11 years ago
[Event 2] is practicing walking around in heels with a serving tray before the club opens.
latest #123
11 years ago
peers over the other's shoulder with a chuckle, " Need a bit of help there lille en? You look a bit wobbly there."
11 years ago
slips, she wasn't expecting anyone to show up! She drops the tray and glasses, but at least they were plastic and empty. "Wh-When did you get here?"
11 years ago
laughs as she helped steady the other. " I've been here for quite sometime. You just haven't noticed until now." She didn't want to distract the other.
11 years ago
turns red in embarrassment. "Please do not let Miss Gjertrud know, I should know how to do this by now." She goes to pick up the tray and glasses. "What are you doing here before open?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Don't worry, I prefer helping the new recruits than having them lose their job because of snitching. I'm also off my other job early so I came to help set up."
11 years ago
tries walking again, teetering a bit. "I am having very hard time in heels. And the tray makes everything more complicated. Did you have hard time when you first started?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " I've been wearing heels for a long time but the balancing part is the hardest. Why not try wearing one inch heels first and move up?"
11 years ago
puts the tray on the counter. "I will have to wear large heels eventually, da? I thought it would be better to just force myself. Cut out middle man."
11 years ago
scratches her head, " It'll do a doozy to your feet. Trust me." She chuckled.
11 years ago
sighs. "I know, my feet are already killing me. My knees are not thanking me either after all the falls. I went looking for heels and lot of one inch heels look old. I want something that says sexy Ksenia."
11 years ago
smiles, " Why don't you rest for a bit? It wouldn't be good if you end up tripping during your shift."
11 years ago
takes a seat on one of the bar stools. "I just bring drinks to the table or sit in with other hosts, but it would be bad if I drop drinks. Miss Gjertrud says I am not quite ready to have customers by myself.
11 years ago
nods, " No worries, you'll learn the tricks eventually. If she still hasn't fired you, that means there's still hope. It applies to everyone."
11 years ago
slips her feet out of her shows, wincing a bit. "I hope I am not only person here who has had to do trial period. You are all such great hosts. I can not wait to have my own customers, it seems like such fun!"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " I'm just a chef that fills in when we're having a busy night honestly."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "I thought you were host once? You are very pretty, it would be shame if they kept you only in the kitchen."
11 years ago
smiles, " Being a host isn't really my thing and I have a kid to take care of. I won't be a good role model if I'm constantly flirting with other men."
11 years ago
nods. She had seen the little kid around a few times "Were you a host once?"
11 years ago
shook her head, " Nej. It wasn't my idea to become one in the first place."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
a bit shocked. "But you are so pretty! You could have made tons of cash doing that. You must really like cooking."
11 years ago
smiles and nods as she tugged at her dyed brown hair. " I'm just as plain as anyone else and cooking just came from a hobby."
11 years ago
puts her heels back on. "Too bad you were not host. I need some tips from a woman. And I'm not sure if Miss Gjertrud is right person to be asking. I am lacking.. uhh.. sophistication I think."
11 years ago
smiles, " To be honest, being yourself is more than enough when you're starting out. Eventually you'll develop your own characteristic that customers like."
11 years ago
tries walking around again, she needs practice. "I think I have done well enough sitting in with other hosts. Hopefully Miss Gjertrud will see and let me try by myself. I do not want to serve drinks forever."
11 years ago
chuckles, " As long as you enjoy your work and put your mind to it, everything will be fine."
11 years ago
smiles. "Why do you think I am trying so hard? Not including that I am broke, da. I want to meet a lot of new people and friends! You all look like you are having very much fun!"
11 years ago
went to get the other some drinks, " Of course. Why else would we work here if we didn't like it."
11 years ago
looks to see if anyone else is around. "Well when I first heard of host club I thought it was something else. Something more.. deviant."
11 years ago
shakes her head as she kept an eye on the time. " Nej, we're a good establishment. I thought that at first too, to be honest."
11 years ago
laughs, it was nice having someone to talk to. "At least I am not only one. I came by to see if it was something naughty. I was surprised to see it was quite normal. I saw sign looking for hosts and here I am."
11 years ago
nods as she gave her a glass of water before sitting down. " Ja I kind of stumbled here by accident and saw the sign too. Its a much different place once you enter."
11 years ago
sits too, the last thing she needs to do is break more glasses. "It is nice place. Pays decent too. Do you have boyfriend here?"
11 years ago
blinks at that, " Nej, I am divorced." She laughs, treating it as if it wasn't very important.
11 years ago
nods. "You could get boyfriend though. Do you like anyone? I can not remember dating policy though. But it is no matter! Do you have crush on anyone? You are too young to turn into old crow."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " I'm too busy with work and taking care of my family to consider one in the first place. Besides I might look in my early twenties but I am thirty now."
11 years ago
shrugs. "That does not make you old lady. And I am not saying get married. You deserve man to make you feel special and treat you because you are treating everyone else."
11 years ago
laughs at that, " Nej, I still think its fine. It's not one of my priorities and when a guy breaks your heart, you generally don't want to get back on the scene until you've healed up."
11 years ago
frowns. "Your husband broke your heart? We should go.. how do you say it.. umm. rough him up? I carry mace in purse."
11 years ago
stares at that other, not sure how to take the latter part. " I think I don't want to get sued and sent to jail." She laughed nervously. " Besides he has a lot of security."
11 years ago
doesn't understand what she means by that. "What is he, mafia?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Just someone from a famous entertainment company."
11 years ago
laughs a bit. "You sure know how to pick them. You sure we can't slash his tires and steal hood ornament and sell it for cash for pedicure?"
11 years ago
scratched her head, " I'll rather not do that even if it sounds appealing."
11 years ago
sighs. "We used to do that where I am from. Boy breaks your heart, you break hood ornament and buy something nice. But I guess it is different here."
11 years ago
nods, " Ja, unfortunately that is the case."
11 years ago
hums. "I think if you found super sexy man that would be best revenge. No ex wants to see you do better than them, even if you are friends."
11 years ago
shakes her head at that, " I'll think about that but I'll avoid any relationships for now."
11 years ago
sighs, getting up to practice again. "You are wasting what youth you have left. Next thing you know poof! You are old woman living in forest with many cats."
11 years ago
blinks at that, " You know that doesn't sound like such a bad idea once my son grows up."
11 years ago
stops dead and stares at her. "You are making joke, da?"
11 years ago
smirks at that, " Perhaps." She teased lightly. " Are you going to keep practising or rest a bit longer for the shift starts?"
Ksenia is
11 years ago
torn between the two options. "Practice, I have flats to change into when shift starts. I do not think I will be needed to help hosts tonight, just serving drinks."
11 years ago
nods, "Alright. I have a pair of flip flops sitting in my locker if you need a pair."
11 years ago
grabs the tray again. "I think flip flop might not be allowed in such establishment as this. But I thank you for offer. My flats have gel insole so feet do not hurt after shift. Oh, what is special tonight?"
11 years ago
shrugs in response, " I doubt anyone is interested in staring at feet in a place like this." She glanced to the menu after. " I believe today we have sweets and drinks _
11 years ago
_from East Europe. Not my best dishes but I try to stay as close as I can."
11 years ago
points to herself. "Far east, like Russia? If it Russian or around there you want I can help you."
11 years ago
smiles and nods, " Ja. I nearly forgot to ask you about some of the recipes too. Just avoid adding copious amounts of vodka even if that makes the food good. We don't want drunk customers and hosts after all."
11 years ago
puts the tray down and slips out of her shoes. "You can measure vodka in recipe if that makes you feel better. Let me change shoes and I will teach you. We will make it best dish."
11 years ago
nods as she started getting to the kitchen, " I'll have it set up for you then."
11 years ago
goes to the back to change her shoes and returns to the kitchen. "We are making sweets, da? What were you thinking?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " Nothing too complicated and taking too long to do the prep for. We also have some more traditional desserts in case they don't want to try it."
11 years ago
washes her hands first before she does anything. "You sure we can not serve Chocolate vodka? It is great shot. IF not I know good candy and cake recipes. What would you like to know?"
11 years ago
nods, " Nothing too heavy. We had a time where some hosts and customers overdid and Trudie wasn't pleased."
11 years ago
starts looking around the kitchen. "We will make gingerbread since it is nearly Christmas time for you all. Pastila too. Ahh I wish we had Churchkhela, that is best sweet. Vatrushka is good, it is plain."
11 years ago
nods, " We should have enough ingredients here. Just name them and I should be able to get it for you."
11 years ago
laughs. "Food is made with same ingredients as yours. I just have to remember English words for them. You know how to make gingerbread, da? Add honey to the recipe to your taste. I will start Pastila."
11 years ago
nods and starts working on that. She figured it was nice to learn something new each day.
11 years ago
starts steaming a bunch of apples on the stove, getting the other needed ingredients out. "I will bake these Pastilla, sometimes you fry them but many people are watching weight. Have you ever tried Russian_
11 years ago
cooking before? My babushka taught me how to cook. It is tradition."
11 years ago
glances over, watching, " Nej, not really. Back then the closest was trying Russian cooking at a restaurant."
11 years ago
checks on the apples. "Most people say 'well I've had pierogi' but that is not Russian, that is Polish. After this you can say you have had proper Russian food. It fills you with warmth!"
11 years ago
chuckles at that, " I think I've heard about that before. Pierogi is Polish, ja?"
11 years ago
nods. "Da, we have pelmeni and vareniki, both dumplings but are different. It is complicated because every region has own tradition. Even Babushkas in same village have different tradition."
11 years ago
chuckles, " Sounds like I should make a visit there with Mathias if I ever have the money."
11 years ago
takes the apples off the stove and pours them into a bowl. "My favourite was taking the train around Russian. Your son might like that, seeing all of Russia in nice warm train." She takes the peels out and_
11 years ago
starts to puree them apples. "Once you get used to train it is easy to sleep."
11 years ago
chuckles, " I see. Mathias loves to explore so he might like that."
11 years ago
adds the spices to the puree and beats the egg whites. "He would love that. I know I used to love train ride. How is gingerbread going? Do you need any help?"
11 years ago
shakes her head as she was putting it together nicely, " It should be okay. I'm quite good with the baking part of things."
11 years ago
mixes everything together while she waits for the oven to preheat. "Where did you learn to bake, from your babushka as well? Or did you take cooking class?"
11 years ago
nods, " A bit of both. I was in Culinary school for quite sometime."
11 years ago
thought she might of, her skills are more refined. "Did you want to open own store?"
11 years ago
nods, " I used to before I was signed up for a singing career by a talent agency,"
11 years ago
gasps, dropping the spoon she was using to pour the mixture. "Are you big super star?"
11 years ago
caught the spoon in time as she laughs, " I used to be. Now how does the rest of this recipe go?" She change the topic as she had finished making the gingerbread.
11 years ago
collects her compsure. "You made sure to add honey, da? Then we bake it." She starts spooning the apple mixture onto a floured pan. "We did you quit being big star?"
11 years ago
nods as she did accordingly, " Just something happened many months ago and well here I am."
11 years ago
puts the tray in the over with a satisfied smile. "I wanted to be super star when I was younger. I lived on farm, so I thought I would get many friend if I was super famous. But that did not happen sadly."
11 years ago
glances over to the other once those preparations were complete. " You're still young, ja? And you could always start out small and end up being scouted. Those talent agents are all over the place."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "After much consideration I do not think I am set out to be star. My mother thinks I could be model but you see how well I am in high heels. I would make fool of myself."
11 years ago
smiles, " It takes practice. Back in the day, I insisted on wearing boots because my home was a country filled with rain, day in and day out."
11 years ago
puts on timer on, just in case. "You are from Denmark, da? I have never been there. I've only been around Russia. Tell me about Denmark."
11 years ago
smiles as she leaned on an empty counter after, " A land with no mountains and it rains almost 24/7. We also love to bike."
11 years ago
can't imagine a place without mountains. "We have many mountains in and around Russia. Not much rain either. But I do enjoy bike, my father had one. Is there no cars at all?"
11 years ago
chuckles, " If you're willing to shell out 200% on car tax then ja I guess."
11 years ago
gasps. "Such high tax! They are very green friendly in Denmark, da?"
11 years ago
smirks and nods at that, " Mhmm. I like biking more but in this city, the roads are long and its better to travel far distances by car."
11 years ago
sighs. "I take public transit. I have no money for car. It is not so bad I gues."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " That's a good way of saving money. I live far so the same can't be applied for me."
11 years ago
checks on the pastillas. "I just dislike bus at night after work. So many drunks. I wish I had nice boyfriend to pick me up or ride bus with me."
11 years ago
chuckles, " That doesn't sound half-bad. I'm sure there are plenty of men looking out for someone special like you."
11 years ago
waves her off. "That does sound nice but I would rather make nice friends first. Besides, he might get jealous if I worked here and I would not quit just for man."
11 years ago
smiles and went to clear the other counter for her. " Smart girl. But this line of work isn't permanent, you know."
11 years ago
nods, putting the bowls and such into the sink. "I know, although I do like it here. I know when I get older I will be replaced with young blood. We Russian women tend to shrink as we get older."
11 years ago
raised a brow as she thought about it, " After 90 or so years. The transformation seems really sudden."
11 years ago
nods. "My babushka looked like me when she was my age. Now she is half my height and seems to be smaller every time I see her. Does that happen with Danish folk?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " Our hair turns brown before turning grey if that's one thing I remember."
11 years ago
touches her own blond hair. "Not sure if my hair will do that too. Babushka had black hair. Ahh, pastillas should be done. Do you want hot honey for them?"
11 years ago
nods as she chuckles, " Ja, that would be nice."
11 years ago
grabs a pot and some honey, add a little water and sugar to it. She takes the tray out to let the pasteries cool. "So what are you doing for holidays?"
11 years ago
blinks, " Spending Christmas with Mathias and my parents."
11 years ago
puts the pot on the stove and lets it warm up. "That sounds very nice. Have you already finished Christmas shopping? It is hard to have children this time of year, you never want to let little ones down."
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Ah nej, not yet. I was planning to do it this weekend."
11 years ago
stirs the honey around. "You better hurry, your Christmas is at end of month, da? The closer it is, the more busy it will be. How is gingerbread coming? I think customers will like holiday treat."
11 years ago
smiles as she double checked it, " I know but I want to make sure Mathias wouldn't be able to find it. He's a clever lille en. The gingerbread should be ready by now."
11 years ago
laughs. "I used to spend days looking for gifts. They were often hidden in barn. Just put it in spot so obvious he would not look there." She pours a bit of honey over the pasteries for a glazed look.
11 years ago
watched as she was listening, " Well I don't have a barn so a Christmas tree should do."
11 years ago
snacks on one of the pastillas, just to check if it was good. "We have tree too. When I was young it was not allowed, Christmas was secret. Spirit of Winter brings presents instead of St. Nicholas."
11 years ago
smiles and nods, trying a small one for herself. " Interesting. At my home, we call Christmas Jul and celebrate it with family."
11 years ago
grins at her. "These are good, da? I think customers will enjoy it. We should all do something small to celebrate our individual Christmas'."
11 years ago
nods again in approval, " I guess but it's up to Trudie on what's going to happen. Can't forget about the lone some customers celebrating Christmas alone."
11 years ago
takes another one, just to be double sure. "Da, we will make sure they have good holiday too."
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