for all legislators, included KMT members who concerns about Taiwan future, no more violence from police side but keep safe and order at the spot, even no word shut out: 敬告警政署長: 請保持行政中立,維持現場和平秩序! 集遊法違反憲法無效!
this man has no concern about what the people's life is as he simply has no feeling on it, only the vote is. 美校園大屠殺 歐巴馬拭淚哀悼 歐巴馬說,大家應該採取有意義的行動,拋開政治,防止更多類似的悲劇再度發生。此馬真是Mr. President,
Mr. Ma, please release A-bian immediately, this is the thing you can do immediately, to stop the voice and forces against you, before too late to change. to show that you are a man who loves his home and state.