(scrooge? Add it to the begining of your name if so, and since we're not doing an "online" event, try saying "hates all of this christmas cheer" ^^ )
(don't break the fouth wall! lol)
(Sorry sorry I can't read the rules ulfor the event on kendle ^^')
thinks 12 years ago
he won't get any gifts if he keeps that act up.
wonders 12 years ago
why Xanxus is always so grumpy? He should loosen up a bit!
if some cookies will make him happier?
throws a snowball at the scrooge.
snowball hit his neck "HEY!!"
steps in front of the child, hiding him and waving at xanxus, "And that is my way of saying hello!"
Flips him off and walks away. (Because hes xanxus and just ya…)
freezes Xanxus's feet to the ground then walks away whistling, dragging Skull along behind him.
too far away, he can't hear you! Maybe if you asked nicely?
People like you for a reason "For fucks sack get me out pleas~"
taps his staff against the ground and the ice melts.
messing with people, what can he say?
(XD This is sooo outta place for dino nice side of dino i have to admit!) "Now scram dumn ass!"
( he's jack frost, what do you expect? Mischievous and childish~ I love this event. xD )
taps his own staff against the ground, refreezing scrooge's feet. "Don't call Dino a dumbass!"
pat's skull on the head, such a good kid.
grins. Yay! He made the ghost happy!
jumps up and down happily.