11 years ago
Does anyone have any music recommendations for me? I'm cleaning out the apartment before work and I'm tired of my old playlist
latest #48
11 years ago
Pop, rock, metal.. anything goes! :-D
11 years ago
Cave have a lovely dark voice ^^ Thanks for the tips! I haven't heard much of the other two, but I'll search them up on Youtube now :-D
...I could make the most unfitting usggestions, so... I won't do it X)
11 years ago
I've liked the songs I've heard so far at least; 30 min love affair and a night like this /dances around the apartment XD
11 years ago
Unfitting..? Now I'm curious; send me some XD
11 years ago
I remember that your playlist is pretty varied
I always have this urge to shout M A N O W A R !! when someone asks for music actually... ^^,
...even though right now I rather hear lots of German stuff... Or Bon Jovi
11 years ago
Manowar has nice stuff, but I mostly just like the songs that are about the Norse Mythology... Sleipnir or Sons of Odin for example...
Buuuut... That's pretty old metal XP
My taste in music hops around like a scared deer at times and the only consistency is that I never hear stuff that's even still remotely modern
11 years ago
/putting on Sleipnir now
11 years ago
German stuff can be cool :-) And I'm going to a Bon Jovi concert next year actually; should be fun!
I personally am not much of a conert person but prefer musicals... Which reminds meeee....... That maybe we should visit one again next year!
11 years ago
I don't go to concerts all that often either; crowded, loud and I usually can't see anything since I'm pretty short XP But it can be fun some times, especially the smaller ones
11 years ago
But yeah, I'd rather see a musical myself :-)
11 years ago
Sleipnir is catchy; cool solo in the middle
Sleipnir is definitely one of my favorites, yes. Heh. And I guess that concerts can be fun~ :-)
But I'm not really sure how well I could handle a truly loud and crowded place
11 years ago
It's cool that she's adding storylines and comedy :-)
11 years ago
I'm not fond of loud and crowded so I usually stand in the back
11 years ago
11 years ago
Sounds like it XD
11 years ago
/heads of to work
Be Maki-Mine🎆
11 years ago
Florence and the Machine is my fave lately
Be Maki-Mine🎆
11 years ago
Marina and the Diamonds are also good
Be Maki-Mine🎆
11 years ago
I've always shamelessly loved Taylor Swift, too
Be Maki-Mine🎆
11 years ago
Yeah in studio I like her much more, to my regret
Be Maki-Mine🎆
11 years ago
But she's soooooo powerful!
11 years ago
Yay for more suggestions! Listening to one by Marina now~
11 years ago
I also like Florence, but it's to bad that she isn't so good live.. like with 60 seconds to Mars
Be Maki-Mine🎆
11 years ago
Isn't it 30 seconds?
11 years ago
Thank you, 30 it is XD
11 years ago
I was at a concert with them once, and was slightly annoyed by the fact that they weren't singing much themselves; they usually turned their microphones towards the fans and made us sing along instead
11 years ago
That's fun when it happens a few times, but not like 70% of the concert
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