "Now, let's
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finish the scout of the perimeter and we can head back to the tent." And then he would see what he would do with Francis there.
11 years ago
couldn't help but be mildly disgusted by the display. He quietly shifted where he crouched and slid his handgun out of it's holster and he cocked it so a bullet was in the chamber.
11 years ago
lets bimself be pulled into Ludwig's arms, smiling at the kiss. "Yes, sounds good to me," he answers, standing up to follow him.
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*standing up straighter
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steps away from the embrace but keeps a protective hand on the middle of Francis back as he continues to lead him further down the battleground. He was a little tense, it felt as if someone was watching.
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slowly shifted up so he could follow, he kept quiet, knowing just where to step as he moved to come up behind them. He'd been at this for to long, modern warfare may have change his military, but old habbits
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die hard. When he was close enough he stood and levelled his gun at Germany. "You really are a sick bastard you know."
11 years ago
freezes at the irritating voice of the Englishman. He glances over his shoulder unimpressed and pushes Francis so he can shield the other from the Brit. He doesn't turn around. "Am I now? How so?"
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shrugged, he was pretty undeterred by the German not turning around. He took a few more steps closer. "I've never seen Francis like this and I've seen him in a lot of states over our centuries."
11 years ago
gasps as he's pushed to be shielded from the Englishman, looking up nervously and trying turn around to peek at the man threatening them.
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finally does turn around keeping Francis hidden behind him. "Well, there are still many more centuries to go through so this is just one more state to add to your collection." He doesn't want to reveal
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anything. "Did you come here to shoot me, Arthur?"
England is
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a mix of anger and just plain disgust as he watched him. "And you will not get to see those centuries Ludwig, not after I'm finished with you and when you lose this war, do you really think Francis is going to
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remain your loyal pet? That's not who he is at all. He will make you suffer worse than you've made him suffer and I will not bother stopping him."
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did not want to think about that, that's why he was going to win this war. "I guess I'll just have to win the war in that case."
11 years ago
laughs at that as he stepped closer, his gloved finger on the trigger, his other hand on his belt, fingers curled around a knife. "See that wont be happening. You're too young, naive. You're fighting against
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nations that have been at this for longer than you and we know how to take a young ignorant power hungry nation apart easily."
11 years ago
doesn't seem fazed by his words although he couldn't help the uneasy that sunk into him secretly. "You should probably concentrate on winning this battle before you spout your insanity on dismantling me. Put
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the gun away and go back to your troops unless, of course, you want a repeat of Morocco."
11 years ago
glared at him but didn't rise to the bait. Instead he pulled the trigger. He'd aimed for the German's chest, not bothering to waste time on scare tactics.
11 years ago
had been listening quietly to the conversation, certain things ticking in his mind. But when the gun goes off he's quick to shove Germny aside best he can, trying to save him.
11 years ago
had anticiapted the shot but had not anticiapted that Francis would push him aside and instead of the bullet hitting him. It grazes his shoulder and connects with another target.
11 years ago
didn't waste time to see if the bullet had hit or not, he'd already cocked another bullet into the chamber and corrected his aim, determined to hit the German. When he realized Francis had shoved the German
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away he only got more angry. "Francis you bloody fucking idiot!"
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cries out in pain as the bullet connects with his chest instead, crumpling to the ground in pain.
11 years ago
drops to his knees and gathers the injured Frenchman in his arms. "You Dummkopf!" He growls. "Look what you've done!" He pulls the others shirt open assessing the wound before gently lifting him up trying not
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to jostle him too much.
11 years ago
didn't seem over fazed, sure he realized he'd shot Francis instead of the German but he hadn't been expecting Francis to do that. "No Ludwig, you did that. This is entirely your fault and I will see you rot
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for it."
11 years ago
tries to pull himself to his feet but finds himself swept up instead, crying out softly in pain as Germany inspects the wound. He sends a glare in Arthur's direction, shaking from the shock setting in._
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"Y-you're a fucking monster," he manages, trying to shakily reach for Ludwig's gun for revenge.
11 years ago
ignores the glare at that as he held his own fun aimed at the two still. He was rather used to that kind of wording from Francis. "And you're nothing but a fucking pet to the German swine. Fuck Francis you're
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not even worth trying to save anymore."
11 years ago
tries to stop Francis from grabbing his gun but with his arms full it was not easy if at all possible. "Why are you here then, Arthur. Why don't you go back to your island and stay there." He snaps. "If you
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have any common sense left within your thick head you'll let me take Francis so I can treat his wound."
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aimed his gun at Francis now, daring him to try to shoot him. "Because I had loved Francis once and I thought there would still be a Francis to save. But you've killed him."
11 years ago
shakily defys Germany's attempt to stop him, holding the gun up despite the burning pain running through him. "A-as if I could have ever loved someone like you," he scowls, not surprised at his words. After all
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, Ludwig had told him already that Arthur was a liar of the worst kind. "I-I'm quiet well and alive, thank you."
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doesn't say anything as he silently observes the exchange wondering if the Brit would back off.
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shakes his head, not looking disturbed at this. "No you're not Francis. In all our centuries fighting against each other I have never seen you like this. Since when do you bow down to anyone but your King?"
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scowls at him, arms trembling at the strain of holding up the pistol. "Y-you must be a cruel, pathetic p-person you wouldn't save your own lover," he retorts.
11 years ago
laughs at that, "you're not my lover Francis... we haven't been that in years and you don't seem to want saving."
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frowns at him still. "I-I wasn't talking about you..." he replies, starting to look pale from bloodloss.
Ludwig thinks
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this is enough and starts walking away from the Brit. "Shoot me Arthur and I will unleash all manner of hell on your borders until I occupy you completely." He threatens as he continues to make his way back to
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the tent. He shouldn't have waited that long.
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watched them go and sneered after him. He turned to walked back to his own tent, glaring at his men as he went. He instructed them to pack up.
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trembles, on edge of shooting Arthur as Ludwig turns them away. He drops his arm limply as they start walking away, breathing hard as he tried to keep himself from passing out. "W-what a horrid man..."
11 years ago
couldnt' agree more as he sets him down on the cot in his tent as he removes the mans top, pulling off his leather gloves and jacket as he examines the wound and begins to patch it up quietly.
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drops the pistol shakily as he's laid down, letting Ludwig do as he needed too, more preoccupied as he felt the pain tearing at him now.
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had removed the bullet from the wound and patched it up, stopping the bleeding as he wipes at the sweat that had formed on his brow before sitting down in slight exhaustion at how long that took. He doesn't say
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much as he studies Francis a bit seeing slight improvements in his complexion.
Francis is
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trying his hardest not to show how much pain he's in, but it's really hard when Ludwig is extrcting the bullet from his chest. He eventually settles down, breath coming in shaky sobs. "T-thank you..."
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washes his hands and pets the man's hair back. "I wasn't going to leave you in pain." He says simply. "Now, sleep."
11 years ago
closes his eyes as the hand brushes through his hair. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't shoot him..."
11 years ago
can't help but let out a bit of a laugh at that. "There will be plenty of time to shoot him later. The war is not even close to being over."
11 years ago
hums softly, only nodding in reply as he tried to block out the residual pain in his chest.
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stays by his side and waits for him to fall asleep.
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passes out, the lack of blood and the stress of it knocking him out.
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makes sure to monitor him throughout the rest of the day and night glad that he had managed to hook him to an I.V. at least.
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stays out for a long time, the IV slowly letting him heal. Since he had been weak before this event though, he wouldn't be back to full health easily.
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had noticed the other's nations health weakening and had began to invest a bit more money in the nation to pick the economy up and get things started so Francis would strengthened. He couldn't have a weak
11 years ago
11 years ago
would be grateful and feel indebted to the German when he foud out. After a long while he finally starts to wake up, eyes fluttering open.
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had fallen asleep at his desk in his exhaustion of being awake for to many days and nights.
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turns his head, looking for Ludwig. He blinks when he sees the other passed out, going to sit up but cringing in pain at the residual wound.
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still clutched the pen in his hand as he snoozed away hunched over, chin resting on his chest. He looked uncomfortable.
11 years ago
reluctantly sits up, hands going to his chest. "L-Ludwig...?" he asks softly. When he doesn't get an immediate answer, he slides his legs over the edge of the bed, standing on shaky legs that felt like
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they would give in, in favour of bringing over the blanket from his cot to drape over Germany.
11 years ago
woke up briefly jotting something down that he must have been writing before he had fallen asleep and muttering something under his breath before falling back to sleep.
11 years ago
kneels down by Ludwig's side, leaning his head on the other's lap. He stirred a bit and looked up at the movement, debating if he should let him sleep or tell him to wake...
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would prefer if Francis woke him up. He hated being so vulnerable in front of any one.
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watches him for a little longer, ignoring the way this sort of position made his chest hurt. He gently nudges Gemany after a moment, quietly calling his name, not wanting to startle him up.
Ludwig feels
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something and then soon after hears something as he slowly comes too. He blinks groaning lightly before he feels a weight on his lap and he spots Francis there instead of in the cot. "When did you wake up?" Was
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the first question he asks before thinking up a quick second. "And how long was I asleep?"
Francis gives
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him a weak smile as the other stirs, leaving his head on his lap. "I do not know how long you were asleep, but perhaps it is best to move to the bed?" he offers. "I haven't been awake very long.."
Ludwig has
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to stretch the kink in his neck. "You're probably right." He says as he waits for the other to move his head so he can get up.
11 years ago
notices what he's waiting for, hesitating before pulling away, flinching slightly at the sensation in his chest as he moved.
11 years ago
notices the flinch. "I think it would also be best if you made your way back to the cot to lay down until you aren't flinching whenever you're moving." He says as he gets up.
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nods gently, rubbing his chest. "S-sorry... it's still sore..." he apolgizes, carefully getting to his feet again.
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could imagine. "Go lay down and rest." He says guiding the wounded man to the cot.
11 years ago
nods, letting himself be led back to the cot and laying down. "W-will you join me?" he asks.
11 years ago
pauses to think about it for a few seconds before nodding his head. He pulls off his jacket and waits for Francis to crawl onto the cot first.
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lays back down, scooting over to give room for the larger male.
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gently sits on the cot before pulling off his boots and laying down beside Francis. It wasn't the comfiest thing he'd ever laid on but it wasn't the worse either.
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smiles softly as Ludwig lays down next to him, finding and hoding his hand.
11 years ago
11 years ago
can't help but smile at such a simple action squeezing the hand gently before readjusting himself.
Francis wishes
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he could curl against the man's chest, but he has to settle for laying side by side. He closes his eyes again, hoping Germany slept well. He knew the other had been having sleepless nights.
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pulls his hand from Francis' grasp as he wraps it around the man and pulls him against him. "This is more comfortable." He says simply before closing his eyes keeping close to the other man.
11 years ago
gasps but lets himself be pulled against him, smiling gently. "Ah, agreed," he answers, happy with the solution.
11 years ago
rests his cheek on top of Francis' head as he slowly drifts off to sleep.
Francis feels
11 years ago
warm and safe with ludwig there, slowly drifting off again himself.
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