jonyboy says
11 years ago
This is almost hard to believe
latest #12
jonyboy says
11 years ago
So, if I go on death row and get really really fat they can't kill me. Good to know
figaro says
11 years ago
sounds like they need to bring the firing squad back...
jonyboy says
11 years ago
his lawyer said that his fat would stop the bullets.
jonyboy says
11 years ago
here's a thought, starve him to death
11 years ago
Make him jump off a cliff like little lemmings...
jonyboy says
11 years ago
lawyer says his fat will protect him, cruel and unusual punishment
11 years ago
(doh) blow him up....
11 years ago
figaro says
11 years ago
how about a mask hooked up to the back of a car, carbon monoxide poisoning might take longer for his body to absorb but he would be sleeping while waiting...maybe?
11 years ago
Give him a horse tranquilizer first...double dose.
jonyboy says
11 years ago
maybe punishment should be cruel..........
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
Okay so obesity is a death sentence....unless of course you actually have a death sentence and in that case it is a life saver...yeah, that makes a lot of sense
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