man, i'm glad all my shout-out plurk threads have been revolving around thielo's really stupid sexual antics, er
anyway, i was thinking that what might probably happen is thielo'd go over, do the goofy hot rocks thing and play it off with the same mild manner of flirtation BUT
he's been like... evaluating his damage and being like, why AM i in the closet, oh, it's because i'm afraid of my brother assaulting me sexually
but my brother isn't HERE!
so maybe i can just be a big darn gay
so in light of his cautious revelations, i was thinking he might end up just kinda crawling on tha' and being like SO UH CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET LOL...
before diving into a big gay episode that would probably have a morning 2 parter
but thielo would explicitly sign his consent based on "IT'S A FUCKING SECRET, DON'T TELL ANYONE"
so he can further sleuth out his dumb sexuality
Thahre'x is a bit of a git, but he likes Thielo enough to keep a secret for him.
As far as a log is concerned, I am totally fine (if not a little embarrassed) logging smut. Would you want to log the act or just hand-wave the actual physical stuff?
Also may I just say, I love Thielo XD; He's awesome as is his buddy in Deme. You guys are very cool. <3
ALSO ~ Thahre'x can very casually say that he's been raped by about twenty of his brothers and sisters. shrug He doesn't really care though. That's just how it goes in his neighborhood. XP
ahahaha yeah that would definitely..... put a huge damper on thielo wanting to get laid, probably!
also, thank you very much! UvU i love thahre'x too
aaaand i don't mind logging smut at all, so we can log it if you'd like as we have a general understanding of what's to go down so it won't hinder our playing. but i am also fine with hand-waving!
Okay let's LOG it! If you could put up a log, that would be awesome. I will tag back and we can back tag ~
So in current game time, they have done it already X) Heee X)
Also meep, you love Thahre'x? Even though he's a huge git? <3333 Yay. I am so glad! It makes me so happy!
thielo's a huge git himself so w/e! birds of a feather
also, i'll go ahead and put up the log! <: i'll post the link here
do you want action or prose, btw?
I don't mind! Whatever you prefer! My prose isn
as shiny as a lot of the deme writers ;_;
ahaha don't worry about it duder
we'll just do action, then