11 years ago
(1943) Matthew took it upon himself to watch over one of the camps that was set up for the war criminals. He was stationed at Petawawa and it was currently the middle of the winter and damnit if he wasn't cold
latest #396
11 years ago
Ludwig was
11 years ago
being marched in by several guards, head bowed, wrists handcuffed and an air of complete defeat surrounding him. He had been so sure they were going to win that battle...and then the unexpected happen and his
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entire unit had been caught and sent to Canada to not only remove them from the war but to understand what it truly meant to be a prisoner.
11 years ago
stood watching over the men that were being marched in. He didn't like this... he didn't like treating people like this, but it wasn't really his choice. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets as the man next
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to him spoke to him, explaining everything as if he hadn't read the missives.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
lead to an interrogation room were he was sat down waiting for the interrogator.
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stopped the man he was talking to and insisted on doing the interrogation. He slowly went to the room, shivering as he let himself in.
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doesn't glance up. He felt defeated in every sense of the word and figured that the man would speak to him if he wanted to get anything out of him.
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hesitantly took a seat across from him and pulled his mittens off. He looked up at him and frowned a bit, he felt guilty over this. "Germany..."
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knew that was hard to mistaken it when he heard it at many past battles. "Canada..." He wasn't sure what else to say, he wasn't going to beg to be set free. He knew this was a fitting punishement.
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watched him for a while, he was about to say something else before someone came in and handed him a stack of papers. He waited till he left before he spoke. "I'm supposed to question you... but I think that's
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sort like kicking a beaten dog..." He shrugged a bit, "sorry for the metaphor."
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glances up and just shakes his head. "If you need to interrogate me, just do so. It's all apart of war anyway." He sounded very bitter.
11 years ago
frowned at that, he took a moment to go through the papers before he pushed them to the side. "I don't really want to... I think everyone has been through enough. You're here to work for your crimes. I don't
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think I need to tell you what those are. You know." He slowly got up with that. "I will listen if you want to talk though."
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nods bowing his head once again. His hands were clenched together on his lap. "What kind of work will you make me do?"
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shrugged a bit as he glanced down at the papers again. "Farming work mostly, I'll over see everything."
11 years ago
could do that...he was a little surprised that they seemed to be quite lenient with their prisoners...then again...there was no way of getting back to Europe on their own. "I didn't know you had a farm or am I
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to work on a humans farm?"
11 years ago
knew how to keep prisoners in line, despite how lenient he seemed. "I have a farm you'll be working on. It's the winter so there's not much to do aside from take care of the animals. The rest of your unit will
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be posted to a human's farm."
11 years ago
nods. "Just promise me one thing...promise me that you'll keep them safe through this work..." He worried for his human companions. "I know we probably don't deserve it but these men are good people. They will
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work hard for you."
11 years ago
gave him a sympathetic look as he nodded, "they will be safe. I will make sure of it. We've seen enough wrong doing to cause any more."
Ludwig gives
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him the barest of smiles. "Danke. Is that all then?"
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nods as he moved towards the door. "Yes, I'll have you sent to your quarters here. You'll start work on my farm tomorrow and... don't try anything yeah?"
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wouldn't dare. He wasn't known for being a hooligan anyway. "Ja, okay. I'll see you tomorrow and don't worry about me. I'm actually a lot more quiet than this war is making me out to seem." He says before two
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men are at his side and are escorting him to his cell. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he first thought it to be. None destructive work would be a nice change.
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didn't say anything further as he let them take him away. He watched a bit before he went to make sure everything else was running smoothly. He had managed to make a convincing enough argument to have Germany
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work on his personal farm rather than on a humans. A few guards were going to come to watch over the German of course.
11 years ago
had been woken very early by his two assigned guards as he was escorted out of the facility and driven towards a long expanse of farm. This was probably Matthew's land. He isn't too surprised when they turn
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onto the residence and stop at the house down the winding driving way. He's pulled out of the car and uncuffed as he's made to wait for the shorter male.
Mattie is
11 years ago
not by any means a morning person. He woke up slowly and it wasn't until he heard the car outside that he realized he had been hurry up. He pulled on his uniform and boots and stumbled outside, dismissing the
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two guards and telling them they could walk the perimeter he motioned for Germany to follow him inside.
11 years ago
doesn't protest as he follows the Canadian inside the warm house. He stops at the front standing there, unsure if he should go in further.
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paused in the hall when he noticed him stop. "I have breakfast for you before I show you around. I haven't eaten yet either so it's pretty selfish." He shrugged as he headed for his kitchen, he'd have to make
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something quick.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
a little astonished by this. " do realise I'm your prisoner right..." He follows him to the kitchen. "Would you like me to make it at least? I'm not your guest so it would make more sense."
11 years ago
shakes his head as he waved him to the table in the kitchen. "Yeah I know your my prisoner but that doesn't mean I have to treat you like a slave." He got out a box of pancake mix and the rest of the stuff he
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needed for it. "You're here to work on the farm, not in my kitchen and I'm taking responsibility for you, so that means I should feed you."
11 years ago
goes and takes a seat in bemused curiousity. Canada was so very different the his was a wonder how he ended up like this. "If you need help...just ask." He says as he grows quiet.
11 years ago
would probably blame it on having America for his only neighbour. He set about making the pancakes and put a metal percolating coffee maker on the stove. It didn't take him long to get two plates of pancakes
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made and set out, with fresh coffee and maple syrup. "Better than prison food." He nodded, "I can promise you they'll give you decent food for dinner though."
11 years ago
hadn't realised how hungry he had been until the food was in front of him and the aroma irrisistable. "You definitely don't take after Arthur when it comes to cooking." He comments gently as he studies the food
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with fascination. "These are very thick crepes..."
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laughs at that and shakes his head. "Francis mostly taught me how to cook... and I learned from others." He is already eating his, covering them in syrup. "They're pancakes."
11 years ago
blinks. "Pancakes." He repeats before copying the Canadian and spreading the maple syrup over the spongee food. He takes a bite and can't believe he'd never tried these before. He was being treated much to
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didn't think they were that special. He ate his quietly, glad the German seemed to like them. Really he knew he shouldn't be so nice to him, but he didn't have the heart to be cruel either. "So for today I'll
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show you around the barn, for the winter you'll be feeding the alpacas, the chickens and the cows. There's general upkeep of the barn as well."
11 years ago
had finished his meal in the period of complete silence they found themselves in. And, oddly enough, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence at all. He nods his head with the explanation, finding it very straight
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forward. "Ja, okay."
11 years ago
got up and cleared the table, putting things away before he paused to pull his uniform jacket off. He went and grabbed his winter coat instead, sliding it on before he motioned for him to follow him out the
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back door.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
about to help the Canadian with the clearing of the table but found that the other man was much quicker than he and so resigns to sitting there and waiting for the other to finish. When he is motioned to follow
11 years ago
he doesn't waste time getting up and following suite.
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lead him out the back door and out to the barn, it was a decent distance from the house. He saw one of the guards look over as he walked the edge of the property. He motioned to a set of paddocks closest to the
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barn. "The Alpacas are kept in the furthest one and the cows in the closest. Right now I have the cows indoors. The alpacas are okay to stay out for most of the winter. I'll show you were the feed is kept."
11 years ago
takes in everything, storing the information for when he was actually put to work. He doesn't say anything and just lets the shorter male explain away.
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showed him through the bar and his instructions took up most of the day. By the time he was done explaining the daily chores to him and where to find everything the guards were waiting to return Ludwig to the
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camp. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."
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had worked on several farms before so had known some of the things explained. He nods at the Canadian before offering his wrists to be cuffed and being carted away. "Tomorrow morning, ja." He says before
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disappearing into the car and back to his jail cell.
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nodded to his words as he watched him get loaded into the car. He waved to him before he headed back inside to finish some work.
Ludwig says
11 years ago
was woken up at the same time as the day before and was quickly loaded into the truck and taken to the farm where he was made to wait for the Canadian.
Mattie was
11 years ago
a bit slower to come outside to greet him, he'd been up late the night before with paperwork. He stepped outside, buttoning his coat up still. "Thank you," he waved the guards off before he motioned for
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Germany to follow him inside. He wasn't really awake yet. He moved to the kitchen and got some fresh fruit out and set it on the table before he got coffee and cereal out as well.
11 years ago
sat there quietly keeping to himself. He had resolved to not accept the others hospitality especially considering he was a POW. He'd work
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hard and take his punishement properly.
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looked over at him when he didn't touch the food and he frowned a bit. "You should eat," he poured himself a cup of coffee and added sugar before he sat and sipped it. He watched the German quietly.
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's expression doesn't betray his thoughts. "I can't accept your kindness when it's undeserving on my part. I ate at the prison." Food he deserved anyway.
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looked a bit hurt by that as he took another sip of coffee to hide it before he ate some of the strawberries he'd set out. "I guess I should let you get to work then..." he got up and went to unlock the back
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door. "You know I don't blame you right?"
11 years ago
had not meant to hurt the man but gets up when the door is opened. He can't help but freeze at the Canadians last words. "That makes one of
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us." He swallows painfully before exiting and heading to the barn to start his work. Work that he could easily lose himself in. He hated his bosses...
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quietly watched him go before he sighed softly and moved to close the door. He went back to work himself and got lost in it.
11 years ago
had found extra work in the sagging of certain boards. He frowned at the danger it could pose before setting to fix it.
11 years ago
almost worked through lunch before he remembered Germany and he made himself get up and make two sandwiches. He put ham and cheese in them before he brought them outside. "Germany?"
Ludwig was
11 years ago
hammering in the new planks of wood to stabalize the area he was working in. He was so absorbed by his work he didn't even hear Matthew as he continued adjusting pieces to make it stronger.
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heard the sounds and went to find him, pausing as he watched for a moment. "Ah Ludwig..." He spoke a bit louder hoping he would hear him.
11 years ago
did hear him this time and pauses his work as he glances over his shoulder wiping at the bit of sweat that had accumulated on his brow. " it time already?"
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shakes his head as he held out one of the sandwiches, he'd wrapped them paper towel neatly. "Just lunch time."
11 years ago
glances down at the sandwich...he hadn't realised the time. "Ah, danke schon..." He thanks as jumps down from where he was working and takes the sandwich gingerly before unwrapping it to take a bite.
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nods as he watched him for a few seconds before he turned and headed back inside, he didn't want to bother him.
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would have been fine with the company. He decided to quickly eat the sandwich and finish up this work he had partaken on and finish up the other chores that were left for the day.
11 years ago
went back to his own work, eating while he went over files and tried not to fall asleep while doing it.
11 years ago
,after he's done most of his work, decides to go check on the Canadian as he exits the barn and heads to the house. He had done everything and extra and wondered if there was something else he could accomplish
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for him.
11 years ago
ended up drifting off a bit at his desk, his work spread out on the desk in a disorganized manner.
11 years ago
finds the Canadian in his study asleep. He stops, studying the man a bit before deciding Matthew would probably want to be awakened. He knew he would want to be woken. He steps in and gently shakes Matthews
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shoulder. "Matthew..."He says softly.
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startles awake, he wasn't really used to being woken up by someone else. He blinked a few times behind his glasses before looking over at the German and frowning slightly. It took him a moment to remember and
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he looked embarrassed. "Ah sorry," he moved to get up, trying to neaten his desk a bit.
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doesn't think the other should be embarrassed. "No, it's okay." He says as he begins to help the smaller male tidy the desk.
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felt like he'd been caught with his pants down or something. He thanked him for the help. "Are you finished with everything outside?"
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nods as he finishes fixing a pile of papers. "Ja, I even fixed your failing storage area in the barn."
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looks a bit surprised at that but nods and smiles, "thank you." He glanced at his watch briefly. "You have an hour still, I don't really have anything else for you to do."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
always good at finding work for himself. "I could make you dinner?"
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frowns at that and shakes his head, "no it's okay. There's a lady down the road that likes to make extra dinner, she normally brings some over. We can talk instead."
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stands there awkwardly...he was really bad at small talk. "If that's what you want."
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nods and grabs an extra chair and pulled it into his small office. "Sit and you can tell me why you think you're worth so little now." He was being blunt now.
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had not expected that from the Canadian but does sit down. "I don't think you realise...what is going on behind the scenes in the war..."
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took his own seat and watched him carefully, "try me. I'm not that ignorant Germany."
11 years ago
grows silent...he was technically not allowed to speak of this, it would be breeching what he had sworn to his boss. After a good bout of silence he finally meets the Canadian's gaze. "As one nation to
11 years ago have to swear that you will not speak to anyone about this unless it is discovered by the allies on their own...can you do that for me?"
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watched him in his silence. The question made him raise a brow and nod. "Yes Germany I can do that. I don't report everything to England."
11 years ago
knows that but this was something that would be hard to keep a secret. He runs a hand through his hair with a sigh. His hand shaking slightly. " p-people.." His voice wavered. "My boss is weakening me...
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and others..."
11 years ago
looked confused at that as he watched him, he shifted in his seat, tempted to reach over and try to comfort him somehow but he stopped himself. "What do you mean by that?"
11 years ago
clasps both of his hands together as he leans forward so his elbows were resting on his knees. It was the only way to stop himself from shaking. "There are camps...but not the regular type camps...death
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camps..." He chokes on the last term.
11 years ago
frowns at that and leans back a bit, he tried to ration that one out but he couldn't. He stayed quiet for a moment before he moved and let a hand rest on Ludwig's arm lightly. "That's not your fault."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
shaking...there were a few tears running down his cheeks at the reminder of what he had seen and what he had to endure in silence when all he wanted to do was end his bosses life. "I couldn't do anything..."
11 years ago
felt bad for him, he didn't know what to say in such a situation, but he knew he couldn't blame Germany for this. It was clear he wasn't happy with what was happening. "Ludwig... when the allies find out they
Mattie will
11 years ago
set it right. You're doing enough."
11 years ago
glances up, eyes red...unable to comprehend the Canadian's understanding nature. "A-a-re you for real?"
11 years ago
didn't have an apologetic expression when he looked up, he nodded at the question and moved his hand away. His gaze was hardened. "I may be young and most people just ignore me but there is nothing you could
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do about it. We're stuck doing what we're told."
11 years ago
nods, that was very true and he had known that but this...this was too much even for a nation. "It doesn't make sense...the ones being killed are just as much my people as the ones doing the killing..."
11 years ago
frowned at that as he looked down at his own hands. "Humans are brutal... they don't seem to care about that. I watched as several of my native people were murdered or forced onto reserves."
11 years ago
had not known that about the Canadian...then again, they didn't really have that many relations. "But...I thought Hitler would help me at first...I actually supported him and that's what makes me sick."
11 years ago
shook his head as he reached out again and gently patted him on the shoulder. "That's something you'll have to learn to deal with, but it's not something anyone can blame you for."
11 years ago
ran another hand through his hair...trying to compose himself but failing, well, to a degree. He doesn't know what to say.
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pulled his hand away from him with that. "I wont say anything Ludwig, but maybe you telling the allies is a way that you can do something. I'll leave that up to you though."
11 years ago
stares at the Canadian's hand over his. He remains quiet but nods...he had broken his oath by telling the Canadian..he wasn't sure if he could tell the allies...or if they knew he was on Canadian soil since he
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had been brought here by accident.
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had figured it had been some accident, he'd been conveniently leaving it out of his reports. He would tell them eventually but right now, he saw a broken nation and didn't think the man deserved anything
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that the others would throw at him.
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takes in a few deep breaths before finally finding some composure. "I..should probably head back..."
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nods with that as he moved away from him. "Thank you for talk to me, like I said it's just between us."
11 years ago
nods again. He gets up and heads for the door. The guards were already waiting for him. He had given the Canadian a genuine smile before being escorted out. He had a lot to think about.
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returned the smile, glad to see it as he watched him go. He hoped he didn't over think things.
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would probably but he'd be fine in the morning when he returned to do more work.
11 years ago
decided to avoid doing more work for the rest of the night as he took it to go into town to get some supplies instead.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
already up when the guards came by and ready for the routine to repeat feeling a little better about the Canadian. He was at the man's door knocking on it lightly figuring the man probably hadn't had breakfast
11 years ago
Mattie was
11 years ago
a bit surprised to hear someone knocking on his door. He went to answer it and blinked at Ludwig but smiled and let him inside. He thanked the guards again before he headed for his kitchen.
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follows him quietly before taking a seat. "I...thank you for yesterday." He finally says after what felt like quite a while of silence.
11 years ago
glanced over at him as he got coffee ready and some cereal, offering him a bowl. "No need to thank me for it." He handed him a cup of coffee.
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actually takes the coffee offered to him as he enjoys the scent of it before taking sips from it. "No, I do." He says simply, sure that those words would express the gratitude on its own.
11 years ago
nodded a bit as he sat down and poured himself a bowl of cereal. "I'm glad you seem better today."
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had done a lot of thinking but decided there was nothing he could do about it at this very moment. "I had someone to talk to yesterday. Thats why."
11 years ago
smiled faintly as he sipped his own coffee. "You can talk to me any time Ludwig, I'm not here to just make you work off your crimes."
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would remember that but would need a bit of time before he could say anything else. "I'll remember that." He finally says as he brings his cup of coffee back to his lips.
11 years ago
wouldn't push him. He sat in the silence and drank his coffee and ate his breakfast before he got up to let him outside to do his work.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
glad to start his work. There were quite a few things he had noticed that he hadn't wanted to start yesterday for reasons of his own as he went to fix them today.
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let him go to work before he up to his office and focused on his own work.
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really enjoyed hard labour. For him, it was a mindless task he could easily get lost in and also easy to lose track of time.
Mattie is
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glad he seems to be enjoying it. He had endless reports to write and he would much rather be tending his farm than doing paperwork.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
the other doesn't have to worry too much. The farm would like brand new when he was done with it and the animals were looking healthy.
11 years ago
appreciated it, he couldn't complain about the work Ludwig was doing for him. He just didn't enjoy reports.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
very good at doing reports if Matthew would let him.
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would consider it.
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depending on how confidential the stuff was in the reports.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
known for being very efficient in paperwork and his written english was like a native speakers.
11 years ago
might ask him if he wouldn't mind helping out with some of the reports. The German would run out of things to do around the farm soon at this rate anyways.
11 years ago
would be more than willing in that case. He finishes off in the barn, feeding the animal and all before heading back inside.
Mattie was
11 years ago
trying to organize his desk when he heard the back door open. He went to go meet him and make some lunch.
11 years ago
smiles at the Canadian. "Ah, Matthew, I finished the work..."
11 years ago
returned the smiled and nodded. "Earlier than I expected, I'll make some lunch. Um... maybe you can help me with some paperwork."
11 years ago
nods. "Are you sure you don't want me to make lunch. I know I ask every day but..." He doesn't finish that sentence.
11 years ago
shook his head as he set about heating up some soup the lady from the down the road had brought over last night for dinner. He'd not gotten around to eating any of it. "It's okay."
11 years ago
takes that answer and goes to sit down observing the man curiously.
11 years ago
sets about the kitchen to heat up the soup on the stove, he had two bowls out already and got some milk our as well.
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tidies the kitchen table a bit to be of some help even thought the table didn't really need the tiding.
11 years ago
thanked him as he finally set the bowls on the table along with the hot pot. "I guess I can get you to handle the domestic reports. Those don't have any sensitive information in them."
11 years ago
takes a seat glancing at the Canadian before giving a slight nod. "I could deal with those, yes. I'm sure I could even find other things to do around the estate if you really had a problem with me doing
11 years ago
11 years ago
shakes his head at that, "no I hate doing reports, any help with them is good." He smiled at that and passed him a glass of milk. "Bon appetite."
11 years ago
takes the milk gratefully, it had been a while and he really liked milk. "Guten appetite." He returns as he digs into the food.
11 years ago
ate his own soup slowly, enjoying it. He would have to thank her again for bringing it over.
11 years ago
- "Is this soup something you made?" He asks, unsure if it was the lady Matthew had mentioned yesterday or not.
11 years ago
shakes his head at that, "oh no the lady down the road made it. She thinks I'm useless in the kitchen ever since I made a horrible stew one time."
11 years ago
chuckles lightly at that. "I doubt you're as useless as England."
11 years ago
smiles at that, "oh no he's worse. I think Al got more from him in that sense."
11 years ago
wasn't at all surprised. The American didn't seem like he would be to talented in the kitchen.
11 years ago
nodded happily as he ate his soup. "So what's left for you to do around the barn?"
11 years ago
paused to go over what he had done. "I need to re-stock the food for the animals and tidy up their spaces."
11 years ago
nods with that as he drank his milk. "You can do that tomorrow then, we'll do some reports for the rest of the day today."
11 years ago
nods, he was more than fine with that.
11 years ago
smiled a bit as he finished his food and got up to clean the dishes.
11 years ago
cleared the rest of the table before waiting for the Canadian to finish.
11 years ago
thanked him and finished up with the dishes before he led him to his study.
11 years ago
follows him as he glances at the amount of paperwork. He remembered his amount when he had been back in Germany.
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had separated it earlier and he motioned on stack. "That one you can work on," he went to get an extra chair to set at his desk.
11 years ago
takes a seat on the chair when the canadian brings one around and begins his task as he goes through them one at a time.
11 years ago
sat down next to him and set to work on the other pile, he didn't mind the silence at all.
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didn't either. There weren't many people that were comfortable with his silence.
Mattie is
11 years ago
pretty used to silence. He finished one report and slid into the out bin.
11 years ago
had gotten a few done finding these ones fairly simple as he reaches for his next one.
11 years ago
hummed softly to himself as he work, an old habit he never really got rid of.
11 years ago
glances up at the humming but finds that it doesn't bother him that much and goes back to work. His brother had always said it was unsettling how he could work in complete silence.
11 years ago
thought it was pretty normal to work in silence. He yawned a bit as he started on another report.
11 years ago
thought so too but apparently Gilbert would disagree.
Mattie thinks
11 years ago
Al has the same opinion as Gilbert then.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
there brothers aren't too different surprisingly enough.
11 years ago
would agree on that. Al was insufferable sometimes.
11 years ago
wondered how he ended up how he did with Gilbert as his role model but he loved his brother nonetheless and couldn't think of a world without him.
Mattie is
11 years ago
a bit surprised by that as well, but he would never say anything to the effect.
11 years ago
wouldn't either. He finishes his last document before glancing at the Canadian. "Do you have anything else?"
11 years ago
blinked a bit, he'd started zone out there. He looked down at his own pile and sighed a bit before he handed him some. "Here."
11 years ago
takes them and starts on the next one in the pile. It was relaxing and nice. "Are you okay, Herr Canada. You seem a little distracted."
11 years ago
nods at the question shaking himself out of his daze. "I'm fine, thank you for asking though Germany."
11 years ago
nods a little at that unsure if the Canadian was actually fine but not wanting to press him further as he continues the paperwork given to him.
Mattie is
11 years ago
alright, he just tended to drift off in thought every now and then. He went back to work with that.
Ludwig will
11 years ago
keep an eye on him from now on.
11 years ago
had stopped humming as he worked, writing letters now as he pushed the rest of the reports to Ludwig to work on.
11 years ago
can't help the quirk of his lip at the action as he pulls the pile towards him and sets to work without complaint.
Mattie is
11 years ago
glad he didn't seem to mind. He ended up having to rewrite one letter five times before it sounded right.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
on his last document after having slaved over the last document for nearly a good hour.
11 years ago
finished off his last letter just before he realized what time it was. "Thank you for helping with some paperwork today Ludwig."
11 years ago
slides the last document into the out box before getting up hearing the truck arrive to pick him up. "Don't worry about it." He says as he starts for the door. "Paperwork comes natually to me now a days."
11 years ago
nods as he got up to walk him out. "I hope they're treating you well at the camp." He didn't approve of his men treating prisoners as anything less than human.
11 years ago
had no complaints. "They are..." He reassures as he's hand-cuffed and escorted to the truck. "Guten Aben Herr Matthew." He manages to get out before he disappears for the night.
11 years ago
waved to him and waited for the truck to disappear down the road before he went back inside.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
back in his prison cell and decides to go to bed right away instead of staying up and thinking.
11 years ago
ended up staying up late worrying over something, he spent more time on that then he did on work.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
back in the truck the next morning on his way to Canada's. The days were blurring together but oddly enough he didn't mind this life that seemed to have been forced upon him.
11 years ago
had ended up falling asleep on his couch, he'd become accustomed to the German working on his farm so he expected him to let himself in when he got here.
11 years ago
, for the first time since he had been made to work for the Canadian, let himself into the house and when he found the man sleeping on the couch he went around the house looking for a blanket before drapping it
11 years ago
over the slumbering figure and heading to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast.
11 years ago
stirred a bit at the sounds of someone moving about, but he didn't quite wake up yet. It wasn't till he smelled the food that he slowly woke, rubbing at his eyes and frowning, he didn't remember falling asleep.
11 years ago
had found some sausages in Matthews fridge that could work as bratwursts and had taken out the bread and cheeses before setting the table.
11 years ago
slowly got up from the couch and stumbled into the kitchen, he was still in the same clothes he'd worn yesterday. He combed a hand through his messy hair and blinked a bit. "Ah Ludwig, I'm sorry."
11 years ago
glances over his shoulder after having poured each of them some coffee before placing them on the table. "Don't worry about it. You're entitled to your days." He says simply. "I made breakfast. Sit."
11 years ago
blinks a bit at the commanding sound of that but takes a seat and sips the coffee. "Thank you Ludwig."
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a small smile. "Bitte." He replies as he sips at his coffee. "If you're tired. You should get more sleep. I can take care of the chores around the house."
11 years ago
shakes his head with that, "that would be a bit unprofessional." He smiled at him though as he drank his coffee and started on the food, he was surprised at how good it was.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Unprofessional? This isn't a business deal. I am here because I'm a prisoner of war. If you were to sleep I wouldn't take offense."
11 years ago
shakes his head, he more meant his boss would disapprove pretty highly if he knew. "It's fine really."
11 years ago
doesn't press the topic further.
11 years ago
ate quietly with that, enjoying the company as he woke up more.
11 years ago
hoped the other enjoyed his food as he began to tidy up the kitchen and putting certain things away.
11 years ago
did enjoy it, he took his time eating, he really wasn't a morning person at all.
11 years ago
did most of the dishes letting Matthew take his time not minding at all since the Canadian was the only thing he looked forward too nowadays.
11 years ago
got up to take care of his dishes when he was done, he paused to thank Ludwig again. "When you're done with the outside work you can come in and... we'll just chill." He felt like he needed to do nothing for a
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods at that. His brow quirks up at the word chill never having heard it in such context before he excuses himself to work on the barn.
11 years ago
had heard it from some kids while he'd been out shopping the other day. He thought it was pretty interesting.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
its always interesting when a language evolves and develops new terms. He's brushing out the pelt of some of the cattle.
Mattie is
11 years ago
taking a nap, much to his regret.
11 years ago
had figured as much and ends up finishing up all of his chores for the day. He trudges back into the Canadians house finding it completely dark to his bewilderment. The man must have been really tired. Instead
11 years ago
of going to wake him up. He heads to the study and starts on some paperwork as a nice gesture to the other nation.
11 years ago
woke up soon enough, he yawned and headed to his study, he was surprised to find Ludwig there. "Ah you're done outside?"
11 years ago
glances up when he hears someone at the door of the study nodding briefly before jotting down a few things. "Ja, it's almost six."
11 years ago
nods as he blinked a bit. "You can stop on those come down to the living room and have some tea with me."
11 years ago
pushes the document he had been working on in the out slot before tidying the are and following Matthew into the living room.
11 years ago
went to get make some tea before he joined him in the living room.
11 years ago
had found a nice chair to sit in as he glanced around the living room not having spent much time in here to begin with.
11 years ago
set one cup of tea in front of Ludwig and smiled at him as he settled in on the couch.
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a smile in thanks. "Are you feeling better?"
11 years ago
nods and smiles, "more awake. Thank you." He sipped his own tea.
11 years ago
can see that. "Good, this may sound odd coming from me but try not to over-work yourself too much." He should probably take his own advice sometimes.
11 years ago
laughed a bit at that and shook his head. "I'll take the advice when you start to take it as well."
11 years ago
can't help the chuckle that escapes him. Maybe it did sound a little to preposterous. "Touche."
11 years ago
grinned at that before he took another sip of his tea.
11 years ago
grabbed his tea and placed a few sugars in it before stirring it and sipping at it.
11 years ago
"Ah you wont be coming tomorrow to work here, I have to go to Ottawa for work so I'll be gone for a few days. So you'll be working in the camp till I get back."
11 years ago
tenses at the news. "For a few days." He says quietly but understanding...he shouldn't have gotten so comfortable. "Well, I hope everything goes as planned."
11 years ago
looked guilty at that as he nodded, "it shouldn't take to long and I've arranged for one of the guards to report everything to me once a day. I'm sorry."
11 years ago
shakes his head at the apology. "Why are you apologizing...again. It's okay Matthew. I can't relay on you being here all the time. You are a nation and I understand the responsabilities of what comese with it."
11 years ago
nods as he looked down into his tea. "I just feel bad, I took on the responsibility of watching you."
11 years ago
's gaze softens a little at that. "I'm not a child, Matthew." He says as he lifts the Canadian's chin up so he's gazing at him. "I'll be fine." He pulls his hand back unsure of what compelled him to do such a
11 years ago
thing. "Go do your duty."
11 years ago
blinked at that and flushed a bit, he wasn't used to many people talking to him let alone touching him. He nodded as he finished his tea. "I know your not a kid, you're much older than I am." He pointed out.
11 years ago
nods, that was very true and surprisingly there weren't many nations he could say that about. "I am so even more of a reason for you not to feel bad for leaving."
11 years ago
nods a bit. "I still feel bad about it." He couldn't help that, he set his mug down and stared at the floor for a bit.
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a gentle smile. "You're a strange man Matthew but a good one."
11 years ago
frowned a bit at that as he looked over at him, "you probably think I'm a bit pathetic." He shrugged as he got up and collected his mug.
11 years ago
watches him. "No, I don't."
11 years ago
glanced over at him and frowned a bit before he headed for the kitchen to wash the dishes. "It's okay if you do, doesn't bother me. Alfred's called me that before."
11 years ago
gets up and follows him to the kitchen. "Alfred was never the best judge in character."
11 years ago
took his time washing the dishes. "He's my brother." He pointed out as he set the clean ones aside. "The truck will be here soon. I'll see you in a few days Ludwig."
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
if he had offended the Canadian with that comment. He merely nods as he backs out of the kitchen. "Gute nacht, Matthew. eine gute Reise wünschen." He says before heading to the front to be taken away by the
11 years ago
11 years ago
hadn't really been offended, he is just on edge. He wanted this war to be over just like everyone else. He nodded to him as he left and went to pack his small suit case for his trip.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
driven back to the prison. He'd have to get used to the not so well treatment of the camp.
11 years ago
spent the next few days in meetings that he really wasn't interested in at all. He was completely unaware the England had found out about Germany being held at the camp and had sent men to interrogate him.
11 years ago
((I hope you don't mind))
11 years ago
(( Not at all, makes it more interesting ))
11 years ago
((I thought it might ><;; ))
11 years ago
had been forced out of his cell and placed in the interrogation room, the one that he had been forced in upon his arrival at the camp. He didn't looked pleased as he sat in the chair arms crossed and frown in
11 years ago
11 years ago
followed two men dressed in the British uniform into the room, the shut firmly behind him as he paused in the doorway to pull his leather gloves off. "Matthew's been keeping things from me." He glared at the
11 years ago
German as he moved to sit at the table across from him.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the man but doesn't respond. He had nothing to say to the Brit and this intimidation factor wouldn't work on him.
11 years ago
leaned back in his seat as he watched him. "I understand he's been treating you like a house pet." He said the words with some form of disgust.
11 years ago
's eye twitches. A house pet. His lip thins out but he continues in silence. It was a sort of silent fuck you.
11 years ago
waved one of his men forward, the man moved over to Germany and roughly pulled him up out of his chair. "Now I have questions and you're going to answer them."
11 years ago
grunts as he's lifted out of the chair but he doesn't make any movement to anger the Brit, remaining impassive. He just glares at Arthur waiting for those questions.
11 years ago
wasn't to bothered by his silence for the moment as he watched him. "Why are you here in the first place?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at the question. "I was caught and sent here. Obviously." He pulls himself out of the grip of the agent holding him as he dusts off his shoulder where the other had a hold of him.
11 years ago
didn't seem a hundred perfect convinced. "What did you do to Matthew? He didn't tell me you were here."
11 years ago
- "I did nothing to him. And it's his choice if he wants to tell you things or not." He growls.
11 years ago
shook his head as he stood, the man moved out of his way as Arthur came around to stand in front of the German. "So far I'm not believing a word you've said. What have you done to him?"
11 years ago
's eyes narrow. "Funny, it seems like anything I say you won't believe. So why don't you make your own story rather than waste my time here."
11 years ago
didn't more motivation than that to punch him. "I think you have all the time in the world right now and you're going to answer my questions. What are your plans? You should be able to answer that one."
11 years ago
should have seen it coming but it was the pain in his face that clued him in that it actually did happen. He spits the bit of blood that had accumulated in his mouth as he wipes his mouth. "My plans....are to
11 years ago
cause the least amount of problems in this camp and do my job."
11 years ago
moved to take a seat again, letting his men take over on the physical part for him. "What is your boss planning? I know there's something you're not sharing."
11 years ago
shots him another glare. Those were things he'd die before telling the Brit. "What is your boss planning?" He retorts.
11 years ago
smirked at that as he nodded for his men to take a few swings at the German. "Tell me what your boss is planning."
11 years ago
doubles over in pain coughing as he uses the chair to support his weight. "Never...will I tell you."
11 years ago
told his men to continue until he got an answer out of him.
11 years ago
takes each blow as they come trying hard not to make any noise to reveal that he was indeed in pain. "F-fuck you Arthur." He growls as he spits more blood.
11 years ago
frowned at that and told them stop. He stood and smoothed his clothes out. "Fine if you wont answer you can stay here and play house pet to Matthew till the war is over."
11 years ago
collapses to the ground panting. "You gave up that easily." He sneers. "Aren't you known for getting the information you want." Now he was just patronizing.
11 years ago
glanced down at him, he was sliding his gloves back on. "I think if I leave any more marks on you Matthew might never forgive me."
11 years ago
doesn't say anything but stores that tid bit of information for later. "Does he know you're here?" He asks before the man can leave.
11 years ago
smirks at that, "no he doesn't. Who do you think had him called to meetings?" He left with that, ordering the guards outside to not treat any of the German's wounds.
11 years ago
manages to crawl over to the wall and slump back against it before two Canadian guards enter and drag him to his cell. He would be sore if not in more pain in the morning.
11 years ago
came back a day earlier than he'd been expecting. He stopped at the camp first to see Ludwig, wanting to make sure nothing had happened while he'd been gone. When one of his men told him that England had
11 years ago
stopped by he went pale and his first thought was to rush to Ludwig's cell.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
lying on his bed, back to the bars trying hard not to move too much. Perhaps he had underestimated Arthur's people's strength and his weakening state. It looked as if he was going to lose the war after all.
11 years ago
grabbed the guard's keys and unlocked the cell, letting himself in. "L-Ludwig?" he moved over to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
11 years ago
winces at the touch before realising who it is and slowly turning around with a hiss of pain so he can face the Canadian. "M-matthew..." He greets, his face swollen and bruised.
11 years ago
gasped a at that as he pulled his hand back quickly. He went from looking shocked and horrified to looking more pissed off than anything. "Can you get up?" he called for the guard to come help him, telling
11 years ago
another one to get a truck ready for him. "I-I heard... I didn't know I'm so sorry Ludwig." He moved to help him.
11 years ago
stops the Canadian as he slowly props himself up until he's in a sitting position. "I think I'll manage." He murmurs needing to brace himself as he pushes himself up from the cot. He grunts in pain but other
11 years ago
than that doesn't show any more signs of his actual physical situation. "It wasn't your fault." He immediately says when the Canadian tries to apologize. "You had no idea." He slumps forward a bit catching
11 years ago
himself as he presses his arm against his stomach.
11 years ago
watched him with a mix of worry and anger. He was going to have to talk to Arthur about this. When he told him it wasn't his fault he moved to help him again, not about to be told not to. "It still shouldn't
11 years ago
have happened." He got the guard to help him lead the German out to the waiting truck. "I've got a guest room you're going to use."
11 years ago
hated that he needed to lean on Matthew because he was unable to support himself. "Isn't that against regulations?" He asks softly his breathing becoming a bit laboured.
11 years ago
looked over at him as he helped him into the truck, trying to be careful of his injuries. "I don't care. You're not staying here like this." He got in next to him and closed the door.
11 years ago
didn't protest or argue with the younger nation as he slid into the truck and found a spot that he could stay as close to immobile as possible while being in a running truck.
11 years ago
waited for the driver to get in before he looked over at Ludwig. "Where are you hurt?" He had raised his fingers to the other's face, not touching him though.
11 years ago
closes his eyes and sighs lightly. "Ribs...I believe at least one of them is broken if not too." He falls into a coughing fit letting out a groan before stilling to catch his breath. "My jaw..." And after that
11 years ago
he wasn't even sure anymore he felt pain from all directions he could have honestly been hurt anywhere.
11 years ago
winced as he listed off his injuries. He told the driver to fetch a doctor once he'd dropped them off at his house. "I'm really sorry."
11 years ago
grabs the younger nations' arm. "No doctor...I'll be fine...I just need time to heal on my own."
11 years ago
frowns at that and shakes his head. "That's stupid Ludwig, I'm not letting you go untreated."
11 years ago
wasn't sure how likely a doctor would treat a German war prisoner but decided it didn't do anything arguing with the stubborn Canadian.
11 years ago
would convince the doctor to treat him. He gently rested his hand on his arm. When the truck stopped outside his house he got out and helped Germany out of the truck, telling the driver to rush.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
grateful for the help as he eases his way out and with the aid makes his way inside the familiar house.
11 years ago
carefully got him up to the second floor to and to the guest room. He got him onto the bed.
11 years ago
did not protest as he's eased onto the bed with a flinch. "...Danke...Matthew..." He manages to say before he passes out from the sheer amount of pain.
Mattie is
11 years ago
really trying to stay calm now as he made sure he was safely on the bed before he went to get his own first aid kit and some ice. He came back and set about treating what wounds he could, when the doctor came
11 years ago
he practically yelled at the man to treat Ludwig and leave some pain medication for him.
11 years ago
had been well out of it when the doctor arrive and removed his shirt to asses the damage and begin to wrap him up seeing as it was all internal and just needed to be set. When the man was done he wiped the
11 years ago
sweat from his brow before heading downstairs, medical bag in tow before waiting for Matthew to tell him Ludwig's limits until the man recovers.
11 years ago
followed him down stairs reluctant to leave Ludwig alone. He was equal parts guilty feeling and angry about the whole thing.
11 years ago
| The doctor turned to Matthew with a grim expression. "Make sure he doesn't do any work until those ribs and wrist heals. I would advise you give him these pills once a day with food to quell the inflamation
11 years ago
and surpress some of the pain. But he should stay in bed. Understood."
11 years ago
nods as he took the pills from him. "Yeah... thank you." He wasn't planning on letting Ludwig leave that bed for a few days.
11 years ago
| The doctor pants Matthews shoulder before putting on his shoes and heading out.
11 years ago
11 years ago
saw him off before he went up to check on Ludwig, he'd pulled a chair into the room and sat at the side of the bed.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
fast asleep having woken a few times when the doctor was wrapping him up. His hair was no longer slicked back and he finally looked at peace for once.
11 years ago
felt extremely guilty about the whole thing, if he'd not left Ludwig wouldn't be in this mess.
11 years ago
, if he were awake, would disagree that the other should feel guilty since it had been England who had done this to him and created fictional meetings for Matthew to attend.
11 years ago
got up and gently brushed the hair out of Ludwig's face before he went downstairs to make himself some tea. He wasn't planning to leave the German alone for long.
11 years ago
ends up waking up hours later and he frowns when he doesn't recognize where he is until the memories from before play out in his head. Matthew had come back and taken him away from the prison.
11 years ago
had returned the room and fallen asleep in the chair next to the bed. His tea cup forgotten on the night stand.
11 years ago
blinks up at the ceiling before turning his head to examine the room and that's when he spots the Canadian fast asleep in the chair. His expression soften at that as he tries to push himself up, a hiss escaping
11 years ago
at the pain that followed. When he was finally seated it took him even less time to get up and wrap the blanket he had been using around the smaller man's form. Grabbing the tea cup with his good hand to go
11 years ago
wash it in the kitchen.
11 years ago
stirred when he heard movement, he hadn't fallen completely asleep. He blinked a few times as he woke up and looked up to see Germany moving to get up. He jumped a bit and grabbed the cup from him. "You're not
11 years ago
allowed out of bed."
11 years ago
had nearly been startled by the Canadian's sudden out burst before frowning lightly. "I'll be fine...and moving around will do me good." He had never been the type to sit still when there was work to do.
11 years ago
shakes his head as he moved to push him back down onto the bed. "No you're confined to bed till I saw otherwise."
11 years ago
didn't protest becuase he knew there was no room for arguement with that tone and sits back down on his bed. "...But what about the chores?"
11 years ago
frowns at him, "I'll do the chores. You're not allowed to leave this bed."
11 years ago
lets out a sigh but nods in resignation.
11 years ago
smiled at that, looking pleased with that. "I'll make some dinner and bring it up to you. The doctor also left pain killers for you."
11 years ago
merely nods at Matthew giving him a small smile. "Why do you care so much?" He asks him out of the blue. He knew he had asked this before but now he was really wondering where this kindness was coming from...
11 years ago
blinked at the question and frowned, "because no matter what you've done, you're still a person and... I rather like you as a friend." He hoped he wasn't assuming anything. "Aside from that I think it's wrong
11 years ago
to treat anyone this way."
11 years ago
settles back in the bed with a slight flush at such a confession. "I appreciate your friendhsip Matthew. I've been truly blessed."
11 years ago
looks a bit embarrassed now himself as he grabbed the blanket and settled it over him. "I'm not all that helpful as a friend though. I am really sorry this happened to you."
11 years ago
straightens it out out of habit as he quirks brow at the others comment. "I think you've done more than enough." He wasn't too familiar with the etiquettes of friendship considering Italy had been his only
11 years ago
real friend since he could remember.
11 years ago
nods a bit at that before he quietly left the room. He went to make some dinner, deciding on some stew.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
left to his own thoughts as he laid in bed a little restless and luckily in less pain than when he arrived.
11 years ago
came back up within an hour with a bowl of stew and some bread as well as some milk. He set it on the night stand before he sat down in the chair.
11 years ago
felt his stomach grumble at the smell of the food and flushed in embarassement. He must have forgotten to eat after he had been taken to his cell when Arthur left. He gently takes the stew, more than grateful
11 years ago
for actually having real food for once. He takes a bite and can't help the delight from appearing on his features.
11 years ago
smiles as he watches him, relaxing a bit he stayed put, waiting to get the dishes when he was done. "Is it okay?"
11 years ago
nods. "It's excellent." He compliments as he finishes the bowl of stew and the bread. Perhaps he had been a little more hungry than he had thought.
11 years ago
looks happy about that as he moved to take the dishes, he handed him one of the pills before he left to clean the dishes. "With food, so you should be okay to take it now."
11 years ago
takes the pill and the glass of milk eyeing it for a while before eventually taking it. As long as it helped he wouldn't be to adverse to taking them.
11 years ago
came back up when he was done cleaning. He settled into the chair again and smiled a bit at him.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
holding the glass of milk near his chest with his good arm as he stared off into space before coming to when Matthew returned. "How long did the Doctor say I have to stay in bed?"
11 years ago
shrugged a bit as he looked him over. "Till you're healed." He nodded. "So no chores till then."
11 years ago
frowns but nods. He just hoped he'd heal quickly.
11 years ago
started to reach out to touch him on the shoulder but stopped himself. He still felt guilty about the whole thing.
11 years ago
quirks his brow at the hesitant action. "Is there anything I can tell you to make you feel better?"
11 years ago
shakes his head quickly at that as he looked away. "No. This was my fault." He ran his hand through his hair ruffling it.
11 years ago
frowns. "Why do you continue to think that. Do you know what every nation is going to do so that you could have stopped it? one has that power."
11 years ago
folded his hands in his lap, he felt almost like a child being scolded. "I apologize..."
11 years ago
sighs. "Matthew, please stop. There really isn't anything to apologize about. My boss should be the one apologizing."
11 years ago
glanced over at him and frowned a bit. "I... he should be, you just shouldn't be paying for what he's done." He got up with that, "my room is next door so if you need anything just call for me."
11 years ago
sighs a second time but nods as he watches the other exit. He was feeling drowzy was probably the medication.
11 years ago
brought his work into his bedroom so he would be able to hear if Ludwig called for him. He stayed up late working and worrying over the German.
11 years ago
had fallen asleep quickly after finally sleeping comfortably for once.
11 years ago
fell asleep eventually, his work spread in a mess around him.
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