got something to tell youuu
I have no x-mas drawing for you guys ;;
can i have an x-mas ku hug?
*hugs all over the show!*
My friend got a wlsh corgi
And it fell asleep in my / thanatos' arms =D
opening jig on dreamwidth
it will be small and invite only
And it will take me some time to get it set up
Oh god ;_; How can I stay away?
I hate you, I have a job and a game already fhdshfdislj fds
But Jigoku without Seth? D: NOOO
Just wanted you to know. I rounded up Mika-mun and she's onboard along with lots of others
Oh lordy she is so awesome too
I can't NOT be there and double negative but omg <3
If I can do anything for you let me know!
I'll try to keep people updated
Thanatos would not put it down. Darryn was like 'you gonna put down the dog?'
Thanatos said 'it would not be fair. It is comfortable here.'
thereth thinks tos liking puppies is adorable
Thanatos had a fat Shar Pei called Hades for many many years
Darryn however is terrified of doggies
thereth is starting to think that thanatos is not a big scary dude like he pretends to be
Well now he will have to silence her before she spreads that around
thereth suggests bribing her with the children c:
Thanatos sends Darryn forth to flirt her into silence!
To cute the war-cow to death
when i make an open post you will tag it right?!
jvcidohfdios of course I will
I will see if Sallie will too XP
sallie wants to!!!

doesnt she want to meet thereths sister
She is scared to RP but but I will try to convince her because Thereth and sister!!!
but sallie is so awesome ;u;
sallie should never be scared to be so awesome!
Maybe if Thereth AND Duib were there she couldn't say no?

bumps sallie on the head
i have sort of considered apping the sister to deme :|b
duib can hang out with his aunt
Well, I will be there for deffinate
Maybe Thanatos will come by with soke of his children
Thereth, Thanatos and Darryns son Yorolaie is in Deme now with no COW to look after him
Duib, Thahre'x says you should be places with him. mwah
D8 her nephew is there and shes not
Thahre'x you sly thing you
Thahre'x wants in ALL the boys pants. Duib. You are a sexy.
(thereth: /reminds duib to use protection)
Saku is you bring Seth to Jigoku I -I -
Rosh... How can I not... T_T?
Seth BELONGS in Jig >_> Stupid bastard
But that skinny bastard intends to add to my RP load _> punches him
marvelousmith Yorolaie does not appreciate this at all =/ He demands to be put down.
Haha I'd be tempted by Ryo but I'd need to get him new icons...
I'm considering OoT Link but... as the Hero's Shade :')
Link and Seth together again? XP
I haven't played Seth for ages so I don't know how it would be. But it could be awweeesoooommme ~
Well Hero's Shade!Link might be super grumpy

so it'd be interesting!!
Yes! Also omg... Would I keep Seths past jig relationships? Would he remember Link? THE POSSIBILITIES
Thereth gently sets him down and goes to make him a snack
... Yorolaie likes snacks. Snacks are sufficient way of showing affection.
Thereth brings ALL the snacks
Yorolaie has a sweet tooth, like his Darryn-dad. So do ALL of Thanatos and Darryns kids actually. XP