Liah Kennedy asks
12 years ago
Kids! How do you appropriately dress for bath time? Ya know, so it's not awkward and well.. awkward. :-)
latest #9
12 years ago
I do not take baths... I'm allergic! However, IF IF IF I have to, my preference is to wear bubbles. Taking a bath in clothes is not very realistic. Swimsuit works too!
Autumn ♥
12 years ago
Swimsuit or the toddledoo undies/shirts sets :-))
Liah Kennedy says
12 years ago
good ideas, thank you!
sillynanner says
12 years ago
What's a bath?
Liah Kennedy says
12 years ago
Peee UUUU you stink!
sillynanner says
12 years ago
Liah_Rhiadra: sniffs himself no way I smell like roses :-P
Liah Kennedy says
12 years ago
those are some funny roses! (unsure)
sillynanner says
12 years ago
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