11 years ago
rantity rant rant below.
latest #9
11 years ago
Ever since the break-up I've been secretly been feeling pretty lonely.
11 years ago
I say secretly because it isn't something I'm aware of until it gets really quiet, and then I realize I've been thinking of her in roundabout ways and how this situation reminded me of something we did together
11 years ago
and so forth
11 years ago
'cause at the end of it all, we were really good friends.
11 years ago
and I don't like knowing in the process of this I might have potentially lost a good friend.
11 years ago
and I can almost see her sighing and rolling her eyes and telling me it's not a huge deal and that I'm exaggerating and that everything is going to be fine.
11 years ago
But this isn't us in a relationship anymore, this is us now as exes and we're both going to be at a party together next Sunday and I honestly don't know what to expect.
11 years ago
I hope it goes over well. I hope we can go back to being friends at best.
11 years ago
I just don't like feeling so alone right now.
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