11 years ago
as we near the end of the year or the end of the world depending on your view.... do you regret losing those who left SL for various reasons?
latest #9
11 years ago
I got one I regret we left on not so good terms...he is gone from SL and plurk as far as I know....other one...meh...she can be in dumpster...nasty person so no loss.
11 years ago
oh yes I miss people who have wandered off - I toast absent friends on New Year's Eve and always include them :-P
R. says
11 years ago
11 years ago
I miss a few greatly. Others not so much.
11 years ago
I've pretty much quit SL myself at this point.
11 years ago
I am just not in as much as I was but not calling it quits. Just lot of other stuff going on that is taking my focus right now.
11 years ago
Yeah, same here. I'm not deleting my av or anything, but SL time is scarce atm.
R. says
11 years ago
there's a few I'm glad to see gone, and hope there's more. But that's not what you want to hear.
11 years ago
Always got to have one or two you have no qualms about giving the buh-bye to. Overall, most I have met in SL were interesting and fun to be around.
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