thinks he's more like a baby.
tries not to be!! It just kind of happens...
Ahhhh it don't matter i still love him hes sooo cute!
(lolwhatXanconfesssedhisloveWOOH! )
(Iamworkingwiththat, don't you dare remove it.)
Stares at the other man, wide eyed, "W-what was that?"
Grabs his arm and pulls him closer "I said i still love you"
brow's furrow, pressing his forehead against the other man's, "What? Xanxus do you still have a fever? I think you should probably lie down.."
"Is that what you think?"
laughs lightly, backing up, "Well it's the only logical thing."
keeps backing up, eventually hitting a wall, "Y-yes?", mentally scorning himself, of course he's supposed to try not to piss off the Varia boss, hopefully this wouldn't cause any problems between the families-
though he doubted Tsuna would mind much.
Puts a arm on the wall blocking him in as he presses his lips agenst dino's.
squeaks quietly, whatishappeningwhatishappeningwhatisthiswhatishappening. Whatisthepersondoing. Thisisnotgood,notgoodnotgood well kind of... maybe a bit...
Inserts his tongue into dino's mouth.
lets out a soft moan, parting his lips for the other male. Wait, what was bad again?
Looks at the panting man child. And drags him to the bedroom.
[LOL add me. This is funny.]
(already made ityou're too late)
(nvm, Xan said I had to. >.< )
(because you already moved on. I was considering coming into this to be possessive...but it seems my class kept me too late)
( so you left me to my own devices, I see how it is is.We'realsojustdoingvery amatuerishsmutbecauseIdunno.)
( is it too late to repost it?)
(I wanna see this! Add me!

(a little late really is amature though...)