...it occurs to me that because plurk is dumb and i can't have two accounts on the same email address, if anyone has pinged me on this account i haven't seen it.
latest #8
plurk, you really ought to make one of those little buttons for "pinged" plurks.
like how there's all/my/private/responded/liked&responded
there should be a "pinged" one, too.
that would make my life a lot easier.
well, if anybody actually needs me, most of you know where to find me.
that is, godtiertits on aim, and wirebirdcage on skype.
so if you happen to ping me and i don't respond, and it's something you really need or want me for, those are also viable options for contact. :>
also some of you have my cell number. texts are OK as well. rofl.
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