hiding out in the bushes, watching to make sure she doesn't get hurt.
Pokes the head elf on the shoulder.
comes out of his cave. "Can I help you?"
turns back and put his finger on his lips to indicate being quite.
leans against the wall. "What is this toxin?"
smirks. "Oh nothing too serious. It's just to test a new drug of mine, really. I figured I could inject it while you slept." he smiled.
breathing heavily. "What is it?"
Nods and watches what will happen next intently.
"A toxin I conducted that can reproduce cells on their own copying a single one. It is to imitate stem cells really."
And why is it hurting me this much?
isn't hurting you. Your body just seems to be reacting to it differently than he expected.
it might be because her body isn't exactly 'normal'. "How can I stop it?"
thinks 12 years ago
. "Well, I could stop it. But why would I? That would ruin my fun."
winces. She doesn't want to beg to him, but...
waits, seeing the look on her face of distraught. "Well?"
a kingdom to take care of and she can't feeling like this. "Please make it stop."
"For what price are you willing to pay?"
gasps as another wave of pain comes over her. "What do you want?"
clenches his hands as he watches...but it would be bad to come out now.
Pats the head-elf on the shoulder in a comforting manner.
smirks. "I have a price...But I don't think your little 'helpers' would be very pleased with it."
(Oh god I'm turning Verde into such a perv what is wrong with me)
(lol i was refraining from saying that but you saved me the trouble! lol)
(Well he's a pervert anyways, they said so in the manga. But the thing is that he actually never did anything to PROVE he was a pervert.)
(That's why I love rp'ing as Verde cause I'm such a pervert irl. So I fit the role great. >D)
(okay. Wouldn't wanna get trouble again)
thinks 11 years ago
it's not that you should be afraid of him but what's he's done to you.
slightly afraid of that. "Name your price."
smirks. "Oh I think you already know my price..." (Come here Chrome let me make love to you~ *Shot.*)
taken aback. "Y-You're sick...." [iloveyou]
"Sick? I'm quite healthy actually. You are the sick one, have you already forgotten?" he teased. (Oh baby you're getting it tonight.)
shudders at the thought of him touching her like that. [yeah buddy....imean ew?]
smirks. "Even if I didn't intend that...I'd have to touch you anyways to reverse the toxin inside of you." Verde pointed out.
this was his plan all along.
says it was. But too bad that she's falling right into his trap. "Then again I could always be...forceful.
wonders 11 years ago
if she has any idea of what he's even capable of...Perhaps she's too oblivious.
an idea, but isn't sure if he could pull it off.
stares, shocked. He couldn't let this happen...but how could he stop it?
"Lightning Electro!" a bolt of lightning shoots down from the sky electrocuting her entire body until she is bound to be numb.
(Basil this is not a gang bang now leave so I can have my private rape time. xD)
falls to the ground, paralyzed, yet she's still concious.
(lol, not quite sure how...and Asari's here too...)
picks up her limb body carrying her on his shoulder. He knew Basil and Asarai had been spying so he takes her somewhere more private.
tries racing after him to stop him but loses him after a few minutes.
is already in a desolate area that is surrounded by an electrifying fence, also labeled private property to keep out trespassers.
has his equipment with him. "It's your choice. I can let you go and continue with the toxin in your body, or you can give me what I want."
sighs. There's no way she can win this is there?
"Unless you have any other ideas..."
isn't giving her kingdom to him.
doesn't want your stupid kingdom.
(wantsyou ohgoshwhatamIsayingahhhhh!!!!)
(ahahaha idekwhatI'msaying DID I JUST TELL YOU THAT???)
(Pffft omg what have I done I've corrupted Reborn!)
(yes you have. your pervy ness is starting to rub off on me)
tries to fidget by can only move ever so slightly.
gets closer to her, lifting up her chin to look at him. "So, do we have a deal or not?"
Bristles in the bush. He would not let this happen to her.
's voice is very bitter. "Do I even have a choice?"
doesn't want to have sex with him, but she has to rule her kingdom....
can't believe she's agreeing to this. "Deal...."