11 years ago
(1759) The British had lost the battle of the Plains of Abraham and the young North American nation was left confused and more than a little scared.
latest #172
11 years ago
couldn't be more ecstatic right now, as he cleaned himself up so that he could visit the young golden boy that was now all his to care for and raise without the awful influence of the English.
Mattie is
11 years ago
currently trying to find the best place to avoid people, his small white bear clutched in his arms. He was mostly confused, he didn't really understand what was happening and when people tried to explain he
11 years ago
just didn't want to listen. He thought of both England and France as people he liked and he didn't like that they had fought.
11 years ago
hums to himself as he picks up a box of chocolates before going to the boy's house, hoping he was home. <<Matthieu~! It's Papa,>> he smiles, smoothing his jacket as he waited.
Mattie was
11 years ago
really trying to avoid answering the door, but when he heard who it was he rushed to get it, still holding his bear and stumbling a bit. When he got the door open he looked up at him with a bit of a frown.
11 years ago
blinks at the frown, the boy's cute face not enough to deter his own wide smile. <<Matthieu my son~!>> he greets gleefully, kneeling down to give him a hug, being careful of the bear. <<I have done it, my boy.
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I have won against England,>> he smiles, presenting the box of chocolates to him. <<It is a time for celebration, and I thought perhaps you would like these~>>
11 years ago
made a small sound at the hug and he looked even more confused before he nodded slowly and moved to hug him back, he didn't really pay much attention to the chocolates. <<You... why did you two fight?>> He
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really hadn't grasped the concept yet.
11 years ago
's smile softens at the confusion in his voice, kissing the top of his head before standing and letting himself inside, so they could stop letting the cold out. <<We fought for control
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of New France,>> he answers, shedding his winter coat and boots before turning back to him. <<We fought for you, my dear son.>>
11 years ago
blinks up at him as he let him come in, not that he had much choice. He hugged his bear closer making it growl quietly as he listened to him. <<Why?>>
11 years ago
kneels back down to his level, smiling still and hoping the boy would release the bear sometime so he didn't have to worry about losing fingers if he got too close. <<Because England is
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a bad man, and he would have destroyed you for his own purposes had he been allowed to raise you,>> he offers in explanation.
11 years ago
squeezed his bear tighter at that as he tried to reason it with what he knew of England. His bear was seeming less and less impressed. <<But... he was nice.>>
11 years ago
glances down at the poor bear, shaking his head. <<He is a sly bastard,>> he sighs, gently trying to pry Matthieu's arms away from the bear. <<My son, I do not think your pet appreciates the tight hug.>>
11 years ago
frowns a bit at that as he hesitantly let the bear go, watching him toddle of to go sleep somewhere. "But... Papa... he's..." he'd switched to English without really thinking about it.
11 years ago
smiles softly, sweeping Mathieu into a big hug and picking him up. <<He's a bad man, I am sorry you had to have contact with him at all,>> he reassures him, kissing his temple. <<Would you like me to make
11 years ago
you dinner tonight?>>
11 years ago
still isn't quite ready to believe that about England, but he hugged him back, wrapping his arms around his neck. He forced a smile and nodded at the question staying quiet for now.
11 years ago
's smile grows as the little boy hugs him back, dancing around with him happily. He still couldn't believe it, the precious little colony was all his!
11 years ago
clung to him tightly as he danced around. He was confused and he didn't think it was the right thing to tell Francis but he missed England a bit. He did love his Papa though.
11 years ago
laughs happily and kisses him again before setting the boy down. <<What would you like to eat tonight?>> he smiles, taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen. The boy was
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getting taller every time he saw him, and he couldn't help but be excited at the possibility of this nation being all his.
11 years ago
followed him, holding his hand lightly as he thought about that. <<I don't know.>> He blinked a bit, he wasn't terribly great at making choices. <<Can I make some tea?>>
11 years ago
hums softly and nods, though he know that was a habit from England at least it wasn't too harmful of one. <<Yes of course my boy. I'll make you a nice dinner then,>> he smiles, searching the boy's kitchen
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for what he could prepare them for dinner.
11 years ago
started shuffling about and getting the wood burning stove going, he was lucky to have even that. His people were pretty generous in helping him with stuff most of the time.
11 years ago
hums softly, pulling out what he needs. It wasn't a huge fancy kitchen like the one he was used to working with at home, but there was something he liked about visiting here nonetheless.
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liked his kitchen and his small home. It was really just two rooms, the kitchen and the living space. He had a small loft where he slept. He started making the tea quietly. "Does this mean I'm coming to live
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with you?"
11 years ago
smiles happily down at Mathieu when he asks the question, humming softly. <<I do need you to come with me for at least a visit, and I would be absolutely thrilled if you
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would stay with me longer,>> he grins, making sure to stick to French around the boy.
11 years ago
nods a bit as he glanced around his kitchen, he wasn't sure he wanted to leave his house... but if Francis wanted him to he would. <<Alright Papa.>>
11 years ago
smiles, returning to his cooking. <<Just think Mathieu, if you came to live with me, you would get to live in a huge mansion instead of this tiny house,>> he hums, obviously a fan of large houses filled with
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other people to care for you.
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frowns a bit at that as he made sure the water was boiling. <<I like my small house though. I helped build it.>>
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hums softly, shrugging. <<But it is never lonely at my home, Mathieu. There are lots of people to keep you company,>> he promises with a smile.
11 years ago
carefully finished making the tea and set the two cups aside to steep before he moved over to hug Francis' leg as that was about all he could reach. <<Why were you fighting over me?>> He had a lot of questions.
11 years ago
blinks as he feels gentle arms wrap around his hips, looking down at the little boy fondly. He sets down the knife he had been using in favour and leaning down to hug him properly. <<Because England wanted
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to take you away from me. He wanted to make sure that he got control of the entire continent,>> he sighs, petting the boy's hair back. <<But there was no way I would let him. I couldn't stand the thought of
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losing you, Mathieu,>> he tries to reassure him.
11 years ago
closes his eyes and holds on to him, he liked Francis, he really did. <<Of losing me? I'm not that special Papa.>>
11 years ago
brings a hand up to the boy's cheek, smiling fondly at him and kissing his forehead. <<Nonsense my son. You are the most special little boy in the world.>> Sure, he had other colonies, and he may have told
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them the same thing. But he was indeed quite fond of the Canadian. After all, the boy seemed to take after him in appearance, and he was so well behaved.
11 years ago
smiled a bit at that, he wasn't sure how much to believe, he'd heard it before from England and others. He hugged him tighter though. He did like him though, more than all the others.
11 years ago
hugs him back, laughing gently. <<I love you Mathieu,>> he smiles. <<You are my golden boy.>>
11 years ago
looked embarrassed at that as he pulled away, <<I love you to Papa!>> He nodded as he gave him his best smile.
11 years ago
smiles widely at him, pleased by the return of affection. <<That's a good boy. Now go, enjoy your tea. Do you want to sit on the counter and watch me cook?>> he offers.
11 years ago
blinks and nods as he beamed a bit. <<Can I?! England never let me do that.>>
11 years ago
grins, determined to be a better father than England ever was. He picks the boy up and sets him down on the counter off to the side, fetching him his tea and handing it to Mathieu.
11 years ago
looked happy with that as he sat on the counter and took his tea with a thanks. He watched Francis, smiling the whole time.
11 years ago
smiels at him, returning to cooking and humming a gently melody as he does.
Mattie is
11 years ago
pretty content to watch him as he sat and drank his tea. It was a special blend that the local tribe made, he loved the smell of it.
Francis has
11 years ago
soon whipped them up a nice meal; not as fancy as what he could make at home, of course, but nice enough. <<Mathieu, can you please set the table?>> he asks, coming over to help him down.
11 years ago
nods as he got down from the counter, thanking him for the help before he went to get the dishes, carefully setting the table the way England had shown him.
11 years ago
hums and finishes up cooking dinner, bringing it to the table and blinking at the familiar table set-up. He smiles, shaking his head and adjusting it to fit the French style. <<No no Mathieu, you set the
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table like this,>> he smiles encouragingly.
11 years ago
blinks and looks over the changes before looking up at him and tilting his head questioningly. "Is that the right way?"
11 years ago
nods, smiling at him. <<Yes, this is how you set the table properly. Cutlery should face down, and arranged in the order you use them,>> he nods.
11 years ago
nods as he tried to memorize the set up. <<Okay,>> he smiled at him and moved to get some milk.
11 years ago
smiles, dishing them each out a serving and taking his seat, waiting patiently for Mathieu to come back.
11 years ago
came back with the jug and set it down before taking his seat. <<So... when are we leaving?>>
11 years ago
hums softly, smiling at the boy. <<Bright and early in the morning. It's best to get to France for the announcement as fast as we can.>>
11 years ago
blinks and looks a bit torn at that idea but nods and looked down into his food. <<Are we going to say grace?>>
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smiles reassuringly at him, and nods. <<Of course, Mathieu. I do hope you have been continuing doing so in my absence,>> he adds, before bowing his head to start the prayer.
11 years ago
bowed his own head and smiled a bit as he listened, of course he had been saying it in his absence. When he was done he said amen and the leaned over to kiss Francis on the cheek. <<I have been! Most of the
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles at the kiss at the end of his prayer, laughing softly and arching a brow. <<Most?>> he asks, humming softly. <<Well eat up. We should rest, for the journey home starts tomorrow.>>
11 years ago
nods as he sat back dow and started eating. <<Some of my people don't like it... so when I eat with them... I don't.>>
11 years ago
hums softly, starting in on his meal as well. <<I see,>> he hums, deciding that was probably fair. A nation needed to fit in with his people, after all.
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ate quietly after that, he had more questions, but he got the feeling Francis didn't want to hear them right now.
11 years ago
would have likely told him questions could wait until after dinner anyways. He eats quietly, though distracted by the young boy and still brimming with pride over his victory.
Mattie is
11 years ago
pretty focused on his food, he really liked Francis' cooking. He paused when his bear came over and wanted up into his lap.
11 years ago
smiles, noticing the little bear and wondering if he could leave it behind when they travelled. He knew how attached Mathieu was to ti though, so he figured it was best not to even ask.
11 years ago
picked the bear up and hugged him close as he settled in his lap. He wouldn't dream of leaving him behind.
11 years ago
hums softly, finishing up his dinner and washing it down with a sip of milk.
11 years ago
finished the rest of his food or at least what he could eat and gave the rest to his bear, he was talking to it in the tongue of the people who lived in the area.
11 years ago
hums to himself, getting up to clear away and clean up, though he keeps an eye on the pair. He didn't understand a word of it, and decides that Mathieu ought to take French lessons until he's learned not
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to use other languages.
11 years ago
continued on in the language, not getting much response from the bear as he talked. He probably wouldn't ever stop using the different dialects of his natives. Though if Francis didn't like it he would make
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sure to use French around him.
11 years ago
purses his lips a little as he cleans up, making sure nothing would be left to rot during their absence. He comes back to him after a few minutes, smiling at him. <<Time to wash up for bed, Mathieu.>>
11 years ago
blinked and looked up at him nodding a bit as he shifted to get up, still holding his bear. <<Where are you going to sleep Francis?>>
11 years ago
blinks down at him. <<Where is your spare mattress, Mathieu? If you have gotten rid of it, then we can just share your bed~>>
11 years ago
had to actually think about that for a moment before he nodded and went to the small storage area tucked to the side of the living space. He had to set his bear down as he went to pull the mattress out.
11 years ago
watches as realization sets in his face, wandering over to help when he noticed the young boy struggling with it.
11 years ago
thanked him quietly as they got it out. <<It... might not be the best...>> he shrugged a bit as he went to look for a clean quilt at least.
11 years ago
smiles, helping him set it up and shaking his head. <<Nonsense my son, it is plenty. Thank you,>> he hums, going to fetch his luggage so he could find a nightshirt.
11 years ago
got a few quilts out and set them up on the bed, he always had lots of quilts at least. <<You're welcome Papa.>> When he had it set up he went to get changed, his bear following him intently.
11 years ago
smiles, getting ready for bed as well and spreading out the quilts before making sure Mathieu was ready. He planned to tuck him in of course.
Mattie was
11 years ago
changed and ready for bed pretty quickly, he'd already climbed up to the loft area, his bear in tow.
11 years ago
smilea and follows up after him carefully, though he was already thinking he ought to lessen the boy's dependence on the bear. <<Would you like a bedtime story, Mathieu?>>
11 years ago
settled into his bed, the bear curled up next to him almost right away. <<If you want Papa.>> He loved his bear... he still didn't really know where Kuma had come from.
11 years ago
hums softly, tucking Mathieu and the bear into bed, taking a seat at the end of it. <<Well... what type of story would you like? Or are you too tired?>> he hums softly.
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shakes his head as he smiled up at him. <<Umm... I don't know... I'm not tired though.>>
11 years ago
smiles, leaning over to kiss his forehead. <<Tch, it's past your bedtime mister,>> he teases, tucking a stray strand of hair behind Mathieu's ear. <<How about the tale of the Frog Prince?>>
11 years ago
blinked a few times, he hadn't heard that one before. He shifted to cuddle closer to him and smiled. <<You haven't told me that one before.>>
11 years ago
smiles, laying down with him to help the boy fall asleep. <<I think you will like it,>> he answers, before starting up the tale and making little hand motions to help explain.
11 years ago
listened intently to the tale and he slowly drifted off to sleep close to the end, his arms around Francis.
11 years ago
finishes the tale, smiling gently when he looks down to see Matheiu was already asleep. He stays a few mometns longer, watching him happily and petting back his hair softly, still revelling in his victory.
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After a moment, he reluctantly pries the boy's arms off of him, kissing his forehead once more before heading back down to the spare mattress.
11 years ago
slept soundly through the night, he was used to the sounds of the wildlife outside and his bears soft breathing next to him.
11 years ago
settles himself in bed, happy and pleased with himself as he drifts off to sleep as well. Tomorrow would be the start of a long journey home before he could truly celebrate.
11 years ago
had never been on a ship before, nothing bigger than a canoe anyway and he hadn't really realized what the journey meant yet.
11 years ago
sleeps well until the morning, rising early and packing up his belongings quietly.
11 years ago
would sleep till the afternoon if Francis let him. He wasn't that good at waking up early, normally someone else had to come get him up.
11 years ago
climbs up the ladder to wake him after he's prepared a light breakfast, nudging the boy's shoulder. <<Mathieu, it's morning...>>
11 years ago
stirred at the nudge and slowly woke up, he blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes. <<Eh...>> He twisted to wrap his arms around his bear, not looking any closer to actually getting up.
11 years ago
smiels fondly at him, shaking his head. <<Mathieu, wake up my boy. We must get ready.>> True that the ship wouldn't leave until the nations were safe on board, but he'd rather not put it off.
11 years ago
groaned sleepily as he squeezed his bear making him growl in response. He slowly sat up and let the bear go. "It's to early."
11 years ago
smiles, brushing Mathieu's hair back and kissing his forehead. <<French, Mathieu,>> he reminds him gently. <<And I know, you can sleep once we are settled onto the ship, alright?>> he smiles, offering
11 years ago
a hand to help the boy out of bed.
11 years ago
sighs a bit and apologizes for slipping into English. He wrapped his arms around him instead of taking his hand. <<Alright.>>
11 years ago
blinks down at him and smiles, sweeping the boy up into a hug. <<I've made some croissants for breakfast, if you would like to eat before you pack your bags.>>
11 years ago
laughs happily at being picked up like that and he wraps his arms around his neck and nods. <<Yes please!>>
11 years ago
smiles happily, kissing his cheek. <<Sweet boy,>> praises, giving him another tight hug before setting him down so they can climb down from the loft.
11 years ago
smiled as he climbed down from the loft, carrying his bear down with him.
11 years ago
waits for him to get down safely before climbing down himself, leading the pair to the kitchen so he can get their breakfast.
11 years ago
followed him quietly. He was still half asleep.
11 years ago
lifts the boy into his seat at the table before heading to the kitchen to grab their breakfasts, setting a plate and a glass of water in front of Mathieu.
11 years ago
murmured a thanks as his bear scrambled up into his lap and he waited for Francis to sit down before he started eating.
11 years ago
smiles and sits to join him, happy to eat quietly.
Mattie is
11 years ago
enjoying the breakfast and slowly waking up more. It was taking a bit though.
Francis is
11 years ago
done well before Mathieu, excusing himself to take to cleaning up the kitchen.
11 years ago
finished his and got down to help him before he went to pack his bags and make sure his small home would be fine left unattended.
11 years ago
finishes cleaning the kitchen. making sure to secure up the house, and hoping the place could withstand the winter without someone there. He packed his own things and tucked away the mattress,
11 years ago
before going to make sure Matthew was packing enough.
Mattie was
11 years ago
doing his best, packing his best clothes and some of the clothes he'd gotten from his native people. He loved the culture. He looked up at Francis when he came to check on him and smiled a bit.
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smiles back at him. <<Need any help?>> he asks, glancing around.
11 years ago
shakes his head, he was just about done. <<I'm almost done.>>
11 years ago
nods, smiling at him. <<Alright. Is there anything that needs to be remembered for Kumajiro?>>
11 years ago
shakes his head as he glanced at the bear. <<I've got everything for him.>>
11 years ago
smiles at him and pats his head. <<Excelltn. Let me know when you are ready then,>> he nods, heading back to the living room to wait.
11 years ago
grabbed all his stuff and followed him stumbling a bit. He was pretty much ready.
11 years ago
smiles when he hears him, standing again to help, kissing his forehead as he took some of the heavier things. <<Ready?>>
11 years ago
nods, he was a bit reluctant to go, he didn't really want to leave his home.
Francis is
11 years ago
happy he's coming with him anyways, not that the little colony had much of a choice really. He leads the way, making sure to close up the house behind them before leading him towards shore.
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knew he didn't have a choice in the matter. He stopped when one of his natives came up to him and he paused to ask him to look after his house for him, using the native tongue to talk to him.
11 years ago
pauses with him, waiting patiently. Really, they were already late, and he was hoping the crew wouldn't be too upset at him.
11 years ago
thanked him quickly and caught up to Francis, apologizing.
11 years ago
shakes his head and tells him not to worry about it, continuing on the path toward shore, where the boat that would take them to France's ship rested.
11 years ago
still worried about it as he followed him, he clutched his bag tightly, his bear following him closely.
11 years ago
leads him onto the little boat, settling down their bags as the soldier started to row them out. He was pleased, and hadn't yet noticed the boy wasn't very keen on this.
11 years ago
settled into the boat with his bear on his lap as he watched the shore line quietly.
11 years ago
smiles, wrapping an arm around the boy as he watched the land get further away, soon enough, motioning to help Mathieu climb the ladder onto the ship.
11 years ago
struggled a bit with the ship's ladder as he carried his bear up with him. When he was on the deck though he looked completely out of place.
11 years ago
doesn't immediately follow, helping get the bags up first before finally coming on board himself. He brushes himself off, grinning happily as he hoists up the ladder.
Mattie is
11 years ago
starting to get a bit scared, he'd never been on such a large ship before he wasn't sure he really liked it.
11 years ago
turns back to him at last with a big smile. <<Welcome aboard Mathieu, let our journey begin~!>> He was obviously pleased to be on his way home.
11 years ago
nods slowly and hugs his bear close as he looked around. He was quickly falling into his silent mode.
11 years ago
hums softly, watching a moment before he rememebrs. <<Ahe, I promised you could sleep again, sorry. Would you like to see our room?>>
11 years ago
blinks over at him and nods. <<Ah... please.>>
11 years ago
smiles, patting the boy on the head before leading him down to their quarters. It wasn't huge, but it was lavishly decorated, fitted with as many comforts from his home as he could possibly bring.
11 years ago
followed him, holding his bear as he walked. He stopped to gape at the room, he'd not quite seen such a thing.
11 years ago
walks into the room, feeling at home. He starts to set up a second cot for Mathieu, unaware of the boy's awe.
11 years ago
looked around before he noticed his bear squirming in his arms. He closed his eyes and let the bear go before he watched Francis.
11 years ago
finishes setting up the little cot, dragging some extra pillows from his own bed to it for Mathieu. <<Here you are son. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask,>> he smiles. <<Everyone on this ship knows to
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treat you with the utmost respect, alright?>> he smiles, kneeling down in front of Mathieu and patting his head.
11 years ago
looks a little scared still as he nods slowly and looks up at him. <<A-Alright.>>
11 years ago
smiles at him reassuringly, scooping him into a hug and humming softly. << you want me to stay with you, for now?>> he asks softly.
11 years ago
nods as he clung to him in return. <<Please...>>
11 years ago
smiles gently, petting his hair back. <<...would you rather share my bed then?>> he asks, knowing there was more room on it.
11 years ago
blinks at that and looks up at him as he nodded, he didn't want to let go of him just yet.
11 years ago
smiles, picking him up carefully and setting the boy on the bed, tucking him under the covers and climbing in after him, pulling him back into his arms and kissing his forehead. <<Papa's here for you, my
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boy...>> he murmurs reassuringly.
11 years ago
hesitantly cuddled up to him once he was pulled closer, glad for the reassurance and the comfort of someone familiar. <<What's your home like Papa?>>
11 years ago
pets the younger boy's hair back, humming gently. <<My home is beautiful, warm, and filled with lovely and sophisticated people. I promise you will love it.>>
11 years ago
closed his eyes as he leaned into his hand, finding it soothing. He listened and slowly fell asleep, lulled by the rocking of the boat and Francis' presence.
11 years ago
smiles as he watches him, continuing to pets his hair back until the boy was fast asleep. He sighs softly, happily, debating if he wanted to go back out on deck... but ultimately deciding his men were
11 years ago
capable enough, and snuggling in close to fall asleep as well.
11 years ago
slept soundly enough with him like that. He probably wouldn't wake till he was woken or until Francis moved.
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