Big__G says
11 years ago
so today I was in a bit of a rush to go to work, that I accidentally wore one of my bros shoes and had a mismatch pair of shoes (blush)
latest #9
11 years ago
Fat Boy
11 years ago
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
oh yeah. learning the dramas of rushing to work
DesertKiWi thinks
11 years ago
it's funny that they wear the same shoe size. One boy is mighty bigger than the other.
Fat Boy thinks
11 years ago
the funniest part is that it took him a good part of his shift before he noticed something was amiss. (LOL)
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
I went to high school once without my bra and didn't realize until half way through the school....then suddenly got very self conscious and embarrassed.
Fat Boy says
11 years ago
wow, esp. in high school that must've seemed awful!
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
awe, so sensitive Fat the time sure, now I think it's silly.
DesertKiWi says
11 years ago
my sister once wore two completely different colored shoes (but the same style) to jr. high once b/c she got dressed in the dark so I could still sleep. When I saw her later in the day, I felt so badly for her!
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