Roderich feels
11 years ago
latest #137
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that he shouldn't when Ludwig was just a border away.
11 years ago
didn't want to bother him to be honest. Ludwig was a busy man after all.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
never to busy for family, so to say.
11 years ago
might come and visit then. His house felt too empty.
Ludwig will
11 years ago
get the cake ready. He had just baked it.
11 years ago
knocks on Ludwig's door.
11 years ago
doesn't even wait for the second knock before he's at the door and opening it. "Roderich, Hallo." He gives the other a small smile. "Come in."
11 years ago
's hand is still in the air, ready to knock again. Well~ "Hallo." He greets, smiling brightly as he steps into the home and out of the cold.
11 years ago
helps the Austrian out of his jacket before tucking neatly in the closet. "Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte?"
11 years ago
looks up at him, looking like a child who'd been told he was getting a pony for Christmas. ".... You honestly don't even have to ask."
11 years ago
laughs and nods before heading to the kitchen to cut them both a slice. "Make yourself at home. Sit down and relax." He calls from the kitchen.
11 years ago
sets down the bag he'd brought over -just in case it was too cold to go back home later- and moved to take a seat on the living room couch. "Danke. So, how have you been?"
Ludwig has
11 years ago
come out with two plates and sets one down in front of Roderich. Smart that the other brought some clothes over, just in case. "Bitte. I've been alright, you?" He takes a seat infront of the Austrian.
11 years ago
- "Ah, alright for the most part." He chews his bottom lip idly for a moment before he takes a bite of the cake. "Mostly keeping to my music room." He smiles at him. "The cake is delicious, by the way."
11 years ago
smiles at the compliment as he picks up his fork. "'s fresh from the oven. Although, you'll have to take me out for some Sacher-torter...when you have time."
11 years ago
- "I've no problem making one for you. It's one of my favorites." He had a bit of a sweet tooth. >>;
Ludwig was
11 years ago
also guilty of having a sweet tooth, he just never really admitted to having one. "Gut. I'll hold you to it in that case. I can never get the recipe right when I try." He sighs.
11 years ago
smiles, licking his lips. "It's a bit tricky, but with enough practice you'll get there."
11 years ago
wasn't so sure...Roderich was the only one with the real recipe. "Maybe one day." He had eaten a good portion of his slice already.
11 years ago
- "I don't mind lending you a helping hand." He was just happy to have company, really. As much as he loved his music, he was tired of singing and playing to empty walls.
11 years ago
felt bad for not visiting the Austrian more often. "I'd like that actually." He smiles as he finishes off what's left on his plate before gently placing it on the coffee table.
Roderich says
11 years ago
he doesn't have to feel bad. It's hardly his obligation to visit him. "Great." He smiles, looking down at his slice of cake.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that whether it is or not it's always nice to visit someone of importance in his life. "Care for some coffee,"
11 years ago
- "Tea, please. Is it alright if I help you prepare it?" He didn't want to be a burden.
11 years ago
would not protest if Roderich insisted on helping but the Austrian was the guest. "If you really want to help...but it doesn't take that much effort to boil water." He says as he gets up.
11 years ago
knows this. "Perhaps not, but.." Well, to be honest, he just wanted to stay close. He just didn't want to admit it. Standing up, he follows him into the kitchen.
11 years ago
would not deny him that in that case. He fills the kettle with water before putting it to boil. Now all they had to do was wait. "What kind of tea?" He asks as he turns around to face Roderich. "I have quite a
11 years ago
11 years ago
- "Oh it doesn't matter, really. Something strong if you have it, though." He smiles at him, leaning back against the counter.
11 years ago
had a good earl gray that he had gotten from England as a gift. He pulls out the box and sets it on the counter. "Cream? Sugar? ....honey?"
11 years ago
hums softly. "Honey." He looks up at the other and then glances away, thoughtful.
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
what the quick glance was about as he grabs the honey and sets it down. "Is...everything alright?"
11 years ago
- "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't it be?" A bit defensive, perhaps, but.. He clears his throat softly.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the defensiveness. "Ja, right, of course. Silly question." There was definitely something amiss however he is momentarily distracted by the hiss and screech of the kettle. He places a tea bag
11 years ago
in the mug before pouring the hot water into it and gently pushing it over to Roderich so he can add the honey.
Roderich is
11 years ago
going to avoid looking at him now that he's made a complete ass of himself. He thanks him softly, adding a spoonful of honey and some sugar.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
here if the other needed him. He hoped the Austrian new that.
11 years ago
knew that but he would rather just avoid this all together. He wraps his fingers around the mug, enjoying the warmth.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
now curious to what this thing is...he could probably help...but only if the Austrian opened up to him. "Shall we head back to the living room?"
11 years ago
(( For some reason I almost wrote...'shall I fuck you on this counter top?' Mein gott. xD ))
11 years ago
( sweet jesus. You could have and Roddy would have said yes. )
11 years ago
smiles, nodding as he moved to leave the kitchen, mug still hot in his hands. Well, that was awkward.
11 years ago
( I'll save that for a little later, maybe. >D )
11 years ago
follows semi-quietly behind as he takes a seat in the chair he had been sitting in before heading to the kitchen.
11 years ago
( Don't tease, Luddy~ )
11 years ago
takes a seat on the couch, crossing one leg over the other. "Were you planning on decorating for Christmas?" Yes, a subject change.
11 years ago
quirks a brow. He most certainly had decorated already. "I have decorated...maybe not as much as previous years but its better than nothing."
11 years ago
( : D < - innocent face ))
11 years ago
( The face is a liiie. )
11 years ago
looks around. Oh... Oh, he had. Why hadn't he noticed? Oh Gott. His face burns red and he really wants to drown himself in his mug of tea. "... Right." Really? Hello mouth, meet foot.
11 years ago
( Why would my german face lie. xD )
11 years ago
laughs a little at the colour the Austrian's face took on. "You were preoccupied with other things. Don't worry about it so much."
11 years ago
( I have no response to that... xD )
11 years ago
swallows. He really needed to pull himself together. "Forgive me. I just..." Well, his mind was certainly on other things that it shouldn't be.
11 years ago
leans back in his chair. "You just...what?"
11 years ago
( Haha, fair enough. )
11 years ago
pushes his glasses a little higher up on his nose. "Nothing." He'd always been an excellent liar and he was hating himself for getting rusty.
11 years ago
didn't quite believe the Austrian but would not press him further. Not yet anyway.
11 years ago
sips from his tea. "Did you have plans today? I hope I didn't interrupt them."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Baking was all I had in mind but I'm glad you came over."
11 years ago
smiles, a bit flattered. "Are you really?" he stirs his tea a little. "I think I am, too."
11 years ago
had to admit it was a nice break from all the running around he had been doing. "Ja, why do you find that hard to believe?"
11 years ago
(( Alright, my e-mail address is : [email protected]... ))
11 years ago
( Kay I'll add you )
11 years ago
( Brilliant )
11 years ago
shrugs his left shoulder. "Not sure." He didnt know what to say now, really. His mind kept straying...
11 years ago
had noticed that. The Austrian was being very space-y with him. He gets up from his chair and sits beside Roderich placing a hand on his shoulder. " to me."
11 years ago
( Sorry. I was on my phone so I couldn't add you until now. ;; )
11 years ago
( It's all good. )
11 years ago
didn't really expect him to get so close. He swallowed, trying to focus on his tea. "It isn't anything, really. I just... I can't explain it."
11 years ago
let's his hand drop to his side. Maybe the Austrian needed his piano?
11 years ago
sighs softly. "I'm sorry. I know I'm acting like a complete idiot."
11 years ago
( I added you~ )
11 years ago
( I accepted. >D )
11 years ago
doesn't know what to do to help him if he doesn't say anything. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's bothering you..."
11 years ago
- "I know. I think perhaps we should just move on." He offers him a small smile before taking a drink from his tea, if only for something to do.
11 years ago
quirks a brow but doesn't press forward as he nods.
Roderich feels
11 years ago
incredibly foolish now. He sets his tea down, avoiding his gaze. "So..." Ever the eloquent fellow...
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
if it would make it less awkward they could play some sort of board game...chess? "Do you want to play chess?"
11 years ago
- "Yes." He says quickly. A bit too quickly perhaps. He clears his throat softly. "Yes... that sounds like fun."
11 years ago
nods as he gets up and grabs the old wooden chess board he used to play with his brother back during WWI in the trenches. He sets it on the table between them and fixes the piecces in their proper places.
11 years ago
watches him. Well, mostly just watches his hands. He really hates how much Ludwig has grown. :/ "I haven't played much chess to be honest."
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
why he would hate such a thing? "That's okay, we'll take it slow."
11 years ago
bites his bottom lip. "Right... slow."
11 years ago
sits back when he feels all the pieces are in place and ready for action. "Alright, you go first, white always goes first."
11 years ago
nods and moves a pawn forward, not really putting much thought behind the move.
11 years ago
studies the board for a few seconds before moving one of his pawn forwards. This would be an interesting game.
11 years ago
- "Should there be a prize for the winner?"
11 years ago
ponders that over. "Ja, that's actually a good idea. What did you have in mind?"
Roderich thinks
11 years ago
about it for a moment before shrugging his left shoulder a little. "Perhaps... the loser has to do whatever the winner asks of them?"
11 years ago
doesn't see why not. "Deal. Let's see who will win."
11 years ago
smiles a little, pulling his gloves off and setting them aside. "Alright.." He moves the pawn forward a few spaces.
11 years ago
taps his finger against his cheek pensively before moving another of his pawns forward to eat that of Austrias.
11 years ago
hums softly, a faint smirk curling at the corner of his lips as he moves another pawn forward. Sacrifices were always necessary.
11 years ago
knew that very well and had laid a trap in the way he had moved many of his pawns around the board. His gaze flickers to Roderich's face before flickering back to the board waiting for the others next move.
11 years ago
bit his bottom lip thoughtfully, just staring at the board for a few minutes before finally moving his queen one pace forward.
11 years ago
space* )
11 years ago
moves his king one space to the side placing the piece in a very good defensive position seeing as it was surrounded by the knights, bishops, etc.
11 years ago
simply moved his queen forward again, watching him.
11 years ago
moves his knight forward trying to lure the queen into a trap to eat it with another one of his pieces.
11 years ago
moves a pawn forward.
11 years ago
studies the board for a bit before moving another one of his pieces forward. It was getting to be a close game. Many pieces were eaten from both sides and they were left with very few.
11 years ago
moves his queen forward, leaving her completely open.
11 years ago
( Sorry. I'm sure msn just died. )
11 years ago
takes the queen with his knight. His queen having been eaten a while back. They were left with only their kings and two more pieces besides that.
11 years ago
( Oh msn, you piece of shiesse. It's all good. )
11 years ago
( -huffs- BT )
11 years ago
smiles a little. "Good job." He said softly before taking Ludwig's King with one of his last pawns.
11 years ago
sighs. He had really hoped he would have won that one. "Good game." He congradulates. "So, what can I do for you?"
11 years ago
.... didn't think this through at all. He /knows/ what he wants and his cheeks flare with color a bit as he thinks about it. Oh Gott. "... Er..."
11 years ago
's brow quirks as he leans back into his chair. "I'll give you time to think on it..." He says more to himself really than to Austria.
11 years ago
really doesn't want to do this. It would be far too forward of him. He sits there awkwardly before grabbing his still half full mug of tea and standing up before retreating to the kitchen. "I need more tea."
11 years ago
( sdfgh )
11 years ago
( Hahaha! )
11 years ago
blinks but decides not to say anything about this. He'd just clean up the chess board. "Teas are in the left hand drawer." He calls to the Austrian just in case.
11 years ago
- "Danke." He calls back, face-palming because Gott. He was such an idiot.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
cleaned up the chess board and genlty put it away before fixing up a few other things that he had noticed.
11 years ago
really doesn't want to leave the kitchen..
Ludwig will
11 years ago
have to come check up on him if he doesn't return.
11 years ago
doesn't think he'll be leaving the kitchen soon. He's just standing there, his back to the doorway, stirring his tea very determinedly.
11 years ago
strides in with a questioning brow. "Did you find everything alright?" Everything looks to be in order...he wonders what was taking the Austrian so long.
11 years ago
- ".... Oh, yes." He'd spaced out a bit. "Er, yes, I'm just... waiting for this to cool." He doesn't turn to look at him. He's afraid of what he might do if the blonde gets too close.
11 years ago
edges closer and peers over his shoulder. "You've been in here for fifteen minutes. I'm sure it's cool enough."
11 years ago
swallows thickly, his fingers closing over his mug. "Have I really?" He breathes. Oh, he was horrible...
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, you have." He answers straight to the point.
Roderich feels
11 years ago
a bit put off his tea now. He turns around, a bit surprised. He didn't expect Ludwig to be that close. He looks up at him, meeting his eyes. "Forgive me. I guess I was just lost in thought."
11 years ago
can't help the higher quirk of his eye. "It happens." He steps back from the other not having expected him to turn so soon.
11 years ago
- "Ludwig..." He's starting to think that it would be a good idea to leave.
11 years ago
- "Ja? Where you not able to find something?"
11 years ago
finds himself staring down at Ludwig's lips. He leans up a little, giving in. However, he forces himself to stop when he's mere centimeters from Ludwig's lips. "I should go.." He whispers, moving to brush past.
11 years ago
wasn't sure what the other was doing but at close proximity he can't help the flush that creeped across his features. He doesn't even know what to say but to turn around as the Austrian brushes passed him.
11 years ago
goes to fetch his coat and gloves, trying to slide them on as quickly as possible. This was ridiculous.
11 years ago
- "Austria..." He's really at a lose for words but he feels like the other doesn't need to leave in such a rush. "...was it something I did?"
11 years ago
- "No, don't be silly. It's something I did. I'm a fool, and I need to leave." He hisses softly, so angry with himself as he finally gets his coat on. He leaves behind his over night bag, though and leaves.
11 years ago
didn't even get a chance to say goodbye....
Roderich is
11 years ago
so sorry and he honestly feels terrible and he's such a horrible person for acting this way but...
Ludwig wants
11 years ago
to know but what?! He'd go over to Austira's to repair the damage...
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