12 years ago
since tumblr is down... xD
latest #48
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
hiii. o/
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
MIYU!!!!! :-D
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
it's been down for several hours now cries
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
so I've heard... D: People are in tumblr withdrawal right now. LOL
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
my fingers are used to typing "tu" on the address bar
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
to go to tumblr T^T
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
how have you been? D:
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
same sOBS i usually just type in "t" and go to twitter or tumblr from there. ;_;
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
i've been swell. :'D aside from lack of sleep due to irresponsible people, it's been great. you? O:
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
lack of sleep? D: a growing lady like you shouldn't be deprived of her beauty sleep :-P
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
I guess I could say that I'm making the most out of my winter vacation
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
been playing too much maplestory xd
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
LOOOL. I care about grades too much for sleep. :'D
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
you're on winter vacation already? O: but...sh'yeah play all da maple story. \o/
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
my classes ended on the 28th of november actually xD
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
but I spent a week or so studying for my japanese fall final :-o
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
so the university system in canada's different than the US? How long is your break?
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
ha...haha...finals... sobs I hope you did well/will do well on it. c:
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
i guess it is? :-) im not exactly familiar with the united states' university system T^T
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
I'm pretty confident I got an A on it. All that studying should've paid off teeheehee
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
for universities in california, they're on a semester system and their break starts next week/their finals are this week. O: i'm not too familiar myself...
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
glad to hear that! :-D learning japanese sounds fun. * w * though, it must be tiring to remember all the grammar ...
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
well we do have a semester system here as well
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
actually, it's only our university that holds their finals on the first/second week of dec
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
my friend who goes to another university in the city has his exams this week and the next
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
we just do ours earlier
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
but both uni do get some time to study
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
a period after the classes end and before the exams begin
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
if you're always using the grammar then it wouldn't be as hard to remember
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
I'm not sure how this works for others but I did benefit from watching too much anime and jdrama
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
oh, so it's just that they arrange the dates differently? O:
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
true!! :'D Practice makes perfect, I guess! Anime and Jdrama would help with how people would use words in sentences, so it would probably help pretty well. =w=b
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
yeah it's mainly just the dates. I mean, there shouldn't be a difference right? :-D
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
Sorry for the late replies btw
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
I'm switching between cooking and drying dishes atm xD
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
It's fine! uwu I have late replies too 'coz I'm multitasking on dinner and a project. ;;
meeeeeeyouuuuu says
12 years ago
but late replies shouldn't matter since Plurk is like a chat box for blogging so late replies will probably be normal. xD;; i still have plurks from august to read... orz
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
oh my
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
I'm sorry for bothering you then :0
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
good luck on your proejct
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
and wooow I just kinda pressed that "make all plurks read" optio
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
you are one diligent person
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
hi raoul :-)
12 years ago
Hii!! :-D
{{.neek-oh says
12 years ago
hi ninja!! :-D
12 years ago
ohgee me
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